Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 945 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 945 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (35)

[Add more for Yan Wan~]

While the relationship is heating up, it looks good on the surface, but both of them know that they have depression in their hearts.

One is a princess and the other is a knight.

What reason do they have to break through the secular confinement together?

Roses bloom during the day, but their love can only be hidden at night.

Only at night, Shouyue stood by her window to keep vigil for her.There is no one around, only the faint moonlight, the cool night wind, and the fragrance of leaves.

Only at this time, he can secretly look at the sleeping person on the bed from the window.

Only at this time did Shou promise feel that the little princess belonged to him alone.

He knew that the princess liked him too, but this is how the world is, the entangled iron cage is hard to break apart and twists constantly.

She is a princess and has a marriage contract. She must follow the track set by the king and queen, and live the life she was originally set for.

If she was with him, not to mention hiding from the king's pursuit, she would be criticized and treated with cold eyes.

That was what he didn't want to see, and he didn't want his beloved little princess to suffer so much grievance just because she was with him.

Likes cannot be said.

Baili Shouyue felt that his liking for her could only be hidden in his sneaky glances at her every time.

Depressed liking is like a rose flower that grows vigorously in summer, with the fragrance of first love. He wanted to suppress it, but he couldn't suppress it. In the end, he had to hide it, hiding it in an invisible corner of his heart.

Liking this emotion is the only thing he wants to control so far, but he can't control it.

Summer flies by quickly.

He leaned on the window frame and looked at the crescent moon, thinking that he would just do this and wait for the summer to pass. Will his favorite little princess marry someone else in autumn?

The night is as cool as water, and the person on the bed sleeps soundly, with a sigh, lightly blowing away with the wind.


The wedding dress styles given by the queen, Yan Huan has yet to choose which one she likes.

Instead of marrying a man she likes, she won't be happy in anything she wears.

The roses of Xiafen bloomed and withered, and after they withered, new buds bloomed again. The tranquil and delicate fragrance of roses lingered, which was the memory of summer.

The servants in the castle have already started to prepare for her wedding in advance. The dowry items, wedding dress and headgear, and the distribution of maids are all decided by the queen herself, and it is bound to be foolproof without any mistakes or omissions.

Everyone is busy, only Yan Huan is the most idle one.

The sunset glow in the evening was smeared on the horizon like an oil painting from the ancient century, gorgeous and complicated, the clouds were torn into different shapes by the wind, Yan Huan sat on the swing, staring blankly at the ever-changing clouds in the sky.

Before I knew it, I watched it for another half an hour today.

She felt that if she continued to live like this, she would not be far from dementia.


The middle-aged maid beside the queen ran over and saluted respectfully.

"The pattern painter for the tiara has already drawn it, and the queen asked the princess to choose it herself."

Yan Huan shook his head, still staring at the clouds, his eyes were dull, not interested, "Forget it, whatever you want, you decide."


The maid looked troubled.

"I haven't even chosen the wedding dress for the princess. If I don't choose the headgear again, I'm afraid the queen will be unhappy."

The maid's tone was somewhat persuasive, Yan Huan gave her a helpless look, sighed heavily, and stood up from the swing.

"Okay, I'll go with you to choose."

(End of this chapter)

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