Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 789 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 789 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (35)

This neighborhood has been invaded by zombies, the corridors are full of dry dark red blood, there are several dead bodies lying on the ground in the corridors, and scattered limbs and organs.

It has been rotting for a long time, and the stench mixed with the smell of blood is disgusting.

The virus-infected corpses are not even willing to settle down on the flies. The quiet and silent corridors, coupled with the bloody environment, are so eerie and terrifying that people's hairs stand on end.

Kai Ban covered Yan Huan's eyes and led her upstairs.

Room 1424 is relatively the cleanest in the entire community.

There was no dead body, no blood, only a stale musty smell. Yan Huan's already tired legs were weak and his eyes were dizzy. When he saw the bed in the bedroom, he threw himself on the bed and wanted to sleep.

"There is a guest room next to it. You can take a break for a while. We don't plan to hurry today. We will start again tomorrow morning."

Although Kai is indifferent, he still treats Yan Rao and Fang Xi with the kind of politeness that is not disgusting.

Yan Rao sat on the sofa and stared at his figure. He went to the bathroom to wash off the bloody smell on his body. As she expected, he entered the room where Xia Qianqian was sleeping, and by the way...

Close the door.

Her heart was suffocated, she forgot to breathe, and it was Fang Xi who waved her hand in front of her eyes before she came back to her senses.

Kai, I really like that little girl.

She gritted her teeth, the jealousy in her heart was overwhelmed, she stood up angrily, and limped into the guest room.

These two people, she absolutely can't let them be happy together!
What she can't get, no one else can get it!
Even if it is destroyed, no other woman is allowed to get it!
Yan Rao's teeth itch with hatred, Yan Huan is sleeping soundly on the bed.

She was indeed extremely tired, Kai looked at her brows and eyes, the dark circles under her eyes, her thin cheeks seemed to have lost some flesh.

Compassion flooded in his heart, and he deliberately slowed down the movement of lying on the bed, for fear of waking up Yan Huan who was sleeping soundly.

It is undeniable that he does like Xia Qianqian.

He realizes that this is not his affection for Luna, but a real love.

Kai's emotions were very complicated.

He likes Xia Qianqian, and Xia Qianqian also likes him, and the two love each other, which makes him happy and satisfied, but on the other hand, he spurns himself, and even has feelings for a little girl who looks only thirteen or fourteen years old .

Pedophile?Not as good as animals?

Kai blushed in embarrassment for a moment.

But Xia Qianqian just looks like a little girl. In the face of difficulties and dangers, she is calm, quick and decisive, not at all like a timid little girl.

What he likes is her character, not... her appearance.

Kai comforted himself in his heart, he did not have a child lover, what he liked was Xia Qianqian who was mature in character.

[Strategy character favorability +80, current total favorability: 80]

The system probably forgot that Yan Huan was still sleeping, and the slightly excited mechanical sound alerted Yan Huan from her dream. She opened her eyes suddenly, startling Kai who was staring at her!
A little guilty, he realized his feelings for Xia Qianqian, and now he didn't know how to face her at all.

"Brother you..."

Yan Huan blinked a few times bewilderedly.

Did she hear correctly?Was it the system prompt tone just now? !
The system prompts, Kai's favorability for her has increased? !Or 80? !
He finally realized that he liked her like a man loves a woman? !

Yan Huan pinched himself.

In her lifetime...she couldn't be dreaming, could she? !

 good night

  [Going home to apply for a passport, I have been a little busy driving in the past two days QAQ]

(End of this chapter)

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