Chapter 747

Bodhidharma's hand holding her was trembling, and there was a dull sound when he hit the heavy stick just now, before he could react, he could only smell the sandalwood fragrance rushing towards his face, and the robe at the back of his waist became cold.

He realized belatedly that the stick just now hit Yan'er who was rushing over!

Master Lin snapped back to Yan Huan, she was sweating coldly from the pain, her whole body was weak, and her internal organs were in excruciating pain, although her consciousness was fuzzy, but she was extremely thankful that Bodhidharma blocked that blow just now.

Master Lin talked about Yan Huan angrily, but also felt that his actions were too rude, afraid that people would say that he treated his daughter harshly, so he could only stare at Lan Chun.

"I'm blind! Don't know how to help?!"

Lan Chun's frightened little heart hadn't recovered yet, she came to support Yan Huan with a pale face, she couldn't walk anymore, Lan Chun and Master Lin half-lifted and half-supported her back to the carriage.

Bodhidharma stood up, his eyes were stained a little red, he didn't know whether it was distressed or angry.

"Since you have made a promise, why don't you keep it? Is this the way Master Lin is an official?"

The crowd was in an uproar!
Master Lin!

"It turned out to be him!"

"Master Lin's daughter, fell in love with the monk?!"

"Didn't Ms. Lin already agree with someone else? Is she eloping with a monk and getting caught?"

"If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, Mr. Lin is not a good person, isn't that what he said?"

Master Lin wanted to hit Bodhidharma a few sticks in the past, but there were more and more people watching and pointing fingers. Even wearing a bamboo hat, it was useless now. He was embarrassed and embarrassing, so he dropped the stick and got into the carriage as if to escape!

Not only did people know that Miss Lin had eloped with the monk, but so many people saw him beating the monk!
Where can he put his face in the future!If the Rong family knew about this, how could Rong Yi marry Lin Xueyan? !
The carriage had gone away, the river was surging, the wind was howling, and the sound of splashing water on the coast was disturbing. The injury on his back was a little swollen and painful. Fortunately, Bodhidharma had a strong physique, and he didn't hurt any muscles or bones, just his flesh.

He walked towards the inn with heavy steps, thinking about Yan Huan's injury, whether it was serious or not.

Master Lin got into the carriage, Yan Huan was lying unconscious in Lan Chun's arms, her face was as pale as paper, the blood hanging from the corner of her lips had dried up, she was lifeless, her breathing fluctuated slightly, almost imperceptible.

The stick was intended to kill the monk with all its strength, but it hit Lin Xueyan on the back.

She has been a pampered young lady since she was a child. If this stick is used, half of her life will be lost if she does not die.

Master Lin looked at her pale face and snorted angrily.

This damned girl has more success than failure!
At that time, it was better not to go to her and let her stay in the brothel in Luohong Town for the rest of her life. As long as she didn't pretend to be the eldest lady of the Lin family, who would care about her?
But now that she's back, she can't be sent away again!
Lin Xueyan's reputation is getting worse and worse. Master Lin is very anxious. He is anxious about his marriage with the Rong family and his face!

Looking at the unconscious Yan Huan at this moment, does he feel distressed at all, he is full of resentment and blame!
When he got out of the carriage, he didn't even look at Yan Huan. Lan Chun couldn't help her alone, and he didn't care about the difference between men and women, so he asked two guards to carry her into the boudoir.

Since she is unwilling to marry Rong Yi, and now her reputation has been ruined, it is better to wait for the emperor to punish her and the Rong family to regret the marriage...

A vicious thought came to his mind.

 Thank you Liluoi for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mengpao for rewarding 1176 book coins~

  Thanks to Yun Huahua [Big Zong Gong] for rewarding 1099 book coins~

  Thank you Tianlan Yunlang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Nan Zhi Xiangnuan for rewarding 99 book coins~

  [Good luck to everyone in April~ Pass the exam!Lots of pocket money!Ranked win win win!The male god fell under everyone's pomegranate skirts and couldn't drag him away! 】

  [Today's update is over~~]

(End of this chapter)

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