Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 793 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 793 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (40)

"Meng Qi smashed the werewolf's eyes with glass shards!"

Although the werewolves were nimble, Kemengqi rolled around in the werewolf pile because of his small stature, holding glass shards with his furry claws, and smashed the werewolf's eyes with precision every time!

The armor cooperates with it, and at the moment the werewolves close their eyes and dodge, stab their eyes with the tip of the long blade!

Although Meng Qi is fat, he is also a flexible little chubby mouse.

The picture was too bloody, and Yan Huan didn't dare to look carefully. The werewolves who were blinded were like headless chickens. They only relied on their ears to hear the sound to identify their positions. However, the three of them were in three different positions, and Meng Qi would throw glass shards from time to time. Make a noise and make the werewolves dizzy.

Kai turned his head and looked towards the door, Yan Huan nodded knowingly.

She quietly moved to the door and held the doorknob, Kai and Meng Qi also approached slowly.


Yan Huan pulled the doorknob and quickly dodged out, followed by Meng Qi and Kai, she slammed the door hard, grabbed Kai's arm and ran towards the elevator entrance!
The fourth floor is not high, and the elevator comes up quickly.

If it weren't for the fear that there would be werewolves in the corridor, it wouldn't be so troublesome to take the elevator.

"come on in!"

Meng Qi finally rolled into the elevator, and Yan Huan pressed the basement floor with trembling hands. The moment the elevator door closed, a werewolf stretched his hand in!
A foreign object was caught, and the elevator door was slowly opening, Yan Huan's little heart trembled.

If you open this, you can't finish playing!

Without changing his face or beating his heart, the armor cut off its hand with the long blade neatly, and by the way...covered Yan Huan's eyes.

Blood gushes out!

The hand that fell on the ground finally trembled a few times weakly, Meng Qi froze in fright, stood on tiptoe, and the whole mouse pressed against the elevator wall, staring at Kai in dumbfounded!
Simple, brutal, and scary...

Both are heroes of the canyon, why is the gap so big...


The entire neighborhood reverberated with the roars of werewolves, making people creepy, vaguely...a bad feeling.

Howling wolves are often to call companions.

If there is another batch of werewolves, it is estimated that they will be wiped out today.

It's better to drive away from here as soon as possible, and wait until you go to the port, where there are troops stationed for protection, and you will be safe.

The elevator door took them to the basement floor, where there was an empty parking lot with a long, stagnant and stuffy smell, only their military vehicle.

Yan Rao and Fang Xi were sitting in the car. Their fingerprints were not recorded in the car, so they couldn't start.

Seeing Kai approaching at this time, it seemed as if he saw a savior, but the next moment, the expression of surprise turned into panic!

Because there were five other werewolves running down the corridor.

How did you run down the corridor so quickly when you were blind!Besides, is their sense of smell so sensitive?Can you smell human beings from such a distance?
They lay prone on the ground, their blind eyes were still dripping blood, they couldn't see the people in front of them clearly, but the sound of grinding their teeth was full of resentment towards them.

Yan Huan was so frightened that he stood there and didn't dare to move. He even breathed lightly, for fear that they would hear the movement!

Kai squeezed her hand lightly, motioning her to go to the car.

The werewolves only roared one after another, and the whining sound was half hurt, half resentful and angry, and everyone's scalp went numb when they heard it.

At the entrance of the dim parking lot, a few new werewolves gathered, with dark green eyes and a low panting voice, Yan Huan's head hurt even more.

(End of this chapter)

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