The strongest fury system

Chapter 1032 Fighting the Dragon Court Jade

Chapter 1032 Fighting the Dragon Court Jade

"Hahaha, I still have self-knowledge about this. Tianjiao Palace wants to pass ten levels. For thousands of years, it is unique. In fact, I tried it and only reached the eighth level. I know the next two levels. I will never pass it. "Long Tingyu smiled at Zhang Tianhao.

"So, you came here to kill someone?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Long Tingyu.

"Cutting Hu? Interesting statement..."

Long Tingyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said lightly: "I know, your name is Zhang Tianhao, and you are going to die anyway, I can tell you, in fact, I hid in the dark to watch you pass the test, and I also know that Emperor Qinglong is here for you. Choose a successor yourself. You have passed the ten gates of the Tianjiao Hall that no one has been able to pass for thousands of years. The Qinglong Emperor will definitely hand over the inheritance to you. So, I am waiting here in advance. Sure enough, my idea is correct, You have obtained the seal of the Azure Dragon Emperor."


Speaking of this, Long Tingyu couldn't help but feel complacent, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "What's the use of you getting the seal of the Azure Dragon Emperor? Don't you have to make a wedding dress for me in the end? Your ultimate inheritance must still be mine. "

Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Long Tingyu with a half-smile and said: "It seems that you are very confident, and you think you will definitely beat me?"

Long Tingyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly: "I know, you are very strong. You can kill Yu Jinshan, Han Jiang, and Wen Xilai...but do you think you can fight me like this? ?As early as a year ago, these people joined forces, and they couldn't stop me with three moves, and now I can defeat them with one move."

Zhang Tianhao felt the murderous aura on Long Tingyu.With a sigh of relief, he knew that he had met an opponent this time.

"Come on! It's not that easy to cut off the beard from this young master."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Long Tingyu and said coldly.

"I don't know how to live or die, so I'll let you know how big the gap is with me."

As soon as the words fell, Long Tingyu's body was like a ghost, rushing towards Zhang Tianhao.He punched Zhang Tianhao's body and killed him.

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Tianhao kicked his feet on the ground.He greeted him with a punch.


The two forces collided together in the void.

Zhang Tianhao felt a surge of power rush towards him.He let out a muffled snort, and he flew out involuntarily.

He slammed into the ground of the plain.


Zhang Tianhao couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Long Tingyu rushed towards Zhang Tianhao again.He punched him again.


Zhang Tianhao received three punches in the chest, and the violent force exploded on his body. They screamed, and his whole body was thrown into the ground.


Zhang Tianhao felt that the figure in the void rushed towards him again.

"God can change everything!"


Zhang Tianhao narrowly avoided Long Tingyu's punch.That punch directly blasted a big hole ten meters square in the ground beside him.The berserk force directly sent Zhang Tianhao flying.Zhang Tianhao landed on the ground and staggered, "Push!" "Pedal!" "Pedal!" He retreated seven or eight steps in a row.

"Third Heaven of Martial Saints!" Zhang Tianhao looked at Long Tingyu in disbelief.

"Hahaha... That's right, you have good eyesight. To be precise, my current cultivation is at the peak of the third heaven of martial saints." Long Tingyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said proudly.

"Okay, are you done? I'm done, I can send you to the west." Long Tingyu's murderous aura locked on Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao glanced at the light ball trapped by the net in the void beside it.He felt ruthless in his heart, and thought to himself: Grandma, there is no way to cut off my husband from my hand.

Of course, Zhang Tianhao was full of confidence.He still has a lot of cards.For example, summoning Ling'er.However, this idea, he vetoed himself.He is ready to set foot on the pinnacle of martial arts.How can everything rely on external forces.Of course, it is not completely independent of external forces.Only when one's own strength is completely unable to contend, can one rely on external forces.Moreover, although Long Tingyu in front of him is strong, it is not really invincible.


The armor on Zhang Tianhao's body was completely shattered.It can be said that [-]% of the previous strength was blocked by the armor on his body, otherwise he would suffer even more serious injuries.


Long Tingyu hit Zhang Tianhao again.

"Lingbo microsteps!"

Zhang Tianhao avoided, and did not choose to fight recklessly.

Long Tingyu's punch directly blasted the ground around Zhang Tianhao into a huge hole,


Zhang Tianhao used the Blood God Knife and the Jingji Knife.

"Blood killing cross cut!
"The ten directions are extinct!"

Zhang Tianhao cut out a series of sword lights and crushed Long Tingyu's body.

Long Tingyu also felt a powerful force from this saber technique.He casually shattered the sword light, but he was also a little scruples, unlike before, he could completely suppress Zhang Tianhao.

"Break up the world!"

"Reverse the chaos!"

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, and slashed at Long Tingyu's body with several knives again.

The huge sword light crushed and killed Long Tingyu's body.

"Dark magic fist, break it for me!"

Long Tingyu punched Zhang Tianhao's blade and shattered it.Boomed straight towards Zhang Tianhao.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

Zhang Tianhao felt a terrifying shadow of fist lock on him.The speed and intensity are unprecedented.

Zhang Tianhao slashed dozens of knives in an instant.He slashed towards Long Tingyu's body.

The ninety knives in front were instantly shattered by Longting Yu.

Seeing Long Tingyu appeared ten meters away from him.Zhang Tianhao felt an unprecedented crisis.

"Xiaolong, the guardian body!"

In an instant, Xiaolong turned into a piece of dragon armor and put it on Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Hundred swords cut, No.90 one sword!"


Zhang Tianhao slashed No. 90, and the extremely sharp blade slashed down on Long Tingyu's body.The huge sword light draws down in the void.

It seemed that Long Tingyu also felt that Zhang Tianhao's punch was also a great threat to him.With a roar, he punched out with a punch.

"Dark Magic Fist!"

Long Tingyu shattered the glow of Zhang Tianhao's knife with one punch.


Zhang Tianhao's heart turned cold, and he quickly used lightness kung fu and body skills, and retreated violently.But he is fast, but Long Tingyu's speed is faster than him.

"Death to me!"

Long Tingyu's body swayed, blocking Zhang Tianhao's escape route.Punch out.


Zhang Tianhao felt as if a boulder had hit him hard.He let out a muffled snort, and flew upside down.


Zhang Tianhao couldn't help it, "Wow!", and fell to the ground.

Just when Long Tingyu was going to continue to attack Zhang Tianhao.Feng Qingwu stabbed from the corner with a sword, and stabbed towards Long Tingyu.

(End of this chapter)

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