Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 940 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 940 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (30)

[Add more for Yan Wan~]

She searched carefully for information about this maid again in her mind, but there was nothing.

She shook her head, "I don't know."

Shouyue picked up the note on the ground and showed it to her. There was only one sentence written on the note.

"I was jealous of the princess, so I wanted to kill her. I knew I was wrong, and now I pay for it with my own life."

Yan Huan frowned puzzled.

So, she is the murderer who tried to strangle her last time?

But there is no evidence that she is the murderer, why did she commit suicide?
Or did she realize her conscience and felt that what she did before was really wrong, so she wanted to die to repent?

How is it possible, who doesn't want to live a good life, since there is no evidence to sentence her to death, she committed suicide suddenly, isn't her head broken!

Yan Huan looked at Shou Yue, who had the same expression on her face.

Such an obvious and clumsy way of assigning blame, this murderer is really too stupid.

Although the method of framing is stupid, there is no evidence to prove it. They really have no evidence to prove that the dead maid was framed and she was not the murderer at all.

Either the murderer set the blame, or someone didn't want her to investigate further, so she was given a result directly.

I don't want her to check...

In Yan Huan's mind, the appearance of the queen talking to her that day suddenly appeared.

At that time, her eyes were very firm, she just didn't want Yan Huan and Baili to keep their promise to investigate this matter again.

Yan Huan couldn't accept it.

Would such a gentle queen kill someone?

Her heart felt heavy, and she felt a little suspicious of the world.

Now that the murderer has confessed and committed suicide, there is no reason for them to investigate further.

Although everyone believed that the dead maid was not the real murderer, but there was no evidence to prove it, so the matter was nothing.

Life seems to be so peaceful.

The real murderer has not succeeded since the last time, and has not appeared again. It may be because Baili keeps her promise to sleep with her every night, and the murderer will never find a chance to strike again.

The news from Nata Kingdom finally set the wedding date for Yan Huan and Prince Nata.

It is said that once the summer is over, the wedding between her and Prince Nata will be held in early autumn.

Her father and mother's hanging heart finally let go.

They were afraid that the prince of Nata would not want her daughter. Their calculations were very careful. Although she is married to the prince now, there is only one capable prince in Nata. In the future, this prince will definitely sit on the throne. throne.

When the prince takes the position of the king of Nata, then their daughter will be the queen.

After all, the queen is from the country of Islan, and no matter what happens in the future, she will try her best to help the country of Islan.

The maid who sent her the message chattered happily, they were all happy that Yan Huan was able to marry Prince Nata!
Yan Huan listened expressionlessly, fiddled with the cake in front of him, his face was very pale.

In other words, she can only stay for one summer in Islan Country.

If Shou Yue could fall in love with her thoroughly this summer, they could elope together.

She doesn't care about fame, she doesn't care about her princess status, she just wants to marry someone she likes.

The summer sun is bright and hot.

She sat in front of the window and looked at the forest in the distance with her chin resting. The tall trees were lush and full of vitality, and the fragrance of roses was blown by the wind, full of the smell of summer.

There are enough worries.

After the wedding date was set, the queen chose a few styles of wedding dresses for her. The artist painted them beautifully, and each one was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

The queen asked her to choose one of these styles, and Yan Huan sat on the swing in the backyard with the drawing paper, staring at the wild flowers emerging from the bushes in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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