Chapter 1035
"Slash with a hundred knives!"

Zhang Tianhao slashed dozens of knives in an instant.

"No.90 Three Swords!"

This knife has endless blade light.In an instant, all the attacks of a dozen warriors were counteracted.

"No. 90 four knives!"

This knife is more powerful than before.The combination of infinite and violent power plus Hundred Swords Slash, this power is absolutely terrifying.

A dozen warriors were swept away in an instant.He fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop, and rushed towards Wen Xilai who was closest to him.


"Don't kill me...don't kill me...I am willing to surrender to you...I am willing to surrender to you..." Wen Xilai looked at Zhang Tianhao and said tremblingly.

"I gave you a chance before, but you didn't know how to cherish it, so don't blame me."

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, and once again slashed at Wen Xilai's body.


Wen Xilai was beheaded by Zhang Tianhao.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Wen Xilai. The experience value is 5000 million. The true energy is 500 million. The violent energy is ten!" The system's notification sounded.

"You die for me too!"

Zhang Tianhao directly rushed towards Lu Cheng.

This knife is as fast as lightning.Lu Cheng didn't react at all, and was killed with a knife.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Lu Cheng. His experience value is [-] billion, and his true energy is [-] million. Rage energy is [-]!" The system's notification sounded.

"Because the player leapfrogged and killed the player, the system rewards one billion experience points." The system's prompt sounded.


This Lu Cheng's cultivation is the first level of a martial saint, so the system counts him as a leapfrog challenge.In fact, according to the real situation!Zhang Tianhao's body training is the first level of martial arts.It cannot be regarded as a leapfrog challenge.But the cultivation base locked by the system is Qi training.Body training is not included in the concept of system.I don't know if this is considered a bug.

This time, half of the top ten talents were beheaded by Zhang Tianhao.Lu Cheng is dead!Yu Jinshan died!Vinci is coming to die!Han Jiang is dead!Dou Xinde is dead!
The rest of Huo Qingcheng, Lu Zhanfeng, and Gu Yuqing were all trembling with fear.Run towards Longtingyu.If there is anyone present who can save them, it is only Long Tingyu.

Long Tingyu opened his eyes at this moment, looked at Huo Qingcheng, Gu Yuqing, and Lu Zhanfeng who were running towards him in a state of embarrassment, and said coldly: "Useless things!"

"Boy, I have to say that you are the strongest opponent I have encountered in my generation, but you will never be my opponent. Today, I will bury you with my own hands."

As soon as the words fell, Long Tingyu rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

For some reason, Zhang Tianhao felt that there was an extremely terrifying aura emanating from Long Tingyu's body at this moment.

At this moment, the time limit for Zhang Tianhao's infinite rage has passed, and his body is slightly weak.However, he will not show weakness in any case.He roared angrily and shouted: "Hundred swords cut!"

Zhang Tianhao slashed with a hundred knives, and he slashed dozens of knives in an instant.It swept towards Long Tingyu's body.Layer upon layer of knife shadows slashed towards Long Tingyu.

"Hundred Swords Cut No.90 Three Swords!"

"Get out of here!"

Long Tingyu turned his fist into a palm and patted Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao's knife slashed fiercely on Long Tingyu's palm.


Zhang Tianhao was taken aback, because he felt that his knife came out.As if it was dissolved by Long Tingyu's palm, the power of this knife disappeared without a trace like a bull in mud.

"I do not believe!"

Zhang Tianhao went crazy.

"Hundred Swords Cut No. 90 Four Swords!"

"Hundred Swords Cut No.90 Five Swords!"

The power of these two knives is even more terrifying, causing the vision of the void.Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

Long Tingyu slapped the palm again, but it was different from the previous one. This time he slapped ten palms in a row before digesting the power of Zhang Tianhao's two swords.

"what happened?"

Zhang Tianhao was extremely shocked.I feel that the power of these two swords has been dispelled by Long Tingyu just like before.It is more appropriate to say that it is resolved than swallowed.

Could it be the power of blood?Zhang Tianhao feels that this should be the bloodline ability.

Zhang Tianhao, who was extremely shocked, suddenly felt his brows frowned.

"Give me death!"

Long Tingyu punched Zhang Tianhao and killed him.

The power of this punch is extremely terrifying.It was as if the void in front of him had frozen.Contains the aura of destroying heaven and earth.

Zhang Tianhao felt as if he was in a small boat amidst the stormy waves.As if it would collapse at any moment.

"What a terrifying power, what kind of power is it?"

Zhang Tianhao was taken aback.And he even felt his own strength in Long Tingyu's punch.He thought to himself: Could it be that Longting Jade will absorb my power, and then give it back to me completely?

Although this is just a guess, Zhang Tianhao already felt that his guess should be close to ten.

Zhang Tianhao felt that he was locked in by Long Tingyu's punch.There is no room for dodge.But this terrifying power made Zhang Tianhao's hair stand on end.

It is understandable that this is a release for Long Tingyu to absorb her own tricks.You must know, that is the power of Zhang Tianhao's three swords.Wouldn't it be scary to release it so intensively?

It would be great if the Tianluo Umbrella could still be used, but it was a pity that it was consumed when dealing with the three great martial saints when crossing the bloody road.Otherwise, using the Tianluo Umbrella at this moment, no matter how powerful the blow was, he wouldn't take it seriously.Cooling takes ten days.Now nature is far from being restored.

At the moment of crisis, the destructive power of that punch is about to be seen.

"Voiding God Pupils!"

A mysterious symbol flashed in Zhang Tianhao's eyes.

Zhang Tianhao felt as if his body had merged into a different space.


Long Tingyu's punch landed on Zhang Tianhao's body, as if hitting the void.directly through the past.


Long Tingyu's punch directly punched a deep pit [-] meters square behind Zhang Tianhao.

"what happened?"

Long Tingyu was stunned.

Maintaining the virtual pupils consumes a lot of mental energy.Fortunately, the effect is still very good.Zhang Tianhao looked at Long Tingyu and snorted coldly: "The power of blood?"

"Jie Jie Jie... That's right, it's the power of the blood, boy, you can let me use the power of the blood to deal with you. It's an honor to die." Long Tingyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said proudly.

"The power of the blood? You are not the only one with the power of the blood."

Zhang Tianhao smiled coldly.

"The blood of Xingtian, the ancient god of war, is activated!"

Zhang Tianhao felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be burning at this moment.He felt that his strength was a hundred times more terrifying.It should be noted that Zhang Tianhao's current blood power has been activated by [-]%.Although not fully awakened [-]%.But the increase in strength is extremely terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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