Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 933 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 933 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (23)

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The queen's long conversation did not convince Yan Huan, although she did promise the queen that she would not investigate this matter again, but in her heart, she insisted.

She knew very well that the man pinched her neck tightly at that time, the fearful and painful suffocation felt chills down her spine when she thought about it now.

If she had this kind of pain in her consciousness, she would never strangle herself to death out of instinct.

Besides, she had a vivid memory of hitting the man in the head with a dessert plate off the bedside table.

She remembers it very clearly, and there is absolutely no possibility of making a mistake.

Even if there was something wrong with the incense, it was only drugged. Even if it was a hallucination, it was impossible for her to strangle herself to death.

Yan Huan lowered his head and sighed softly.

She felt that everything the queen said tonight was aimed at eliciting the last few paragraphs.

She said it would be bad for your reputation to spread the word.

People don't care if you are drugged or not, they only care about the main point, which is that you almost strangled yourself.

You are going to marry the prince of the Nata country. If it gets out, think about it. You almost strangled yourself. Would it be possible to strangle your husband and children in the future?

Regarding this, Yan Huan just wanted to say that in this era, people who eat melons have so many associations.

The queen was so worried about her and trembling. She was not only moved, but also a little sad.

In this era, women have no status. They try their best to make their reputation better, just so that the man they marry in the future can treat them better.

Yan Huan walked back sullenly.

The nightingale was singing on the branch, her voice was melodious, she couldn't appreciate the beauty of the song, and she was very upset at the moment.

The minaret and small building in front stood in the darkness, like a long-lasting cage, trying to imprison her body, as well as her mind and soul.

Shou Yue had already stood by the window and seemed to have been waiting for her for a long time, Yan Huan glanced at him, lowered his head and felt inexplicably aggrieved.

Seeing that she had a bad complexion, he wanted to ask her where she had been and who she had met just now. He wanted to ask, but he was not qualified to ask.

Yan Huan stopped in front of him, sighed heavily, with a gloomy expression on his face, "Baili kept his promise, let's not investigate the matter of catching the murderer."

Shou Yue was surprised.

Yan Huan told Shou Yue everything the queen told her, and finally smiled wryly, "Do you think that was my hallucination?"

Shouyue pursed his lips, his lips were cold, just like the indifference he always showed.

"No matter how powerful the hallucinogenic drugs are, they will not strangle themselves to death consciously."

Yan Huan leaned against the wall, his eyes wandering, and his heart was empty. The huge and towering castle behind him looked like a monster that would devour her at any moment.

"My mother said that, she probably just wanted to persuade me not to investigate. If it will not be good for my reputation, and the prince of Nata will not want me. If the two countries fail to marry, the father will be unhappy. .”

She drooped her little head, and said in a miserable voice, her curled long eyelashes were stained with a lonely, listless look, which made the promise-keeping heart feel bored.

He almost forgot that the princess and Prince Nata had a marriage contract.

The little throbbing in his heart for the princess was slowly suppressed by him.

He seems to have a little crush on the princess.

(End of this chapter)

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