Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 942 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 942 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (32)

[Add more for Yan Wan~]

Yan Huan raised his hand, and slapped himself on the forehead with a "slap", a red mark instantly appeared on his smooth and fair forehead.

Shou Yue didn't respond, "What are you doing?"

Yan Huan asked him solemnly, "Did you just nod?"

Shou Yue's ears were a little red, he turned his eyes away, and hummed lightly.

[Strategy character favorability +20, current total favorability: 60]

It turned out that it wasn't her dizziness!
It's hard for Yan Huan to describe the feeling in his heart right now, as if... roses are blooming all over.

"Then how about we..."

She hadn't finished her sentence when she was interrupted by keeping the promise, and there were emotions she didn't understand flowing in her bewitching pupils.

"Princess, you are already engaged."

His voice was low and flat, as if it was just a reminder.

She knows that she has a marriage contract, and she also knows that in autumn, she will marry someone else.

But she doesn't like the prince of Nata, Yan Huan really wants to say, I like you.

But she didn't say it.

So what?
With Baili's character of keeping promises, he will not abandon etiquette, break the world, and elope with her.

The quiet atmosphere was particularly embarrassing.

The swing swayed slowly, and Yan Huan's heart also swayed slowly.

She picked up the blueprint in her hand, handed it to Baili Shouyue, and said sullenly, "Which one of these wedding dresses do you think looks better?"

Baili Shouyan glanced around.

The designs of several wedding dresses are gorgeous and delicate, with long mermaid skirts, coupled with her eyes and sea blue hair, she must look like a mermaid in the sea.

His long eyelashes concealed the emotions in his eyes, and his words were light, "Whichever princess likes, you can choose whichever one."

Yan Huan stared at him with burning eyes, and said with a rare force, "I will wear whatever you like."

She looked like she was going to marry not the prince of Nata, but him.

[Strategy character favorability +10, current total favorability: 70]

He coughed lightly, his deep eyes were filled with emotion, and he said lightly, "This subordinate is going back first."

Yan Huan grabbed the blueprints and jumped off the swing, lifted the hem of his skirt to follow him, kept the promise and walked ahead, his long legs took big strides, compared to Yan Huan's two short legs, he had to trot to keep up with him pace of.

The small high heel stepped on the ground with a clear and crisp sound, as if stepping on Baili's promise-keeping heart.

He was about to go back to the room, Yan Huan followed him closely, and grabbed his door frame, showing no intention of leaving at all.

"Princess, I have to be on duty at night, I want to rest for a while, please go back first."

Yan Huan lay on his door frame.Shui Ling's eyes stared straight at him.

"You have seen my room, why can't I see yours? Last time I came to bring you breakfast, I didn't even go in and sit for a while, and you even made my nose bleed."

When mentioning what happened last time, Shou Yan's face was a little embarrassed.

"Men's room, it's not good for you to come in."

Yan Huan held onto his door frame tightly, afraid that if she let go, he would close the door tightly.

"It's just the two of us here. When I enter your room, God knows, you know and I know. If you and I don't say anything, who knows?"

She clung to the door frame and did not let go, smiling and winking at Shouyue, as if there was an ambiguous hint.

Baili Shouyue frowned lightly, Yan Huan liked to see his helpless and unable to do anything to her expression.

(End of this chapter)

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