Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 778 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 778 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (23)

After coming out in the morning, Yan Rao didn't dare to talk to Kai at all.

Yan Huan was also thinking about his own thoughts and was too lazy to speak.

Today's road is very difficult to walk, the bridge on the main road was bombed and collapsed, so Kai had to go around and waste a lot of time.

Gradually leaving the city center to the suburbs, the suburbs are industrial areas, there are not many high-rise buildings, but there are many factories of various types. The air is filled with a strange smell of mixed chemicals. Kai closed the car window.

The chemical factory is the most dangerous here, there are many destructive chemicals, and it is not known whether the zombies will mutate after contact with the chemicals.

Yan Huan was worried, but Yan Rao felt a bit of malicious expectation.

It seemed that Kai really cared about Xia Qianqian.

It is estimated that there is no way to succeed by sneaking in, so I can only follow her previous thinking.

Let Xia Qianqian die "accidentally".

Yan Huan leaned closer to Kai, "Brother, drive faster, it's so quiet here, I'm a little scared."

The way she relied on the armor, Yan Rao looked at her dazzlingly, and her eyes flickered.

"If you speed up, the sound will be louder, won't it be easier to attract those monsters?"

Yan Rao hopes that the car will drive slowly, and then encounter zombies or werewolves. Kai cares so much about Xia Qianqian. If he goes to fight, he will definitely let Xia Qianqian stay in the car. By then...

There were only her and Fang Xi in the car. Didn't she decide whether Xia Qianqian should live or die?
"Slower speed will make the sound quieter, and it should be safer."

Thinking about it carefully, Yan Rao's words made some sense.

Yan Huan pursed his lips and sighed heavily, staring unblinkingly out of the car window, his heart fluttering with anxiety.

Please don't let them encounter those monsters...

As if God heard her prayer, the car drove away from the chemical industry area, Yan Huan finally let go of his heart.

There is a large farmland in front of it, which is empty and vast. The crops are growing randomly, no one takes care of them, and they are all uneven and messy.

There is a small villa in the middle of the farmland, which should be the place where the owner of this large farmland usually lives.

The afterglow of the setting sun was gradually dimming, and it was dangerous to drive in such an open place with the lights on at night, so Kai decided to go to that villa to have a look, and stay here at night if it was safe.

The white-painted courtyard door of the villa was open, and although the door inside was closed, the windows were left open and not closed tightly.

Kai opened the window and scanned the living room on the first floor, telling Yan Huan and the others to stay where they were, while he went to see if there was any danger inside.

Yan Huan stood obediently at the door, while Yan Rao looked at her delicate and lovely profile, feeling more and more jealous in her heart.

This flat body doesn't matter what you want, it's just good looking, but she herself is hundreds of times more beautiful than Xia Qianqian, and she has a good figure, is Kai blind?

It was Xia Qianqian's luck that she didn't encounter any monsters when she passed by the chemical plant.

She wanted to kill Xia Qianqian, and God was against her!
Kai Tan opened the door to let Yan Huan and the others in after checking that there was no danger in the villa. Yan Rao was restless, Fang Xi hugged her and was about to enter the door, but accidentally touched her injured leg, Yan Rao raised her eyebrows and scolded him harshly!
"You don't have eyes! Knowing that my leg is injured, you still hit me?!"

Her shrill voice echoed in the empty farmland, Yan Huan's face darkened.

"What's the noise? He didn't mean it. Are you calling it so big to attract monsters?!"

Yan Rao let out a cold snort, and helped Fang Xi's shoulders into the villa.

It's better if the monster comes, and even better if it kills you!
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  [Feeding a wave of supper (1/1) be careful]

(End of this chapter)

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