Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 970 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 970 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (60)

[Add more for Nan~]


The earth seemed to tremble!

Yan Huan stared at the city gate ahead, his eyes widened in surprise!
The city gate ahead was actually closed!

For so many years, the gate of the city has never been closed, and the heavy stone gate was lowered, raising a large amount of dust around.

Yan Huan frowned.

When the city gate was lowered, she was imprisoned in the village, unable to escape at all.

There are not many carriages on the street, and her carriage will be searched soon, and if she gets out of the carriage, the wings on her back are so big, even if she is wrapped in a cloth towel, she will be very eye-catching.

I really didn't expect the king to find out so quickly. Before she came and ran out of the nearby village, he sent a cavalry team to chase her out!

Now being locked up in this village and unable to get out, it is only a matter of time before he is caught.

Yan Huan found out that she was too happy before, so now God slapped her hard, giving her a taste of the slap in the face.

This is the second escape.

If she is caught again this time, the king will directly execute her without anger!

The wings on her back are a burden, if she didn't have the wings in the way, she could run out!
Forget it, she can't run away anyway, so she might as well admit her mistake. After all, she still has a marriage contract with the prince of Nata, maybe the king will not be in a hurry to execute her because of this.

It's just that I don't know if Baili Shouyi has been released now, or whether he is still locked in the castle.

What if... Baili keeps the promise?
He went to the agreed place, but she was brought back to the castle, and it would be impossible to escape again.

Yan Huan was terribly conflicted.

To go out, or not to go out?

At her collarbone, a bright red light suddenly flashed again!

The huge wings behind him seemed to have sensed something, and gradually spread out from the original restrained state. There was no room for such a big wing in the narrow carriage, and the two corners of the wings protruded from the windows on both sides!
What the hell? !
At the critical moment, why did the ghost's wings convulse? !

There were already a lot of people on the bustling street, and the two corners of the wings protruded from the sides of the carriage. The color was as bright as blood, and the wings were smooth as satin, easily attracting the attention of passersby.

"Ah! What is this?!"

"Come and see! There are monsters in this carriage!"

"What is this? Is this a wing?"

Yan Huan sat in the carriage, his face turned pale.

She knows how much the people of Islan hate dragons. If these people know that she has the wings of a dragon, she may be a dragon. Whoever cares about her being a princess will definitely want to kill her!

When the knights heard the commotion here, they hurried over. When they saw the wings protruding from the sides of the carriage, they knew that the person in the carriage was the princess.

"Come down."

The leading knight ordered.

The coachman got off the carriage, Yan Huan's heart was pounding in her chest, she was nervous and apprehensive, Baili Shouyue wasn't by her side, and for the first time, she felt the fear of being helpless.

She wrapped the wings behind her back with linen, and got out of the carriage slowly.

The sun was hot and bright, and her back was wrapped in a cloth towel into a weird shape, and the wings under the cloth towel sensed the sunlight, and they became bigger and bigger, completely in the shape of wings.

Someone said in surprise, "The ones protruding from the sides of the carriage just now are the wings on her back. She can't be a dragon, can she?!"

(End of this chapter)

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