Chapter 725

Rong Yi didn't care that Bodhidharma stepped on his feet, and looked very serious. Seeing Yan Huan's bare feet on the ground, she frowned and wanted to help her back to bed.

"You're still sick, why did you get out of bed barefoot?"

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows, "Sick? Aunt Qing told you?"

Rong Yi helped her back to the bed, and then covered her with a quilt considerately, "Aunt Qing said that you caught a cold last time and didn't feel well, and the wind has been blowing cold for the past two days."

He frowned a little worriedly, sighed, stood up and said quickly, "I have something urgent to go back to deal with, you should take care of your illness, and I'll come to see you after the matter is finished."

Rong Yi pulled Bodhidharma out of the room, and didn't pay attention to see that he was sweating profusely and his ears were red. The two hurried out of Xiayun Tower, Rong Yi rode on the horse led by the servant, and clapped hands at Bodhidharma. "If there is something urgent at home, I will go first."

Bodhidharma absent-mindedly bowed to him, his face was serious, his back was sweating a lot, and now he was a little chilled by the breeze.

He walked in the direction of Wanfo Temple, without chanting sutras with his head bowed all the way. The spring breeze was warm and the air smelled of warm sunshine. He squeezed his palms, and his mind was full of shocking bruises.

She was beaten like that, and she still refused to pick up customers.

It's better to be broken than to be whole. There are many women in the world who are weak, but Yan'er's heart is more stubborn than men.

For the first time in his life, Bodhidharma doubted whether his six sense organs were not clean, whether he still had the seven emotions and six desires.

He actually has feelings for a woman. Apart from his astonishment, he also feels overwhelmed by this inexplicable feeling. He should not like it. To him, it is a scourge.

He is a Buddhist disciple, how can he be emotional?Isn't it a betrayal of the Buddha?Betrayal of years of faith?

The old lady on the bridge cried out in surprise and hurriedly pulled back the rice paper that was spread on the floor, and Bodhidharma, who was in a trance, came back to his senses.

He hurriedly put his hands together and bowed to her, "Sorry! I didn't pay attention to the road! I almost stepped on the donor's paper and ink!"

The old lady smiled and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter."

The bridge railings that have been through the wind and rain reveal the long years, and the traces of dried moss stick to the stone bridge surface. The wind here is relatively strong, and the hem of his clothes flutters when it blows, and the sweat stains on his body are even colder.

Bodhidharma looked down at the words written by the old woman, "Baozhong Bridge."

The word "Bao" was circled, and a few words next to it were crossed out. The old woman's face was tangled and confused. Bodhidharma squatted down and asked curiously.

"The benefactor is naming the bridge?"

The old lady said kindly, "Yes, I was entrusted by someone to give this bridge a new name, but I don't think it's appropriate to do so."

Bodhidharma looked at the three characters, the beautiful female characters, "The word Baozhong is quite appropriate, does the benefactor think it's not good?"

The old lady smiled embarrassedly, "It's a long story, the word Baozhong is an evaluation of that person's life, but I want to name the last bridge he built to commemorate our love."

Bodhidharma smiled slightly, letting go of the depression in his heart for the time being. He thought for a while, "Embracing each other to the end is what lovers yearn for the most. Baozhong Bridge is better changed to Baozhong Bridge. What's your suggestion?"

The smile on the old woman's face froze, she murmured the words "Hold Zhongqiao" and sighed.

Although her eyes are cloudy with age, the nostalgia and longing for memories can be clearly seen.

"Embracing each other to the end is indeed what all lovers yearn for the most..."

 Thank you lookll for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Hold on and take a sip! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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