Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 785 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 785 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (31)

Go get the car over here!

There is a lighter in the car, as well as gasoline!
The plan is perfect, but I don't know if it will be so perfect when the plan is implemented!
Yan Huan hugged Meng Qi and ran forward desperately, her shield was only for 15 minutes, she had to run to the car within 15 minutes!

She can drive back and take everyone away, and then set a fire in the farmland. No matter how fast the werewolf is, it is impossible to compare with the speed of 120 yards!
The werewolf running behind him was extremely fast, and scratched Yan Huan's back a few times. His back felt cold, and Yan Huan's hair stood on end. He was lucky to have a shield in his heart!
She didn't take the main road, but took a shortcut across the farmland. The wind whizzed past her ears, and the cold sweat on her back wet her shirt, making her feel cool from the wind.

hurry up!run faster!
The shield is only for 15 minutes. When she loses her protection, the werewolf behind will pounce on her and tear her apart in minutes!

The army green car is getting closer and closer, and at this moment it looks like a life-saving artifact like Noah's Ark!

Yan Huan ran out of breath, she didn't know how much time had passed, the intense fear made her head buzz with pain and noise, her hands were shaking so badly that she had to pull the car door several times before she opened it!


Meng Qi felt that her master was exhausted, and Yan Huan's eyes were full of dizzy stars. She covered her heart, frowned in pain, and panted heavily.

Xia Qianqian's body is too weak.

Long-term malnutrition caused her to be extremely poor in physical fitness, and she only ran for less than ten minutes. She was so tired that she seemed to die suddenly on the spot.

The two werewolves who were chasing after him, one was standing on the roof of the car, the other was circling around the car body, rushing up from time to time and scratching the window glass with its claws.

The quality of the window glass of military vehicles is astounding. Even if it is bombed with shells, it is estimated that it will not be broken.

She is going to rest for a while now, she is exhausted, her eyes are blurry, she can't see the road ahead at all.

"Military Vehicle No. 18 of the Astor Division! Please enter your fingerprint!"

Yan Huan shook his hands and entered his fingerprints.

Fortunately, last time Kai also entered her fingerprints just to be on the safe side.

Yan Huan took several deep breaths, even though her face was still pale, she shook her drowsy head, and her chest and lungs were panting with pain.

She climbed from the front seat to the back seat, the small barrel of gasoline was placed under the back seat, Yan Huan fumbled under the back seat, but couldn't find the lighter.

Where's the lighter? !
What's the use of gasoline without a lighter? !
Now even if she drills wood to make fire, there is no wood for her to use!
Yan Huan was so anxious that she was about to burst into tears!
She remembered taking a lighter from the convenience store!
It was obviously put together with the gasoline can and hidden under the back seat of the car, why can't I find it now? !
The more nervous you are, the more blank your brain becomes.

She trembled uncontrollably and covered her head in pain.

Meng Qi pointed at his fingers at the side, and said weakly, "Master, it seems that Yan Rao took the lighter yesterday."

Yan Rao? !
What does she need a lighter for? !

He is really not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs!

Do you take it sooner or later, why did you take it yesterday? !

She gritted her teeth and went to the front seat to start the car before she had time to think about it.

The remaining solar energy in the past few days is enough to support the car to drive through tonight.

I don't know if there are other monsters around, Yan Huan didn't turn on the headlights, and only relied on the shallow moonlight to drive the car in the direction of the villa.

Rescuing Kai is the most important thing now!
I hope Kai can hold on for a while longer!
He's so powerful, he should be fine.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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