Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 776 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 776 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (19)

Yan Huan watched helplessly as Kai, using the long blade as a support, flipped neatly and nimbly into the balcony on the third floor, opened the window and jumped into the room like a sci-fi movie.

After checking that there was no danger, he opened the door to cover the gap, and came down from the safe corridor to meet Yan Huan and the others.

Yan Rao sighed in admiration again.

With the armor around, they really don't have to worry about anything, it's enough for An An to be protected by him.

The light in her eyes deepened again.

A hero deserves a beauty, and a man like Kai should be surrounded by a beautiful woman like her, not that little bean sprout.

In order to keep a low profile and not be noticed, the lights in the room were not turned on, and Kai turned on the small flashlight he was carrying. The small light beam wide enough for a thumb was enough for people to see the layout of the room clearly.

"You two live in the master bedroom on the left, and Qianqian lives in the second bedroom here. I lie on the sofa and watch the night. I can detect any movement."

Yan Rao bit her lip in distress, "How can I do that? You have been driving all day today, how can you rest on the sofa?"

Yan Huan frowned, "Brother, you'd better sleep, let Mengqi keep vigil at night, anyway, it sleeps during the day and is active at night, it has spirituality and is very sensitive, if there is any situation, it will call us."

All three present were skeptical.

A rat... vigil?
Is it useful?
Seeing that everyone didn't believe in its ability, Meng Qi jumped up, flipped 720 degrees in the air and fell freely, split a fork along the way, stood up and punched another set of punches.

It feels very professional to itself, but it seems inexplicably funny to others.

Yan Huan couldn't help but forcefully explain, "Really, it's really powerful!"

Kai shook his head, "It's okay, I can rest on the sofa."

Yan Rao raised her eyebrows meaningfully, Yan Huan could clearly feel that she seemed to be planning something.

No one wants to hug Kai's thick legs.

Who knew that Yan Rao was so disgusting, would he come out at night and use some means to plot against Kai, and then saw two naked people lying on the sofa the next morning...

Then she and Fang Xi looked at each other tearfully, with a piece of blue sky on one head and a piece of grassland on the other.

Yan Huan shook his head, no!

Kai must be allowed to sleep with her!
After all, what she and Yan Rao said was that she was Kai's child bride!

She grabbed Kai's sleeves, her pitiful and fragile eyes made people feel distressed, and her tone was just begging, "Can my brother sleep with me in the second bedroom at night? I will be scared alone at night..."

She knew that as long as she pitifully called Brother Kai, Kai would definitely respond to her requests.

This time too.

Her pitiful appearance, and her weak cry of "brother", successfully aroused the softness in Kai's heart.

He completely forgot that the first time he met Yan Huan, she was a weak little girl who blew the zombie's head off.

If you sleep with her, you can sleep with her. When I was a child, my parents were not at home, and Luna was afraid by herself, so he was the one who slept with Luna.

He pursed his lips and hummed helplessly.

Yan Huan proudly raised an eyebrow at Yan Rao, and happily took out her underwear from the bottom of the storage box to wash.

Wash it and let it dry overnight and wear it tomorrow.

She was short, holding up the clothes pole, and her small arms were trembling. Kai had no choice but to take the clothes pole from her hand, and then help her hang the washed underwear on the clothesline one by one.

"Huh? Underwear?"

Yan Rao, who limped out of the master bedroom, looked at the underwear hanging out in surprise, and smiled embarrassedly at Kai, but it was full of hints.

"It's 36D, which happens to be my underwear size."

 Thanks to His Royal Highness, Yalele [Great Attack +1] 10000 book coin reward! ! !

  【Hold Your Highness in your arms and break the feeling together (〃ω〃)】

  [Tomorrow will be live broadcasting Dad Kai's unique way of delivering candy! 】

(End of this chapter)

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