Chapter 756

Since Lin Xueyan passed away, Bodhidharma has become more and more depressed.

The holy monk who used to be clean and faint suddenly disappeared. He was usually hangover, full of alcohol, obsessed, half drunk and half awake, forgetting everything about chanting scriptures and worshiping Buddha, and even chanting Yan'er's name in his dreams.

Dreaming back at midnight, he stretched out his hand countless times to pull her back, but she never looked back at him while walking on the road to Huangquan.

You say that Buddha will not cross you, but I will cross you.

You say that Buddha does not pity you, but I pity you.

You said you were afraid of going to hell, and I will accompany you.

I am willing to go to hell, just because you are alone in hell.

I am afraid that my love will damage the holy life, and I am afraid that I will fall into the city by mistake when I enter the mountain.

Only then did he realize that the Brahma is not as good as being passionate, and he was afraid that Qingcheng would resent him. He hesitated and finally made up his mind, but he still couldn't keep him.

There is no duality in the world at all.

Do you want Tathagata, or do you want to conquer the city?

He made up his mind to stay with the beautiful woman, but it was too late.

You said that you only let me miss you until the end of spring, but as you said, no matter how hard you give, it is difficult to take back.

He couldn't help loving her.

She died in his arms, and his heart also died together, stopping at the moment when he loved her so much.

Another spring benefit.

The flowers in Luohong Town are still clustered and fragrant. The fresh branches and leaves in the air are mixed with a light fragrance of flowers, intoxicating, and the warm sun is soft, making people feel lazy.

Liang Qiuyi has already agreed to be transferred to Jiangdu's new captain, from the general family, with a bold and informal personality, which matches well with the carefree Liang Qiuyi.

Before she got married, she begged her parents to go to Wanfo Temple to fulfill her wish, but she was actually thinking about Lin Xueyan's last wish.

Although she didn't know why Lin Xueyan had to come to Luohong Town, to find a place on the Baozhong Bridge, and to ask the old woman selling sugar on this bridge what her wish in this life was.

Yan'er didn't say anything, after asking the old woman's wish, would she realize it?

Bodhidharma had been waiting on the Baozhong Bridge for quite a while, and the wind blew his clothes, which lost a bit of inaccessible holiness, and there was an indelible heartache between his brows.

The wind on the Baozhong Bridge was mixed with the faint sweet fragrance of early cherry blossoms. He wondered foolishly, if that time, the cherry blossoms had not been broken by the child, and Lanchun hadn't given the folded pear blossoms to Yan'er, would everything have happened? different?
She will not go to Jiangdu, she will elope with him at that time, now... maybe she is standing beside him, enjoying the splendid scenery of early spring with him.

But the world is impermanent, how can it be predicted in advance.

"Holy Monk."

Not far away, Liang Qiuyi got out of the soft sedan chair, and felt sorry to see Bodhidharma still looking so depressed.

It's really cruel that someone wants to beat the mandarin duck with a stick, even though they have deep affection, and the mandarin duck dies in the end.

Bodhidharma was puzzled, he raised his eyes lazily, but still couldn't understand, "Yan'er really...does she want to ask that old woman's life wish?"

Yan'er has never met the old lady, so how could she care so much about her wishes?

Liang Qiuyi nodded helplessly, she was also puzzled, but this was Yan'er's last wish, no matter what, it would be fulfilled for her.

On the Baozhong Bridge, there is no old lady who sells sugar.

Liang Qiuyi paced anxiously on the bluestone slab, it was already the end of spring, could it be the wrong time?
She was waiting anxiously when Bodhidharma caught a glimpse of an acquaintance at the end of the street.

Is this the old woman? !

How did she sell sugar people? !
 Thank you for the dynamic light wave—biù rewards 100 book coins~

  Thanks to LY. Mo Yang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you ∮ Yumu Zhinian for rewarding 200 book coins~

  【#传加吻梦梦吃夜# Comparing the hearts of the little cuties! ! 】

  Thank you Nan [Big Brother] 50000 Book Coin Award! ! !

  [Hold the boss's leg! ! !I owe the big brother 5 chapters again, the holiday will start tomorrow, at least 8 changes a day, the dream of paying off the debt QAQ]

(End of this chapter)

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