Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 955 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 955 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (45)

[Add more for Yan Wan~]

There was a thunderbolt in his head, and it was still buzzing at this moment.

She always thought that woman was the queen's illegitimate daughter, but she didn't expect that she didn't even count as an illegitimate daughter. She was a child brought back directly by the queen from the people, and had no blood relationship with the king or queen? !

What kind of reversal is this? She couldn't accept it for a while.

"So she hates you very much. She thinks that you took everything from her. I thought that time would smooth out the hatred in her heart, but I didn't expect that the hatred in her heart would intensify, and finally wanted to kill you!"

Yan Huan was still immersed in the huge reversal and couldn't extricate himself, the queen's eyes suddenly became sharp, and for the first time, murderous intent appeared on her exquisite and beautiful face.

That's right, she did take everything from that woman.

No wonder she asked who the woman was, and the woman said, "I am you."

It turned out that she was the real Jiang Xiancheng, and she was a fake!

The real princess hides in the dark corners of the ground and earns a meager living, but she, the fake princess, lives a glamorous life, enjoying everyone's pursuit and favor, and no one can accept it.

It's normal for her to hate herself.

It is conceivable how much pain and torture she has endured in her heart after living secretly in the dark for so many years.

Physical defects have made her very inferior, unable to recognize her father, and her mother has no good looks towards her. She is timid and timid, only daring to come out in the dark to feel the moonlight.

It's hard to imagine how she survived all these years.

Yan Huan suddenly felt sympathy for her.

The queen stood up from the sofa and said calmly, "Where is she now? Can you take me to see her?"

"The Cavaliers put her in a dungeon and have yet to convict her."

Knowing that he was not the Queen's son, Yan Huan didn't know how to face her for a while.

The queen mother who has been called for more than ten years is suddenly not the queen mother.

Women in this era are really miserable.

She gave birth to a deformed child, and she was already in great pain in her heart, but she had to abandon her own daughter and forcefully raise someone else's daughter with a smile on her face.

But for so many years, the queen did not treat her as someone else's child, but treated her as her own, taking care of everything very properly.

She is a dove occupying the magpie's nest, occupying everything that originally belonged to that woman.

The queen bit her lip, her eye circles were red, and two lines of tears rolled down her face. She seemed to be struggling with something.

"The king doesn't know about this matter. I beg Baili to keep his promise so that he doesn't tell the king about this matter."

Now Yan Huan is very fortunate that he didn't tell the king, otherwise, after checking and checking, she is the fake one, and she must have been executed immediately!

"Why don't you just find a reason to let her live in the secret passage, she is very pitiful for so many years..."

The queen patted her hand and smiled, "Don't worry, I have my own plan."

She got up and went out, "Follow me to see her."

Yan Huan followed behind the queen slowly.

In fact, she was very reluctant in her heart. What face did she have to meet that woman?She also didn't know how she should face the queen.

The happy life she is living now should belong to that woman.

poor guy.

In the long corridor, the queen walked very slowly, the moonlight elongated her back, her back was straight, she was still so noble and elegant.

The queen wiped away the tears from her face, and the smile returned to her face as usual.

She is still the gentle, elegant, noble and graceful queen, and she will be in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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