Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 981 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 981 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (73)

【Zhu Qiyou. Happy birthday~】

Xia Wuyi was just kept under the volcano and charged with self-reflection. In the evening, he broke free from the confinement and came back.

Keeping the promise didn't kill him, otherwise, with the ability to keep the promise, he could have died in the magma without anyone noticing, turning him into ashes.

Xia Wuyi came back with a gloomy face, her body still had some burning pain.

After being roasted for a long time near the magma, Baili kept his promise to suppress his magic, only to keep him from dying, but the pain in his flesh was still there.

Xia Wuyi gritted her teeth, it's abominable for Baili to keep the promise!

He just stepped into his yard, the elder who had been waiting for him for a long time stood up from his chair.

"King! You are back!"

He looked Xia Wuyi up and down carefully, except for his red skin, he was not injured.

"Baili kept his promise and returned to the Dragon Clan, and even said that he would take back the throne!"

The elder's tone was anxious, but Xia Wuyi wasn't too surprised.

The reason why he became the king of the dragon clan was because when the previous king passed away, Baili Shouyue's whereabouts in the world were unknown, and his magic power was not activated.

Now that he has activated his magic power and is the biological son of the previous king, the throne was supposed to be returned to him.

"According to the rules, if Baili keeps the promise and defeats you, the throne will be his!"

Xia Wuyi's magical power is not as good as Baili's keeping the promise. There is no suspense about the outcome of this battle, but no man of the dragon clan has ever been defeated without a fight. Even if he loses, he will fight.

Xia Wuyi nodded with a sullen expression and planned to go back to the room, the elder grabbed his wrist, and there was a glint of scheming in his slightly cloudy eyes.

"Wang, do you want me to move my hands and feet?"

Xia Wuyi sneered, "If you lose, you lose. Am I the kind of person who cheats secretly?"

The elder muttered in a low voice, "I will do something, but I won't let you do it..."

Xia Wuyi didn't want to talk to him, so he had to do things aboveboard, he wouldn't do such indecent things, and neither could the people around him.

Although he really dislikes Baili's keeping his promise and hates Baili's keeping his promise, he will not be easily shaken by this kind of basic principle.

"No, no, no. If you lose, give him the throne. The throne should belong to him."

Xia Wuyi lowered her voice, resolutely domineering, the elder choked.

Why is this person so stubborn?
The elder chased after him, and tirelessly whispered in his ear, "I know you don't care about the throne, but if you lose the throne, you are not the king of the Dragon Clan, and that woman... belongs to Baili's covenant!"

The elder knew very well that Xia Wuyi liked that little princess, otherwise he wouldn't run to the world twice in three days, even if he was very busy in the Dragon Clan, as long as the little princess was in danger, he would immediately go to rescue her.

Sure enough, Xia Wuyi's resolute face softened a little.

He really likes Jiang Xiancheng, if he is not the king of the Dragon Clan, then there is no reason for him and Jiang Xiancheng to be together.

The elder continued to blow his ears, "Don't worry, I didn't do anything too much. Baili Shouyi cares about the little princess. I will take her here quietly and promise not to hurt her. I just threatened her with her disappearance." Baili keeps the promise."

Xia Wuyi pursed her lips, her golden eyes were dark and hesitant.

One side is his basic principles, and the other side is his favorite Jiang Xiancheng.

He thought about it seriously for a while, and the suppressed possessive desire in his heart turned towards Jiang Xiancheng.

"You can do it. You can't hurt her. Also, do it neatly so that you won't be discovered."

 Thanks to Mengmengnao for announcing Jidao's reward of 600 book coins~

  Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 3776 book coins~

  Thank you Ruoqing for rewarding 2676 book coins~

  Thanks to Mengmeng's husband Luo Jian for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Fusheng Ruomeng for rewarding 3776 book coins~

  Thanks to Su Yuyu for rewarding 2288 book coins~

  Thank you, fortunately, I still have fate with you to reward 100 book coins~

  Thanks to つ微凉tumou shallow and sincere half a reward of 8551 book coins~

  Thank you Bookworm vs Michrist for the 13376 book coin award! ! !

  Thanks to Nanwangi [Tsundere Attack] 100000 Book Coin Award! ! !

  Thank you Mengmeng Naogong Cheyun for the 50000 book coin award! ! !

  Thank you Yang Shang Sheng Xiao for the 10000 book coin award! ! !

  Thank you Mengmeng Naogong for the 10000 book coin award! ! !

  Thank you for the 10000 book coin award! ! !

  Congratulations to [九] cutie for becoming the No.60 second rudder owner of this book! ! !

  Congratulations to [Mengmeng Naogong Left and Right] cutie for becoming the No.60 three rudder masters of this book! ! !

  Congratulations to [Su Yuyu] cutie for becoming the No.60 four helmsman of this book! ! !

  Congratulations to [Ruoqing] cutie for becoming the No.20 six hall masters in this book! ! !

  Congratulations to [つ微凉色而者晶而感而半] cutie for becoming the No. 20 seven hall masters of this book! ! !

  Congratulations to [Lian Jiang] cutie becoming the No.14 elder in this book! ! !
  Congratulations to [Bookworm vs Riceworm] cutie for becoming the No.15 elder in this book! ! !
  [Bring tea and water to the bosses! ! ! 】

  Congratulations to [Mengmeng Brain Gong Cheyun] boss for becoming the eighth leader of this book! ! !
  [Welcome the cute and cute Yuner to join the Little Red Riding Hood organization! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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