Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 938 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 938 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (28)

[For Muxi. Add more~]

Is this dragon so good?Just cast a spell on her?

Yan Huan glanced at him suspiciously, with 1 disbeliefs in his heart.

The man raised his hand and tapped her forehead lightly, not hard, more like pampering.

"It should be a look of gratitude, not this suspicious look."

Yan Huan reluctantly opened the mouth, regardless of whether he is true or false, since he said to give her magic, thank him first now.

"Thank you."

There was no expression of gratitude on her face, and her tone was even more perfunctory.

Interest flashed in the man's eyes, and he smiled meaningfully.

"I'll marry you when I'm done with the Dragon Clan."

Yan Huan pursed her lips, her expression was indescribable.

The body given to her by the system is really a sweet potato.

I want to marry her this way, and I want to marry her that way. Could it be that this little princess's physique exudes the charm that attracts all males in the world?

She smiled stiffly, "Don't be so anxious, I'm still young."

The man approached the window, and his body gradually became transparent.

Before he left, he couldn't help but reminded, "If you really can't handle it, go to the nearest seaside, call my name to the sea, and someone will bring you to me."

He took a deep look at Yan Huan, and jumped out of the window invisibly.

Yan Huan stared blankly at the wide open window, and later realized that she had met this man several times, but she didn't even know his name.

So... If she went to the beach, what would she call?

No, she won't go to the beach at all, Baili Shouyue is there, even if she is in danger, there is Shouyue to protect her.

and many more……

seaside? !
Didn't the legend say that the evil dragons lived on islands in the sea? !
Besides, traces of evil dragons have been found in the coastal areas recently, so that evil dragon, and the strange dragon that was eyeing her, may be...the same, and they are not related at all?
Yan Huan couldn't believe it.

But this strange dragon is not so vicious and cruel. It is different from the evil dragon that kills people like hemp and everyone shouts and beats them.

Yan Huan sighed heavily.

If it was the dragon, then she would be finished.

The evil dragon clan was the most powerful wizard in the ancient century, so they barely sealed them. In this era, there is no such powerful wizard at all.

No wonder, this strange dragon sneers at all humans and doesn't take them seriously at all.

Their evil dragon clan is the king who can slaughter wantonly and control everything!

His body was infused with his magic, and the temperature of his whole body seemed to rise a bit. The summer was already hot, but the cool breeze at night could not dissipate the heat of the day, and now his whole body was a little hotter.

Yan Huan picked up the kettle on the table and gulped down half of the pot of cold water.

Magic, but the man didn't tell her how to use magic.

Is there a spell, or is it controlled by consciousness?
Yan Huan stared at the water bottle in a daze, then suddenly pointed to the water bottle and said, "Blame energy! Become a pig!"

It was quiet all around, and the kettle was still placed on the table, as if mocking her mental retardation.

Yan Huan:. . .

Well, the monster dragon has said that this magic can protect her when she is in danger, but now that she is not in danger, it is normal that it cannot work.

The maid knocked on the door and came in with supper.

The freshly fried pork chops sizzled and exuded a tempting aroma. Before Yan Huan picked up the knife and fork, he was enjoying the delicious food when someone knocked on the window suddenly.

Come again?

She frowned displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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