The strongest fury system

Chapter 1000 Poison Shadow Scorpion

Chapter 1000 Poison Shadow Scorpion

The ten great talents took out the Azure Dragon Token together, and a white light shrouded the top ten talents and their subordinates.Then entered the cave.

Zhang Tianhao and others also entered the Qinglong Cave Mansion under the leadership of the Qinglong Order.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a cave, but it is actually a huge palace.

"You have to be more careful. Although some people will be inherited in the end of this kind of place like the cave mansion secret realm, but the vast majority of people will be eliminated in the early stage, and the lucky ones are only a few. Therefore, it is best not to separate everyone." Zhang Tianhao faced Gu Zijie and others said.

"Brother Zhang, I know what you said." Gu Zijie said to Zhang Tianhao seriously.

The members of the Gu family, ever since Zhang Tianhao crushed the members of the Yan family, are now very convinced of Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao looked around and found other people that he didn't see around.Apparently it was because these people would be teleported to various other places when they first entered Qinglong Cave Mansion.

At this moment, countless black shadows crawled from the front.densely packed.A dozen warriors were chasing ahead.


Those warriors shouted frantically.

At the same time, several warriors frantically attacked those poisonous scorpions.But there are too many poisonous scorpions, at least tens of thousands.Although those warriors attacked those poisonous scorpions frantically.But those poisonous scorpions are too many.Their attack is a drop in the bucket for those poisonous scorpions.

Even Zhang Tianhao's strength is relatively strong, but seeing so many poisonous shadow scorpions at this moment, his scalp is a little numb.

Those warriors are all middle-ranked warriors.Facing so many poisonous scorpions, he was instantly surrounded.

Finally, a martial artist was bitten by a poisonous scorpion on the thigh.Immediately, the figure of that martial artist was suffocated.Was caught up in an instant.Then thousands of poisonous scorpions began to eat that warrior.Suddenly, being eaten became a skeleton.

"Poison Shadow Scorpion?"

Gu Zijie looked terrified.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Gu Zijie and said, "What is a poisonous shadow scorpion?"

Gu Zijie said to Zhang Tianhao tremblingly: "I heard that the poisonous shadow scorpion is a kind of extremely poisonous thing, which is extremely terrifying. It is said that even martial saints cannot resist its poison."

"What are you waiting for, let's go!"

Zhang Tianhao also felt that these poisonous scorpions were terrifying.Immediately said to the Gu family.

Seeing so many poisonous scorpion feet, everyone in the Gu family felt a little weak at the moment.His complexion was extremely pale.

The dozen warriors were caught up one by one by those poisonous scorpions.After all, in the cave, the flying of warriors is restricted, and these warriors lose their flying advantage.They were caught up one by one, and then gnawed for the skeleton.Immediately afterwards, those poisonous scorpions did not stop, and continued to catch up with the team where Zhang Tianhao and others were.

"What to do, those poisonous scorpions are about to catch up."

Because they were restricted from flying, the Gu family's team couldn't compare to those poisonous scorpions in terms of speed alone.


The fighters from the Gu family's team who were at the back frantically waved their palms and attacked the poisonous scorpions.Quite a few poisonous scorpions were instantly sent flying, killing them.

But those poisonous scorpions are really too many.It is simply impossible to kill all of them.Soon more poisonous scorpions rushed up.In an instant, the last two warriors were caught up by the poisonous shadow scorpion.


The two warriors from the Gu family fiercely swung their swords and stabbed at the poisonous shadow scorpion.


The two poisonous shadow scorpions were instantly crushed by the powerful force.But two streams of venom sprayed out from the two poisonous shadow scorpions at the same time.It was falling on the two warriors of the Gu family.


The two warriors from the Gu family suddenly screamed.

That venom is highly poisonous.With strong corrosiveness.In an instant, their skin began to rot extremely quickly, first the flesh, then the bones.Gradually it turned into a puddle of foul-smelling blood.

This terrible scene immediately made the children of the Gu family present shudder.What was even more frightening was that those poisonous scorpions were almost catching up.

"It's's over, this time we're over..." Gu Zijie was so frightened that he was dumbfounded.

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"

An overwhelming palm shot down.Immediately, countless poisonous scorpions were shot to death.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing a poisonous scorpion, experience value 1000 true energy 100 violent energy 10" the system's prompt sounded.

But his attack was just a drop in the bucket, more poisonous scorpions swarmed towards Zhang Tianhao's place again.

"No, I have to find a way, otherwise I might be able to escape, and the Gu family will all be finished." Zhang Tianhao sullenly.

Among the warriors of the Gu family, the only thing Zhang Tianhao cares about is Gu Zijie, and he doesn't care too much about whether the others live or die.However, after all, Zhang Tianhao also occupies a place in the Gu family, and he also has a slight obligation to protect these people.

Gu Zijie frantically attacked those poisonous scorpions.But those scorpions are too many.He also gradually lost his strength.

At the scene, Gu Jianwen, the head of the three great talents of the Gu family, was the only one who was still able to handle it with ease at this moment.Those poisonous scorpions couldn't come within three feet of him, they were cut in half by his sword.

Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised.Judging from the speed at which Gu Jianwen drew his sword, he could tell that the other party had also comprehended the true meaning of Kuaijian.

The other two geniuses of the Gu family, Gu Hong and Gu Haifeng, are also temporarily sufficient to protect themselves.But under the attack of so many poisonous scorpions, it gradually became powerless.

Under everyone's strenuous beheading, these poisonous scorpions didn't seem to have decreased much, and they were still out of sight.

A poisonous scorpion had jumped on Gu Zijie's body.

At the critical moment, Zhang Tianhao's long knife came out of its sheath, and killed the poisonous scorpion on Gu Zijie's body with one blow.The poisonous scorpion was chopped into two pieces.

Gu Zijie glanced at Zhang Tianhao gratefully.Knowing that the poisonous scorpion only needs to pierce his body with its poisonous tail.He will be poisoned, and at that time, even Da Luo Jinxian can't save him.

How to do how to do?
Zhang Tianhao's eyes flashed at this moment.How could I forget.I have a flame.Animals and such insects are generally extremely afraid of fire.

"That's right, fire!"

"Heavenly Fire!"

Zhang Tianhao shouted loudly.A group of flames shrouded from the sky.A wall of fire was isolated between the children of the Gu family and the group of poisonous scorpions.Let those poisonous scorpions not dare to chase after them.

Of course, there are still quite a few poisonous scorpions on the side of Zhang Tianhao and others.But these poisonous scorpions were out of the main force, so they couldn't pose much threat to Zhang Tianhao and others.Under the attack of the Gu family's children, they were all beheaded.

"It worked?" Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Tianhao also knew that his flame would not last long.Therefore, he immediately shouted to the Gu family and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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