Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 920 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 920 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (9)

【Add more for Su Qi~】

"My baby girl!"

The queen rushed forward and gave Yan Huan a big hug, almost throwing Yan Huan to the ground.

Her pupils are as blue and clear as the sea, her skin is fair and wrinkle-free, and her smile is glamorous and charming, so good-looking that people can't take their eyes off it.

If it wasn't for Jiang Xiancheng's memory information that she was his own mother, Yan Huan would really wonder if this is the stepmother the king married her.

The queen looks at most in her twenties, and it is impossible to tell that she gave birth to a 16-year-old daughter, who is growing against her age!
"Have you ever been wronged in Nata? Can they treat you politely? How are you and White? Do you like him? Does he like you?"

The queen did not pause when she asked the question, Yan Huan was taken aback by the question.


She opened her mouth and her stomach grumbled.

The stomach answered first.

The queen smiled, "The food in Nata Kingdom is terrible, you didn't eat it on the road, okay, I know you're coming back today, the kitchen made your favorite roast suckling pig!"

Yan Huan's stomach growled again.

The castle is resplendent and resplendent, with ancient murals on the top, golden paint on the spiral staircase, intricate ancient patterns carved on the winding railings, and the light refracted by the gorgeous crystal ceiling is eye-catching. Yan Huan pursed his lips. .

High-end atmosphere on the grade, low-key luxury with connotation.

It perfectly shows the exquisite life of the top people in society, as well as the rich and decadent atmosphere of capitalist luxury...

Oh, God!Just let me be a corrupt little princess in peace!
Yan Huan clasped his hands together, and made a wish to the solemn cross directly in front of him.

The long table was full of dishes, her favorite roast suckling pig was cut into small pieces and placed in front of her, the candles flickered in the gorgeous candlesticks, and the red wine in the crystal goblet was clear and attractive.

Yan Huan's stomach growled in protest, but he still had to wait for his father to finish the discussion to have dinner together.

This is the rule of a society where men are superior to women. Even if you are a queen or a princess, the king is thousands of times more noble than you.

The queen winked at her and said softly, "Eat a little quietly, no one will know."

Yan Huan nodded, grabbed two pieces of meat and stuffed them into his mouth, the queen was dumbfounded.

"Baby, what's going on with you here?"

The queen pointed to her collarbone, and looked at Yan Huan worriedly.

Yan Huan lifted up his collar, faltering.

This kind of thing...can let them know?

The situation is tense now, and I don't know if this monster dragon has anything to do with the evil dragon along the coast. If her father knows that she is being targeted by the monster dragon, her father will throw her out directly!
While chewing the meat, Yan Huan smiled vaguely, "I accidentally got burned by the fire, it's fine, it's fine."

"I'll ask the maid to bring you a bottle of scalding medicine. It won't be good if you leave a scar."

She nodded perfunctorily and pulled up her collar a little more, still feeling uneasy.

No, she can't stay here any longer.

Having dinner with the royal father, if he sees the mark, he is not as easy to fool as the queen mother, and it will be troublesome when he finds out.

Yan Huan put down the knife and fork, and quickly stood up, "I...I'm suddenly sleepy, I'll go back to my room to sleep, and I'll ask the maid to bring the food to my room..."

She walked quickly to the queen, smiling cutely, and kissed the queen's cheeks, "Good night, mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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