Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 999 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 999 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (10)

She deliberately bit down the words "bathed", with a pure smile on her face like a delicate flower, and innocent eyes, Zhao Yun felt sick to his stomach.

So what he just gulped down was his bath water? !
Lin Mu, this dead woman!
He was careless, how could this woman bring him water so kindly? !

"What kind of expression is this general, the bath water is yours, you won't despise yourself, will you?"

Zhao Yunqi's heartbeat was out of rhythm, this was the first time when he faced a woman, his heartbeat was so fast, although it was because of anger.

He gritted his teeth and reprimanded coldly, "Lin Mu!!! You kneel in the ancestral hall for me tonight!"

Yan Huan's eyes flickered, blingbling with anticipation, "If the general can rest in Zhang's room tonight, don't sleep and kneel in the ancestral hall, even if I die in the ancestral hall."

Zhao Yun:. . .

Back then, he should have died rather than surrendered, even if he was chased and beaten by the emperor, even if he was dispatched to the frontier to guard the border town for the rest of his life, he should not have agreed to marry Lin Mu back!

Her eyes were as bright as stars, she was smiling, and she was so cute.


Lin Mu is a vicious woman with a poisonous mouth and a poisonous heart!

He raised his lips coldly, "If you don't go out again, believe it or not, I'll throw you out?!"

Yan Huan babbled and scolded him, "Ah, if you have something to say, say it well. A gentleman uses his words but not his hands. He fights and kills all day long. It's a disgrace to the gentleman..."

Zhao Yun's ears were buzzing with irritability. He stood up and prepared to take action to throw Lin Mu out, but he found a hot fire rushing down his body!
He looked at Lin Mu in front of him, and unexpectedly...had a reaction? !

What a shame!
This dead woman Lin Mu often gnashed his teeth in anger, how could he react to this dead woman? !
"Lin Mu, did you drug me?!"

Yan Huan's face brightened, "Have you reacted?"

She changed her mind, no, no, no, this is too obvious, Zhao Yun will definitely throw her into the ancestral hall and kneel all night!
"What I mean is, General, have you figured it out and want to go to Zhang's room?"

Zhao Yunqi's temples twitched suddenly, and his stern face was once again distorted by anger.

"Lin Mu, you want to die, don't you? How dare you drug me?!"

He was about to pinch her angrily, but Yan Huan dodged in a hurry, pretending to be confused.

"I'm terrified, I don't dare to prescribe medicine, I just watched the general's asceticism for a long time, and moved so carefully..."

She smiled cutely and innocently, "Everything the general drinks and eats just now is made of jasmine flowers."

Zhao Yun:. . .

She definitely knew that jasmine had an aphrodisiac effect, so she did this on purpose!
"Lin Mu, go and kneel at the ancestral hall for me tonight!"

At this moment, a series of bullet screens floated over Zhao Yun's head: raging, furious, furious, furious...

Yan Huan squatted behind the back of the chair, stuck out his small head, and looked at him pitifully.

"General, kneeling in the ancestral hall is a corporal punishment. After all, the concubine was personally appointed by His Majesty to marry him. Wouldn't doing so disrespect His Majesty?"

Zhao Yun sneered, with a gloomy face, "If the emperor knows that you gave me such aphrodisiacs, you won't let me divorce, you are looking at Prime Minister Lin's face!"

Yan Huan stroked his chin, and smiled meaningfully, "I feel that if His Majesty knows that I have worked so hard for the general's heir, maybe I will give me some... secret medicine in the palace?"

Zhao Yun:. . .

It is undeniable that if Brother Huang knew about it, he would definitely give him the aphrodisiac prepared by the Imperial Hospital.

"Lin Mu, get out!"

 Thank you Meiqian Rushui for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Bookworm vs Riceworm for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Press it in my arms and give it a couple of mouthfuls~】

(End of this chapter)

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