The strongest fury system

Chapter 1009 Alchemy Assessment

Chapter 1009 Alchemy Assessment

Zhang Tianhao said expressionlessly.

"What, he really dares to continue to challenge, even I can only pass four levels, who does he think he is, dare to continue to challenge!" Yu Jinshan gritted his teeth.

"Young master, don't worry, this person doesn't know how to live or die. He will definitely not pass this test, and that time will be his death." A warrior said.

"Hmm! You're right, such an overreaching person doesn't deserve my attention."

Zhang Tianhao quickly entered another space again.At this moment, a warrior in black stood in front of him, exuding a terrifying aura.

Wu Sheng?

The breath of this warrior is more than ten times that of the previous warrior, and his strength is even stronger.No wonder, it was very difficult for Yu Jinshan to pass this level. This level is a challenge to cross a whole big realm.At the Martial Saint Realm, the strength of a warrior varies greatly in every small realm.Not to mention crossing a big realm.That Yu Jinshan was able to cross a big realm challenge, and also challenged successfully is very remarkable.And the martial saints here are stronger than ordinary martial saints.

Even so, there was no fear on Zhang Tianhao's face. After all, it was not the first time he had faced a martial saint, and he had even successfully beheaded a martial saint.


The martial sage punched Zhang Tianhao's body.

The terrifying fist seal locked all the space around Zhang Tianhao and crushed it.

Wu Sheng has mastered the power of true energy, which is more than a hundred times stronger than true energy.Although Zhang Tianhao is the pinnacle of Wu Zun, in essence, what he masters is still true energy.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

Zhang Tianha chopped 88 knives in an instant.

The 88 sword lights have almost condensed into one knife because of the artistic conception of using the quick knife.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.The two forces collided together in the void.

Zhang Tianhao's sword light instantly collapsed under the collision of the powerful true essence of Wu Sheng.

"No. 80 nine knives!"

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily when he saw the punch that was still coming straight at him.Once again, he slashed with a knife.The two forces collided instantly.

Wu Sheng's punch was finally cut off.

With a blank expression on his face, Wu Sheng once again slammed the terrifying fist of destruction towards Zhang Tianhao.The terrifying fist print caused faint ripples in the void.

"One mind, two swords!"

Zhang Tianhao flashed out the Jingji knife.

The Killing Cross Slash and Hundred Swords Slash were performed together with Lingbo Weibu.Under such circumstances, Tightly can barely resist Wu Sheng's offensive.After all, this is not an ordinary martial saint, but a peak martial saint.Far stronger than ordinary martial saints of the same rank.It is impossible for Zhang Tianhao to defeat this Martial Saint without using some hole cards.

"Flying Stone Fist!"

Wu Sheng had no expression on his face, this fist swept towards him like a torrent.Blocked all around him.

This punch was like endless meteorites crushing down on his body.The air in front of Zhang Tianhao exploded layer by layer.

"Three swords to seal the devil!"

"The first knife, the infatuated knife!"

This knife is like the slender hand of an infatuated woman, caressing you, it seems slow but fast.


This knife collided with Wu Sheng's punch.

Zhang Tianhao felt a huge counter-shock force, from Wu Sheng's punch, hit him directly, making his account numb, and the hand holding the knife almost flew out of his hand.

"The second ruthless knife!"

This knife is ruthless, with terrifying killing power.

"The third heartless knife!"

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop, and slashed out for the third time.The domineering knife seemed to kill all living beings.This is a knife that burns people's lives.

Wu Sheng's offensive was finally contained.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for using the 'Three Swords of Sealing Demons' to trigger the sealing ability." The system's notification sound suddenly sounded.

Huh!Zhang Tianhao was a little surprised.According to Zhang Tianhao's understanding, this Martial Saint is not a real Martial Saint.It is a phantom formed by rules, not a real person.I never thought that the Three Swords of Sealing Demons could still seal the opponent's power.It seems that this is a mandatory rule given by the system.

The sealing ability of the Three Swords of Sealing Demons is not static, but random.Sometimes bad luck can seal [-]% of a person's power, and good luck can seal [-]% of a person's power.

This time, Zhang Tianhao's luck was obviously not bad, the sealing power this time actually sealed [-]% of the power of the Martial Saint.Even if the opponent is a martial sage, Zhang Tianhao sealed [-]% of his power, which is still extremely weakened.

Taking advantage of this moment, Zhang Tianhao beat the dog in the water and flew over.

"The ten directions are extinct!"

Zhang Tianhao used the God-slaying sword technique.


The majestic and domineering knife directly hit Wu Sheng's neck.It directly exploded his body.Wu Sheng's phantom disappeared directly into the void.

"Cross the border!"

An indifferent voice sounded in Zhang Tianhao's heart.

In the next second, Zhang Tianhao appeared on the fifth stone pier.

Hundreds of eyes fell on Zhang Tianhao.

"He really passed the test." A warrior said in shock.

"How is it possible, how could he have passed the fourth level." A martial artist said in shock.


Yu Jinshan's expression was extremely gloomy.A trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.At this time, Zhang Tianhao was truly equal to him.Both of them passed four levels in Tianjiao Hall.For Yu Jinshan, even a tie is his shame.After all, Zhang Tianhao is just a nobody, but Yu Jinshan is one of the top ten talents of the White Dragon Empire.

"Next, we will enter a random assessment. The content of the assessment is not limited to martial arts. It may be other abilities. Do you continue to assess?" Remnant Soul looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked indifferently.

Zhang Tianhao said lightly: "Continue!"

Originally, the warriors around thought that Zhang Tianhao would accept it as soon as he got here, and gave up continuing the assessment.After all, Yu Jinshan, the top ten pride of the White Dragon Empire, also gave up here.However, Zhang Tianhao continued the assessment, which shocked the warriors present.

"Isn't this person too self-indulgent? Even Yu Jinshan has given up. Who does he think he is? Is he better than Young Master Yu Jinshan?" Some warriors said disdainfully.

"Hmph, some people just don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin, let's wait and see! This pass, he will lose his life."

The warriors around were talking about it, and no one was optimistic about Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao was indifferent, and the next second, after the golden light fell, he came to another space.

The space is still the original space, but in front of him, except for one more person, there is only one tripod.

"This is?"

Seeing the tripod, Zhang Tianhao was a little surprised, not knowing what it meant.Could it be an examination of alchemy?

(End of this chapter)

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