Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 983 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 983 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (75)

The last rays of the setting sun pulled away from the sea surface, and the orange sea surface instantly returned to dark blue. Yan Huan looked up at the night sky, waiting for the night to get darker and the stars to shine brighter.

The sea breeze was strong at night, she leaned into Baili Shouyue's arms, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Are you cold?"

His breath was close to her ears, and she shrank her neck so hot.

"Hmm...a little..."

Baili Shouyue hugged her a little tighter, Yan Huan rubbed against his arms, found a comfortable position, leaned against her and couldn't get up.

She was close to herself, even through the armor, she still seemed to be able to feel her soft body.

He feels that he is more emotional now than before.

I don't know if it's because he likes her more deeply, or because he has become a half-beast dragon, and his desire is stronger than before.

The heat in the lower abdomen surged up, Yan Huan still didn't know why and clung to him, rubbing his neck from time to time, carefully looking at the stars in the night sky that were getting clearer and clearer, and still comparing them with the modern constellations.

But Baili Shouyan couldn't listen to what she said.

The night is deep and rich, the stars are bright and bright, the sea breeze is humid and slightly cool, the waves on the sea surface are gently curling, the sound of the waves lapping on the beach, and the rhythmic ups and downs, everything can't take his attention away from the woman in his arms .

There is no such a clear and clean sky in modern times, and the few stars that occasionally appear are also gray and unclear. Unlike here, the stars really blink, and the Milky Way seems to be reflected in front of our eyes.

She turned her head to look at Baili Shouyue, her eyes were shining like stars, and she smiled cutely, "You are right, the night sky here is so beautiful, even more beautiful than the sunset."

No matter how beautiful the night sky is, it is not half as good as your eyes.

He smiled, his eyes turned towards the sea, and he didn't answer her words.

Tomorrow he will challenge Xia Wuyi, defeat him and take back the throne, then Jiang Xiancheng can justifiably marry him.

She rested her chin and looked at Baili Shouyan, "Can you sing Little Star?"

Shouyue shook his head, "I've never heard of this one."

Yan Huan pouted, "Ah, you can't, then I..."

She chuckled, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to teach you."

The collar slipped off, revealing the scar on her collarbone.

Xia Wuyi left a mark on her collarbone, and she begged herself to find a way to help her get rid of the mark, and now only scratched scars remained.

But even if the mark is removed, as long as she is in danger, Xia Wuyi can sense it immediately.

And when Xia Wuyi approaches her, the imprint on her collarbone will also sense it.

The bright red wings were as bright as red agate in the night, it was very eye-catching, and it made him feel very uncomfortable.

Jiang Xiancheng also said that she doesn't like the color of her wings, but she wants his.

The feeling in his heart was a weird tangle mixed with an increasingly uncontrollable impulse.

Baili Shouyue suddenly asked her, "Jiang Xiancheng, do you want to marry me?"

With such a serious question coming out of the blue, Yan Huan also suppressed his playful smile, nodded solemnly, "Yes."

Shouyue rubbed the back of her hand, and slowly led her into his trap, with a low voice, revealing an irresistible ‖ hoarse temptation.

"You also want to get rid of the mark on your collarbone and the color of the wings on your back?"

Yan Huan nodded seriously again, "Yes."

Satisfied with keeping the promise, he pulled Yan Huan to stand up, with no emotion in his voice, "Let's go back, it's windy here."

 Tonight... can we start the car?
  lost in thought...

(End of this chapter)

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