Chapter 741

Elopement was not only difficult to carry out in ancient times, but also very dangerous.

If they are discovered, one is a woman to be married, and the other is a holy monk who has attained the Tao. Even if they are reviled, why not take them out and soak them both in a pig cage?
Therefore, the plan must be careful, so that the elopement will not be successful, and it will cost your life.

At the beginning of summer, there was no fragrance of flowers in the air, but she seemed to smell the fragrance of spring, and the shallow heat made her heart dry and hot, and her pace quickened.

When Yan Huan returned to the room, Liang Qiuyi was lying on the brocade soft couch reading a book and eating melon seeds, lazily and comfortably.

Seeing Yan Huan coming in, she sat up straight and said excitedly, "How is it? Is he here?"

Yan Huan was at a loss for words with a guilty conscience, and didn't dare to look her in the eye, so she just evaded it vaguely.

If it's true, Liang Qiuyi fell in love with the little Bainen novice Bodhidharma next to the abbot when she was young, and she fell in love with him first.

Even though they had no contact, and their relationship was not deep, Bodhidharma didn't even know her at all, and she only liked her superficially, but in the end it was a liking.

Liang Qiuyi and herself have been good girlfriends for many years, but now they have fallen in love with the same man one after another, it was a deliberate act of fate.

Yan Huan sat on the other side of the soft couch, leaning lazily, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "Qiu Yi, how much do you like that monk?"

Liang Qiuyi raised the notebook in her hand at her, "He is like a character in the notebook, he is handsome and good-looking, and his voice is gentle and refined. I like his appearance, and I also like his calm temperament."

Yan Huan: +1
She caressed the begonia branches embroidered on the brocade on the soft couch, and lowered her eyes lightly, "What if he likes other women?"

Liang Qiuyi raised her eyebrows, "Since he can fall in love with other women, he will definitely fall in love with me too, Yan'er, tell me, is there any more beautiful, interesting and attractive woman than me in Jiangdu?"

Liang Qiuyi gave her a wink and added, "Of course, except you."

Yan Huan:. . .

She sighed inwardly, after thinking about it, she still didn't intend to tell Liang Qiuyi.

Anyway, she was going to elope with Bodhidharma, and she would never come back after leaving Jiangdu, why bother to break Liang Qiuyi's heart again before leaving?
Forget it.

She patted Liang Qiuyi's hand, smiled sincerely and wished, "Qiuyi, you are so kind, you will definitely marry a good man in the future."

Liang Qiuyi stretched her waist while holding the scripture book, yawned indistinctly, "I wish I could do what I want."

Yan Huan ordered the little maid to go to the kitchen to bring some pastries to Liang Qiuyi, she went into the inner study by herself, and opened the topographic map to look at it.

Jiangdu is located on the banks of the river, Chengjiang River passes by, and the shipping industry is developed. After she goes out from Lin's Mansion to meet Bodhidharma, they can go all the way to the nearest riverside ferry to take a boat. High seas to roam freely?

She carefully looked at the markings on the map. The nearest ferry was still some distance away, and it would take about an hour to get there by carriage.

Let Bodhidharma hire the carriage in advance, and there is no need to decide where to go now. In short, we go to the ferry, take the boat to go, and go wherever we want, and plan slowly when we are far away from Jiangdu.

Everything is easy to handle, but it is a little difficult to get out of the Lin Mansion.

The Lin family is a big official family, with a high wall, so don't even think about climbing over the wall. There are guards at the main and side doors day and night, so it is not easy to get past it.

To get out of the Lin Mansion, one has to plan carefully.

 Thank you Zhenxin for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thanks to His Royal Highness, Yalele, for the 10000 book coin award! ! !

  [The little white-faced dream of being taken care of every day, serving tea and water to the bosses and pinching their legs (〃ω〃)]

(End of this chapter)

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