The strongest fury system

Chapter 1012 Ancient God Pill

Chapter 1012 Ancient God Pill

"This is the Wind-fixing Orb. According to legend, Lan Luo, a master craftsman, made it himself ten thousand years ago. As long as the Wind-fixing Orb appears, any storm will be quelled. Moreover, you can use the Wind-fixing Orb to comprehend the profound meaning of the wind. "Zhang Tianhao said lightly.

"Yes, indeed."

Emperor Qinglong was moved.Originally thought that Zhang Tianhao was fooled, but now it seems that the other party has really identified it.This is indeed very strong in the eyes.

Zhang Tianhao put down the Wind-fixing Orb and started to open the second box.

The treasure placed in the second box is a small bug that looks very ordinary. On Earth, Zhang Tianhao has seen the same thing.

What is this?Zhang Tianhao was also very curious.Naturally, there is absolutely nothing ordinary that can be placed in this treasure box by the Azure Dragon Emperor.

Zhang Tianhao immediately used the identification technique.

Soon, he used identification technique to identify the second treasure.

"It seems that you have identified it?"

Emperor Qinglong looked at Zhang Tianhao curiously.

Even Emperor Qinglong spent a lot of effort to identify this thing.In fact, the rule this time is not to identify all the treasures.Just need to identify the same.However, the Azure Dragon Emperor watched Zhang Tianhao finish appraising a treasure almost effortlessly, and was also curious to see where Zhang Tianhao's bottom line was.

Zhang Tianhao said confidently to Emperor Qinglong: "This is called the Immortal Golden Cicada, which was conceived by heaven and earth. It is known as the spirit of life, and warriors own it. As long as they have one breath, they can recover from injuries in the shortest time. Life golden cicada.

This time, Emperor Qinglong was really moved.Because what Zhang Tianhao said was accurate.This is indeed a deadly golden cicada.At the beginning, Emperor Qinglong was a pedant of heaven and man, claiming to know everything, but after getting the deadly golden cicada, it took three days and three nights to check the information before he recognized the deadly golden cicada.But the little guy in front of him recognized him almost immediately.Emperor Qinglong even felt that he had lived on a dog for thousands of years.

Of course, Emperor Qinglong didn't know that Zhang Tianhao had something against the sky, a system.

"How did you identify it? Have you seen it before?" Qinglong Emperor looked at Zhang Tianhao curiously and asked.

Although Emperor Qinglong said so, he actually felt that this possibility was really unlikely, because there were absolutely no more than five deadly golden cicadas in Zhenwu Continent.

"Secret!" Zhang Tianhao smiled mysteriously.

In fact, Zhang Tianhao didn't know how to explain it.You can't tell the other party that you own the system!

Emperor Qinglong twitched. If he hadn't fallen long ago, he was just a remnant soul at this moment, and he probably would have wished to have Zhang Tianhao dissected.

Zhang Tianhao secretly smiled, and continued to pick up the third box.

After opening the third box, Zhang Tianhao's expression suddenly became serious.Because the third box contained a elixir, but it was this elixir that emitted a terrifying energy aura.

"Is this a spiritual elixir?"

"Ancient God Pill?"

"You know?" Qinglong Emperor looked at Zhang Tianhao in shock.

However, considering that Zhang Tianhao had previously refined the pill with pill veins, it seems that it is not unacceptable to be able to recognize the ancient god pill.

Zhang Tianhao didn't need to use appraisal at this moment, but he could also recognize the elixir in front of him.After all, he is now a spirit rank alchemist.The information about the ancient god pill is also in his memory, and there is even a recipe for refining the ancient god pill.It's just that he couldn't even refine this ancient god pill.After all, this ancient god elixir surpassed the scope of the first-grade spirit rank, and was a pill above the middle rank of the spirit rank.

Zhang Tianhao ignored the shocked Azure Dragon Emperor.Said lightly: "Ancient God Pill, it is said that it was refined thousands of years ago by the number one alchemist in Zhenwu Continent, Alchemy God Qiu Chen. It was also the last medicine he made in his life. This medicine far exceeded the The current level of the Zhenwu Continent. There are only ten pills in that bottle, and it is said that this pill can help a half-step Martial God increase the chance of breaking through a Martial God by [-]%."

"That's right, your identification was successful. This is indeed the ancient god pill." The Qinglong Emperor seemed a little melancholy, as if he was recalling something.

In fact, Zhang Tianhao was extremely shocked at this moment.This is the Ancient God Pill!

Although there is only a [-]% chance, this elixir is enough to drive the warriors in the entire Zhenwu Continent crazy.It should be noted that if Emperor Wu wants to break through the God of War, the chance of success is extremely low.Of a hundred emperors, perhaps none of them could succeed.This is also the reason why the Martial Gods in Zhenwu Continent are so rare.And the Ancient God Pill can increase Emperor Wu's breakthrough probability by [-]%, which is enough to drive Emperor Wu of the entire Zhenwu Continent crazy.Even if it only increases by [-]%, that is still a [-]/[-] chance!It's better than nothing at all!Although the probability of [-]% sounds very low.But for Emperor Wu, it was enough.

"Senior, it is said that thousands of years ago, the ancient god pill caused a catastrophe in the imperial domain, blood flowed like a river, and finally disappeared. How could it be in your hands?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the Azure Dragon Emperor and asked.

Zhang Tianhao also saw this rumor when he inquired about Murong Ziqian's treatment in the Northern Territory.So at this moment, I can't help being a little curious.

Emperor Qinglong nodded and said: "You are right. Back then, the ancient god pill caused a vision of heaven and earth, and almost all the great emperors in the Zhenwu Continent joined the fight. This emperor is naturally no exception. In the end, the bottle of pill was broken in the battle. By virtue of his superior strength, this emperor finally captured one of the elixir. However, everyone was innocent and conceived a crime. In the end, this emperor was also besieged by dozens of emperors. In the end, although this emperor will besiege his own All beheaded, but this emperor also died of serious injuries."

When Emperor Qinglong said this, the cloud was calm, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

Zhang Tianhao was terrified, a great emperor had beheaded dozens of great emperors, this Azure Dragon Emperor was worthy of being the strongest peak emperor thousands of years ago.

"Okay, young man, you have successfully appraised all three treasures. This emperor can allow you to get one of them. You can think about it." Qinglong Emperor looked at Zhang Tianhao and said lightly.

"There are treasure rewards?" Zhang Tianhao's eyes lit up.

"Yes, according to the rules of this level, in fact, you only need to successfully identify one of the treasures to pass the level. But you have successfully identified all three treasures. You can reward one treasure." Qinglong Emperor said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao sweated for a moment, that's why.He originally thought that he had to complete the identification of all three treasures to pass the test, but he took it for granted.

However, these three treasures are hard to come by.If you can get one of them, you have earned it.Zhang Tianhao took a look at the three treasures and made a decision in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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