Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 914 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 914 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (3)

The knights in front lit the torches, and everyone walked cautiously in the dense forest, only the sound of the flames burning and the panting of the men could be heard in silence.

After walking for a short distance, she was already sweating profusely. The airtight smock was wrapped around her body, and her waist was tightly constricted. She was so stuffy that she seemed to be about to suffocate in a second.

The pouring rain fell unexpectedly, with the sound of pattering rain, the screeching sound of torches being extinguished, and the surroundings fell into vague darkness again.

Yan Huan raised his hand to cover his head, but was suddenly pulled into his arms by Baili Shouyue. He took off his cloak and raised it to cover Yan Huan's head.

The dark armor on his body was cold, one arm wrapped around her shoulders, and he leaned over to protect her posture. The strong smell of male hormones made her girlish heart tremble slightly.

When Yan Huan raised her head, she saw his demonic eyes, which seemed to have a magical power, she stared at him in a daze, forgetting to react.

His facial features are handsome and exquisite, probably because of his pupils, but also tainted with some evil spirits.

"Offend the princess, and the subordinates are willing to be punished after returning to the palace."

His voice was a little apologetic, and the hand holding her shoulders loosened a little, but the temperature in his palm still made her skin crawl.


The voice she spoke was slightly delicate, Yan Huan pursed her lips, and didn't speak any more.

"Ex, Shield!"

A person in front quickly brought over a shield, and Baili Shouyue used the cloak to shield her from the wind and rain behind her with one hand, and raised the shield with the other to shield her from the heavy rain above her head.

The sound of the raindrops hitting the metal was clear and sweet, and it sounded like a melody. Baili kept her promise as she walked in the forest, and being held in his arms gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

I don't know how big this dense forest is, the trees in front are getting denser and denser, the trunks are black, different from the green leaves of ordinary trees, the branches and leaves of these trees are clearly vibrant, but they are all dry and dull.

A black-feathered bird stood on a branch. It looked at the people under its feet, and squeaked a few times. The hoarse sound was like fingernails scraping sand on the bark. It flapped its wings and flew up. , not afraid of the heavy rain at all, broke through the branches and leaves of the tree and flew out, screaming incessantly.

The long and strange cry made people feel intimidated, Baili Shouyue frowned, and his voice was somewhat vigilant, "Defense formation, protect the princess in the middle!"

Everyone in front retreated in unison, forming a defensive circle, protecting Yan Huan in the middle.

Yan Huan whispered, "This forest is so strange..."

In the world information given to her by the system, there was no introduction about this dense forest.

"This is the forest of death. You can only go in, you can't go back. Since ancient times, many people have died in this forest. There are no animals here, not even insects, only the black birds you just saw."

Shouyue looked in the direction where the bird left, with a serious and tense expression, "It is said that as long as it crows, people will die."

A gust of wind hit from behind, she only felt the cold rising from the back of her feet, all the way to the back of her head.

So... are you going to die?

Did the bird fly out to call some beast over?
Yan Huan thought about it for a second, and looked at Shou Yue in bewilderment.

"Since we know that this is the forest of death, why do we have to go from here?"

Keeping the promise, he pursed his lips, "After coming in, I didn't know until I saw the stele in the middle of the forest that this is the forest of death."

(End of this chapter)

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