Chapter 753

The rain was fierce, torrential like broken beads falling endlessly, the roses that fell on the ground were splashed with dirty muddy water, dilapidated and withered, there was no other sound in the courtyard except the sound of rain and wind.

Quiet amidst the noise.

The rain was so heavy that the blurred vision could not see the road ahead at all.

The bamboo umbrella ribs were broken by the strong wind, and Liang Qiuyi threw away the broken umbrella in her hand. Regardless of the difference between men and women, she dragged Bodhidharma and ran towards Linfu!

She was afraid that she would be late, and she really wouldn't even be able to see her for the last time!

It was windy and windy, the room was dark, Lanchun didn't even light a candle, she was just crying while hugging Yan Huan, the blood on her skirt had dried up and turned dark red, leaning on Lanchun's shoulder, her intermittent breathing seemed to disappear in the next second .

"Girl, he's on his way."

"If you have something to say, can you tell him in person?"

"Wait a little longer, girl, he will definitely come."

Yan Huan could no longer hear what Lanchun said in her ear, she was thinking about the outing in the countryside that day, the tip of her nose seemed to be lingering with the faint fragrance of magnolia, she raised her eyes and looked at Bodhidharma, with a look of ten thousand years.

Although he never raised his eyes to look at her, she was respectful and indifferent, but she felt that his crow-colored eyelashes were beautiful, and the coldness and charm between his brows and eyes like distant mountains and flowing water were charming, and even the fluttering robes made him feel... People can't move their eyes.

The magnolia is beautiful, but the people under the tree are even more beautiful.

She was thinking in a daze, her breathing was so weak that she couldn't feel it, Lanchun was crying silently, not daring to make too much movement, for fear that it would take away her last weak breath.

"Is he here?"

Lan Chun nodded, "Hurry up, hurry up, wait a minute, girl, the road is not easy to walk because of the strong wind and rain outside."

Yan Huan let out a barely audible sigh, and her consciousness fell into a trance again. That day by the river, he blurted out without hesitation, "I like Yan'er."

She had never seen such a tough and solemn Bodhidharma, the determination in his eyes, even if it was just a simple confession, it made her more happy than all kinds of sweet words.

No regrets, I can hear a sentence of liking from him.

The door was pushed open with a "bang", Liang Qiuyi and Bodhidharma were drenched by the heavy rain, and they got wet mud from nowhere, and they were in a panic.

The room was dim and blurry, only the sound of wind and rain beating against the window lattice, and Lan Chun's low sobbing from time to time.

"how is she?"

Lan Chun shook his head, and the tears flowed even more fiercely.

Liang Qiuyi glanced at Damo who was absent-minded, and winked at Lanchun.

Lan Chun lightly supported Yan Huan against the bed rail, wiped away her tears, looked at Yan Huan reluctantly, and then went to the outer room with Liang Qiuyi.

"Is he here?"

Bodhidharma felt a pain in his heart, his body was drenched and cold, he was afraid that he would freeze her if he got close to her, so he just wiped his hands and held her cold hands.

"he came."

The clear and faint voice was like a dream, tinged with heartache. In a trance, Yan Huan's consciousness was pulled back to reality, she opened her eyes with difficulty, and gasped twice in disbelief.

The blurry vision focused, the man's eyebrows and eyes gradually became clear, his usual indifferent expression, now his eyes were scarlet, his brows were knit together, his lips were also pale, and the rain was streaming down his forehead. Although he was embarrassed, Ke Yanhuan felt that it was her The most handsome look I've ever seen.

She smiled, and now her face was so thin that only a pair of eyes remained, "You are finally here, I thought, I can't wait for you."

"Wherever you go, I will go with you. You go first, and I will arrive after you. I will never let you wait for me."

 [Who do you want to see next? 】

  [Kai is still Zhao Yun's royal general, leave a message under this chapter to vote for Mengmeng, good statistics~]


  Thanks to the king's trial for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Nan [big brother] for rewarding 1888 book coins~

  Thanks to His Royal Highness Yalele [Great Attack +1] 42987 Book Coin Award! ! ! (Honey juice number hahahaha)

  【Give supper to the bosses with Bing Kuo Luo, good night~】

  [I'm so embarrassed to write it, it will end tomorrow or the day after tomorrow! 】

(End of this chapter)

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