Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 801 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 801 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (48)

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]

Kai raised his hand to caress Yan Huan's cheek, the calluses on her face were itchy, his pupils were mixed with reluctance and fear.

"But if I become a werewolf, I will forget you and hurt you..."

Yan Huan clasped the back of his hand, and rubbed his palm obediently, "No, with me here, I will not turn you into a werewolf. You have always protected me, and this time I want to protect you."

She put her arms around Kai's waist, and coaxed him to comfort him with the utmost tenderness, "My brother owes me a favor, I will always remember it, and my brother will pay it back when I grow up."

Xia Qianqian was the warm sun in his life, the life-saving rope that he stretched out when he was about to fall into the dark abyss.

Ke Kai was still worried.

"Let's go to the port overnight, I want to send you back to the shelter as soon as possible..."

He was really afraid that he would become an irrational werewolf and hurt Xia Qianqian.

"No, those werewolves don't know whether to go or not. It's dangerous for us to go out now. You go back to the bedroom and lie down. I'll look for bandages and tie up the wound first to slow down the spread of the virus."

She helped the armor into the bedroom and lay down. She peeled off the armor and unbuttoned the shirt. The blood was stained with a fishy smell in the three dark scratches. In the surrounding blood vessels, the flow of dark black was very obvious, and it had reached the shoulders. place.

Emotional agitation will cause the virus to spread faster. Now Kai needs to rest and have a good rest. Don't make him emotional again.

She seemed to have seen the medicine box when she was looking for food, but she didn't pay attention to it at the time, and now she forgot where it was put.

The bandage can only temporarily strangle the wound to slow down the spread of the virus, but it is not of much practical use.

"System, is there any way to save Kai's virus?"

[Player, aren't you equipped with a witch's cloak? 】

"Yeah, but isn't the witch's cloak only protecting me from viruses? Could it also protect raiders?"

【. . . 】

The system froze.

[This question is suspected of being a spoiler, the system cannot answer the player's question]

Yan Huan:? ? ?

"But you just answered it, why can't this work?"

[The system didn't realize this was a spoiler just now]

Yan Huan:. . .

With such a system, what else can she say?
"Can I buy your answer with diamonds?"

[The system does not accept spoilers]

"Then do you have any medicine to cure the virus? Can't I use diamonds to buy props?"

【The system does not sell drugs】

Yan Huan:. . .

"Don't be so harsh, this is not a spoiler..."

She also planned to make love with the system, and to understand it, Meng Qi quickly ran into the storage room, chirping and chirping non-stop!
Yan Huan stood up quickly, her heart was beating wildly, and she looked nervous, "What's going on? There are werewolves?!"

Meng Qi shook his head, pulled Yan Huan's trousers and pulled her to the living room, pointed to the room where Kai was sleeping, it was covered in fried hair, tremblingly hugged the fat self, its dark round eyes were full of fear.

Yan Huan's heart sank, and his expression became even more nervous.

Normally, Meng Qi would not have such a reaction to Kai, nor would he be so afraid.

It will only be afraid when it encounters a beast that is more powerful than it, such as a werewolf.


The virus just reached her shoulder, and it took so long for her to find a bandage, the virus has already spread to the point of no cure? !
Uneasy and a little scared, she approached his room lightly, and slowly pushed open the half-closed door.

 Thank you if time is not enough for you to reward 588 book coins~

  [Thank you for the little cuties who subscribed and rewarded today! !You guys love you so much! ! ! 】

  【Nine chapters have been updated today! ! !The agreed Wan Geng still has one chapter to make up QAQ tomorrow]

  [In order to make up for it, I will release Kai's father's flesh in the V group tomorrow hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha]

(End of this chapter)

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