Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 988 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 988 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (82)


The whole house seemed to tremble!

Is he going to use magic to break through the protective circle? !

She knew that the elder had no good intentions!

The ground shook again, and the blue-purple protective circle cracked, and the elder kicked open the door ferociously and barged in!
Although there is the magic of Baili keeping the promise in her body, she doesn't know how to use it.

Yan Huan transformed into wings, and the wings were a bewitching blue-purple color, exactly the same as Baili Shou's, dazzling demon charm.

The elder's face changed in surprise!


Yan Huan raised her hand to form a cloud of blue-purple mist from her palm. She tried to control the magic with her mind, and only moved her fingertips towards Hu Ke, instantly knocking him into the air!

The magic of Baili Shouyue is so powerful!
Before Hook could get up, she stepped out. She hadn't used magic to a flexible level. It's best not to confront him head-on now. The most important thing is to go out and find Baili to keep the promise!

How could Hook let her go so easily, he came out right after him, with a long rope in his hands, entrapping her legs!

The long rope magically appeared and was tied to her leg, unable to break free!

"You human beings have a saying that you don't eat fine wine when you toast, you don't have to suffer this kind of crime."

Hook grinned, and the long orange rope quickly climbed up from her ankles to her waist like a snake. Her legs were tied up and she couldn't move. She wanted to teleport away, but the tightened rope made her frown in pain.

She wanted to use magic to untie the rope that bound her legs, but the magic that melted from her palm could only stop the long rope from climbing up, and there was no way to break free.

Baili Shou promise didn't give her much magic, and the magic she could use was limited, but Hook added more than half of his magic to the long rope, and she couldn't resist it at all!

No, you can't be tied up by him so easily!
He must use himself to threaten Baili to keep the contract!So that Baili could keep the promise and give up the throne automatically!

She was so angry that her teeth were itching, she was really despicable and hateful!
Xia Wuyi really should be punished by God for making small tricks that can't be seen in the dark if she can't beat her on the bright side!

Yan Huan's forehead was sweating anxiously, her magic power was not enough, it was a flaw.

Baili Shouyi is so far away from her, and he can't pass magic to her through the air. Even if he rushes over to help her, it will take time.

Is there any way to...

She caught a glimpse of the protective ring over the house!

Protective circle? !

Since keeping the promise can be transformed into a protective circle with magic, can she...take back the magic and use it for herself?

Her magic couldn't withstand the long rope, and it was almost stretched to her chest. She quickly stretched out her hand, and used her thoughts to control the magic absorption protection circle in her palm. The color of the protection circle gradually dimmed, and finally gathered into a cloud of blue-purple mist in her palm.


The long rope tied to her body was pulled away, and the magic dispersed into a small cloud of orange mist floating around her. Hook's face was full of shock!
Yan Huan raised her hand and gave him a slap, knocking him back a few steps, she spat contemptuously, "Take back your trash, get lost!"

The magic in her body is much stronger than before. She wasted time here lazily with Hook. The protection circle was broken, and Baili Shou promise would definitely sense it. She had to find him quickly so that he wouldn't worry.

She formed a protective circle around her body, and Hook wanted to do it, but before the magic touched her body, he was bounced away by the protective circle around her.

He's fidgety and unbelievable!
This little princess is not a brainless and delicate person at all!

He gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do with Yan Huan, he could only watch her fly towards the palace.

 Thank you Mengmeng Naogong for still rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mengmeng Naogong Devil for rewarding 400 book coins~

  Thank you Han Yunchen for rewarding 2476 book coins~

  Thank you Bookworm vs Riceworm for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you Meiqian Rushui for rewarding 500 book coins~

  Thanks for 'addiction, reward 999 book coins~

  [The weather is hot and cold, everyone, please take care of your health, don't catch a cold and get sick ~ Da Mengzi said concernedly while wrapped in a quilt]

  Thank you Qiyou. [King Thief 6] 13876 Book Coin Award! ! !

  Thank you Yun Hua [Big Attack] 100100 Book Coin Award! ! !

  [Handing tea and cigarettes to the two big brothers, trembling]

(End of this chapter)

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