The strongest fury system

Chapter 1038 8 Great Families

Chapter 1038 Eight Great Families
"You... you might as well kill me..." Gu Yuqing looked at Zhang Tianhao with resentful eyes.

As one of the top ten talents of the White Dragon Empire, her dantian was abolished. For Gu Yuqing, Budi is the difference between heaven and hell.

"It is thanks to Gu Yuqing that you escaped from my hands. Otherwise, you will die. After Zhang Tianhao finished speaking, he turned around and left."

When he came to the edge of the net cover where the Longting jade was thrown, he put the net cover away.Looking at the sphere of light, he threw the sphere of light into his own system space. After all, it is not suitable to study this thing at this moment.

"Qingwu, let's go!" Zhang Tianhao said to Feng Qingwu.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao didn't know that a huge danger was approaching.After he killed the eight great talents of the White Dragon Empire, the forces represented by the eight great talents immediately discovered that the soul lamp was extinguished.After all, with the importance of the Eight Great Talents in the family.Naturally have the soul lamp.After the soul lamp was shattered.The eight major forces were alarmed.Immediately, the experts from the faction of the eight great arrogances rushed to the outside of Qinglong Cave Mansion.

In the Holy Land of the Emperor's Domain, in the Palace of Absolute Beginning.A middle-aged man is practicing.From the aura emanating from him, it can be seen that his cultivation has far surpassed that of a martial saint, and even reached the realm of a great emperor.Suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood.His expression was startled and uncertain.He immediately counted on his fingers.

"An accident happened to Yu'er? No... Yu'er, who dares to hurt you, I will make him die, and he will never be reborn forever." The middle-aged man said hysterically.

When the words fell, the middle-aged man tore apart the void and disappeared in place.

In Qinglong Cave Mansion
Feng Qingwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said: "Mr. Zhang, you killed the Eight Great Talents. Although they are to blame, the power they represent is extremely terrifying. And it is said that the origin of Longtingyu is extremely mysterious. Isn't he It is rumored that a direct disciple of the Long family may be connected with a certain super power. Although it is only a rumor, I think it is very possible, otherwise, the strength of Long Tingyu would not surpass us by so much."

"Thank you, Qingwu." Zhang Tianhao looked at Long Qingwu and nodded slightly.

"You don't need to thank me. Speaking of which, I owe you several favors, and I don't know when I will be able to pay them back." Feng Qingwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said helplessly.

Zhang Tianhao thought maliciously, thinking of his previous life on Earth.There is a very classic saying, which is called debt repayment.Of course, this was just what he had in mind.

Soon, Zhang Tianhao's expression was certain, and he had to pay attention to Feng Qingwu's words.

Outside Qinglong Cave

At this moment, many warriors who entered Qinglong Cave Mansion came out.Take care of the children of the Gu family.

This time, the warriors who entered Qinglong Cave Mansion were both happy and disappointed.After all, not every warrior who enters Qinglong Cave Mansion will gain something.

Although the members of the Gu family didn't have a big harvest this time in the Qinglong Cave Mansion, it's not like they didn't gain anything.They inadvertently entered a secret vault and obtained several books of heaven-level martial arts and exercises.Although it is only a martial skill of the heaven rank, not a martial skill of the holy rank, it is considered pretty good.

Suddenly, a young warrior suddenly pointed to the void in front of him and said in shock: "Look, it's a huge flying boat."

Everyone, shocked, immediately looked up.Spotted a huge flying boat.The flying boat represents the status of this person in the power.And this flying boat is about a hundred meters long.Obviously, the identity of the visitor is extraordinary.

"It seems to be from the Yu family..."

"There are Gu family, Lu family, and Dou family behind... Why are the high-level officials from the Eight Great Talents here? Did something big happen?"

"It seems that you are still belated! Don't you know that many of the top ten talents have died?" A martial artist who knew the inside story said excitedly.

At this moment, dozens of warriors were taken down from Yu's flying boat.The leader is a high-ranking martial artist who is about fifty years old.The body of the high-level martial saint exuded a terrifying pressure.All the warriors fell silent for a moment.

The high-ranking warrior of the Yu family shouted to all the warriors: "You know who killed Yu Jinshan, say...otherwise you don't have to leave."

"Who killed Gu Zhanfeng..."

"Who killed Dou Xinde..."

"Who killed Long Tingyu..."

The high-ranking members of the eight great celestial arrogances swooped down from the flying boat one by one, and they were all asking questions at the moment.

At this moment, these warriors who have just come out of Qinglong Cave Mansion are not so well-informed about every news.In their eyes, the top ten talents are giants.At this moment, it is heard that the top ten talents are all dead, it must be an earthquake.

"What, all the top ten talents are dead, is this true or false? Oh my god..."

"It should be true. The families of the Eight Great Talents are all here to make trouble. How could it be fake. It's just that Long Tingyu, the head of the Ten Great Talents, died, that would be too sensational."

At this moment, all warriors were silent.dare not speak.A suffocating pressure, like a huge mountain pressing on them, made every warrior a little breathless.

"Whoever reveals the murderer will be rewarded with [-] mid-grade crystals." Long Zhenkunlang, the Patriarch of the Long Family, said.

"Ah! Ten thousand mid-grade crystals!"

Greedy looks appeared on the faces of all the warriors.Ten thousand mid-grade crystals doesn't sound like much.But you must know that 100 middle-grade crystals represent [-] million low-grade crystals.Even for these warriors born in aristocratic families, it is not a small sum.

However, the young warriors present still had some scruples.Although some people know that Zhang Tianhao did it.But they don't know where Zhang Tianhao is hiding at the moment.If it was between them, and the other party killed even the top ten talents, killing them would be even more common.

The members of the Gu family roughly guessed at this moment that the person who killed the top ten talents was Zhang Tianhao.Because they were on the road, they heard someone describing the appearance of the person who killed the top ten talents.That's how Zhang Tianhao was described.It's just that everyone in the Gu family suppressed it.

"No one said?" Long Zhenkun's expression turned cold.

"I know who it is..."

At this moment, a young warrior stood up.This warrior is none other than Gu Haifeng.

"Haifeng, are you crazy?"

Seeing that Gu Haifeng was about to betray Zhang Tianhao, Gu Zijie felt a little anxious.It's just that it's too late to stop it now.

"Young master, at this time, you are still covering up for that thief. He has learned that the most powerful Long family in the White Dragon Empire will never die. I don't want to be buried with him." Gu Haifeng sneered.

Long Zhenkun looked at Gu Zijie and asked, "Do you know who killed it, the young master of our Long family?"

Long Zhenkun's voice was a bit chilly. Long Tingyu's death made him feel like Alexander. He needed to know that Long Tingyu was in that person's blood. He couldn't imagine what would happen to that person after he knew about it. .

(End of this chapter)

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