Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 966 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 966 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (56)

[Add more for Nan~]

The secret passage was pitch black, and Shou Yue's night vision ability was very good. Even without an oil lamp, he could clearly see the road ahead.

He has also walked through the secret passage here before, and he knows which one leads to the forest outside the castle.

He clasped Yan Huan's wrist, and the hesitation and hesitation in Yan Huan's heart gradually melted away because of the warmth of his palm.

Don't ask for eternity, just seize the day and night.

Now her head is full of only this sentence.

Such an upright person who keeps the promise, for her sake, now even the Cavaliers are gone.

"Are you really willing to leave with me and abandon everything?"

She remembered Shou Yue said that the Cavaliers were only loyal to the king.

Their responsibility is to protect the king and the entire castle. This has always been their belief and cannot be shaken.

"I said that if I like her, I will be with her. The Cavaliers are not as important to me as you."

He turned his head to look at Yan Huan, his eyes were shining brightly, revealing a bewitching charm.

"From then on, I am not loyal to the king, I am only loyal to you."

[Raider character favorability +20, congratulations to the player for upgrading! 】

In the darkness, he spoke softly and coldly.Her heart went numb.

From then on, he was willing to protect her alone.

The dark tunnel is opaque and dark.

She doesn't know when she will come to the end. She was afraid of being in the dark at first, but now that Shouyue is by her side, she feels that even if the destination ahead is an abyss, she is willing to jump down with Shouyue.

Finally came to the end of the dark passage.

Shouyue took out the key and opened the door above the secret passage.

He propped himself on the edge and climbed up first, "bang", there was a slight sound.

Yan Huan called softly, "Keeping the promise?"

He didn't reply, but stretched out a hand to her in the secret passage.

Without thinking too much, Yan Huan put his hand on his, and the man pulled her up from the secret passage with all his strength.

Yan Huan looked up at the man in front of him, but was surprised to find that he was not keeping the promise!


She screamed!
Akers smiled inexplicably, and Baili Shouyue was lying beside him after being knocked unconscious by him.

Isn't Aikes the confidant of Baili Shou promise?why...

Yan Huan didn't have time to think about it, so he turned around and ran out of the woods.

The wings behind her were heavy, and she couldn't run fast at first, but with the wings holding her back, Akers only trotted a few steps before grabbing her wings.

Akers was also the one who walked with them from the forest of death at that time. He clearly remembered that the strange dragon that was the leader at that time had such a pair of bright red wings like blood.

And he also knew that the woman who died in the dungeon before was the queen and the king's biological daughter, and the little princess in front of him was just adopted by the queen from the people.

It's a pity, the queen tried her best, but she didn't expect that the ones brought back from the folk were not ordinary humans at all, but evil dragons!

"Little princess, oh no, I should call you, dragon?"

Ax pulled her wings, Yan Huan couldn't move at all, the wings were tightly connected to her butterfly bones, she could feel the sharp stabbing pain from her back just by lightly struggling.

She gritted her teeth and glared at Akers angrily, "Baili Shouyi treats you as a brother, and you're going to bully him like this?!"

"No, I'm not bullying him."

Akers shook his head, his face suddenly turned cold, "I just made him sober."

(End of this chapter)

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