Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 774 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 774 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (16)

Yan Rao was terribly embarrassed.

Xia Qianqian looked obedient and soft, easy to bully, but once her tone cooled down, it was really icy cold.

While she was ashamed, she also felt a little puzzled and surprised.

In the last days, when women are rarer than pandas, she has never received cold eyes from men!
Why did Kai follow Xia Qianqian's words and embarrass her?

It doesn't make sense!What's the fun of a normal man with this bean sprouts?Could it be that because the bean sprouts were nearby, Kai had no choice but to follow her words?

Yan Rao gritted her teeth, pretended not to hear what they said, remained silent and cheekily stayed in the car.

"You're a good driver."

"Hold on, let's go, my brother is so powerful, and my younger sister is definitely not far behind."

"Who did you learn your driving skills from?"

Yan Huan crossed his arms, blinked, "QQ Speed."

Kai frowned in confusion.

Yan Rao stared at Yan Huan with wide eyes like a monster.

QQ? !
That kind of old antique app hundreds of years ago, is it still used by people in this era? !
This Xia Qianqian is really not an ordinary little girl, oh no, she is not a normal little girl at all!

Yan Rao stared at Kai's stern profile, full of nympho, the more she looked at it, the more beautiful she felt.

This is the male god in her heart!
How can a useless man like Fang Xi be considered a man? !

She was immersed in the seduction of her plan and didn't talk anymore. Kai was not a talkative person, Yan Huan leaned on the seat to catch sleep, and Fang Xi dozed off from boredom.

I didn't meet zombies or werewolves again all afternoon, but everyone in the car was still worried and didn't dare to relax at all. As dusk approached, the sky gradually darkened, and Kai stepped on the brakes suddenly.

Yan Huan's little heart skipped a beat, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

The two people in the back seat also sat up straight, their faces full of tension.

Armor is a little hard to say.

How could he have the nerve to say it, he saw... there was a women's lingerie shop on the side of the road?

He was going to find Xia Qianqian... underwear?

"Cough cough."

Kai cleared his throat in embarrassment, "There is a convenience store by the roadside, I'll go see if there is any food left."

Yan Huan unbuckled his seat belt, "I'll go with you!"

Kai pressed her shoulders and got out of the car by himself, "You stay in the car obediently and wait for me to come back."

Although he really wanted to bring Xia Qianqian with him, after all, he had never eaten pork, nor watched pigs run, and he was interested in private things like women's underwear...

He really doesn't understand.

But if there was any danger in the shop, it would not be easy for him to get out with Xia Qianqian.

Armor held the long blade and walked quickly into the convenience store, Yan Huan stared at the movement in the convenience store with worried eyes.

Who knows if there will be zombies hidden in this store?

The light in the convenience store was dim, and Kai's night vision ability was good. He dragged the storage box in the corner, picked some food from the scattered mess on the floor, and threw it into it.

Xia Qianqian is so thin, she needs to eat more food.

He also made a detour to the dairy area and picked out a few bags of milk powder.

Xia Qianqian is malnourished and drinks more milk.

Grabbed several more bags of donuts in the puffed food section.

Xia Qianqian is a little girl, she should like to eat sweets.


Chocolates, lollipops, all kinds of candies, Kai got lost in the sugar area, couldn't control his hands, and filled half a storage box with sugar.

He seemed to have forgotten that the original purpose was to find underwear for Xia Qianqian, and stop by the convenience store to get some compressed food and energy liquid.

 Thank you Yulan Baisen for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Nangong Zhuxue for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Bookworm vs Riceworm for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you Qi Ruoli for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Binghun Xuepo for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you, fortunately, I remember you—Remembering rewards 500 book coins~

  [Show love to the little cuties in the turbulent carriage]

(End of this chapter)

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