The strongest fury system

Chapter 1046 Level 6 in a row

Chapter 1046 Consecutive Promotion to Six Levels
Whenever Zhang Tianhao felt that the power of his artistic conception had reached a certain limit, but the improvement of artistic conception continued, as if it never reached the limit.

Just when Zhang Tianhao felt that this pearl of mysteries could not advance to mysteries after exhausting my strength.


Zhang Tianhao felt that his power of artistic conception had been improved just like that.

Immediately, Zhang Tianhao felt that his mood of extinction was somewhat different from before.The strength has increased more than a hundred times.

Zhang Tianhao murmured: "Sure enough, the profound meaning is the profound meaning, and it is absolutely different from the artistic conception."

Zhang Tianhao closed his eyes, feeling the power of being promoted from the Nirvana Concept to the Nirvana Profound Truth.

After a long time, Zhang Tianhao slowly opened his eyes.He has initially realized the difference between the profound meaning of nirvana and the artistic conception of nirvana.If we say that the artistic conception of silence is a perception of the power of silence.The profound meaning of nirvana is the integration of nirvana power.It is as if you are part of the force of extinction.That is a sublimation of the essence of nirvana.

However, Zhang Tianhao already felt that his Nirvana Profound Truth was just a prototype, which was not enough.In its prototype form, its power is not too great.At least one point of Nirvana Profound Truth must be advanced.

"It's a pity that I still have three Pearls of Profound Truth left." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

By the way, after I killed those people, I didn't put away all their space rings.There should be four more Profound Truth Beads inside.

Zhang Tianhao forgot about this moment.Doubled the space rings of Huo Qingcheng and other Tianjiao.Sure enough, the other four Profound Truth Beads were found.

This time, Zhang Tianhao gained confidence.Start continuing to advance.

It seems that it takes a lot of energy to go from a prototype to a single point of the profound meaning of nirvana.Zhang Tianhao spent three consecutive Profound Truth pearls before he upgraded the Nirvana Profound Truth from the embryonic form to one point of the Nirvana Profound Truth.

"Not enough, continue!"

It took Zhang Tianhao three more Profound Truth beads to upgrade the Profound Truth of Nirvana from one point to two points.

Not enough and he stopped.

"Hey! That's enough. Even if you consume the last remaining Profound Truth Orb, you probably won't be able to advance this Nirvana Profound Truth to three points. It's better to change to Kuaisao Mood!" Zhang Tianhao murmured. .

But Zhang Tianhao also knew that this Quick Sword Artistic Conception was not actually an attribute power.It's just that he still hopes to upgrade the Kuai Dao artistic conception to perfection. As for the Thunder artistic conception, Zhang Tianhao also knows that no matter how he can use a single pearl of the profound truth, he can't promote it to the profound meaning.On the contrary, it is the artistic conception of quick knife that is originally Dzogchen, but it has this opportunity.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao finally decided to use the Pearl of Profound Truth to upgrade the Kuaisao artistic conception.

Zhang Tianhao integrated the power of Kuai Dao's artistic conception into the Pearl of Profound Truth


The power of Zhang Tianhao's quick knife artistic conception is improving.

"It can really improve!" Zhang Tianhao liked it very much.

Zhang Tianhao originally thought that it would be difficult for Kuai Dao Yijing to advance to Kuai Dao Profound Truth, but at this moment, it seems that this opportunity is not impossible.And because the Kuaisao artistic conception itself is a relatively weak artistic conception force, the speed of advancement at this moment is much faster than that of the Nirvana artistic conception.

about ten minutes later


Zhang Tianhao could feel that his Kuai Dao artistic conception had finally advanced to Kuai Dao Profound Truth.Although it is only a prototype.But the strength is not the same as before.

"Hahaha... advanced..." Zhang Tianhao was extremely relieved.

"By the way, now that this young master has advanced to two mysteries, isn't that the upgrade task has been overfulfilled? I don't know how many levels this young master will advance in a row this time?" Zhang Tianhao is looking forward to it!
"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for completing the upgrade task. Do you want to upgrade immediately?" The system's prompt sounded at the right time.

Zhang Tianhao immediately said: "I will be promoted immediately."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to Zhang Tianhao, who has been promoted to six consecutive levels. The current level is the sixth level of Wusheng." The system's notification sounded.

"Hahaha... to be promoted to six levels in a row! It's really great." Zhang Tianhao felt very refreshed, super cool!

But soon, Zhang Tianhao's smile stopped abruptly.

Zhang Tianhao hurriedly asked the system: "System, that's wrong! I feel that my experience value is definitely not limited to six levels, it seems that even nine levels are enough. System, can you trick me?"

"System, system, talk to me, or I will curse you a hundred times in my heart every day!" Zhang Tianhao snapped.

I don't know if Zhang Tianhao's threat finally worked.The system finally couldn't take it anymore, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Player, the system didn't cheat you. The system has a limit for each upgrade, up to six consecutive levels at most! You have reached the peak of the system's upgrade limit. Therefore, there are only six levels."

"I wiped it, the system, you can't be unreasonable! It wasn't you who told me that the system was no longer restricted, why is it restricted now?" Zhang Tianhao was furious.

The system replied: "That was before. The previous restriction on consecutive upgrades to three levels was indeed cancelled. It's just that now it has become the restriction on consecutive upgrades to six levels."

"System, if you're so unreasonable, I'm going to scold you, and you haven't fulfilled your obligation to tell! Otherwise, why should I work so hard to kill those warriors? Isn't it just to complete the upgrade task, you can Is it better to get promoted? Now you tell me that there is a limit, isn’t this a scam? No, the system, you have to compensate me! Otherwise, I’ll curse you a hundred times a day, you can figure it out!” From the previous view Come on, the threat of myself seems to be very useful.

Sure enough, the system was silent for a while and said: "This time, it is true that the system's service is not in place, and the system can give a compensation."

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed, he naturally knew that the system's compensation was good.Immediately asked expectantly: "System, what compensation?"

The system replied: "The system can compensate you with a magic pill. This is a kind of medicine for refining the body."

"Myriad Demon Pill?" Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed.

This name sounds so cool and amazing!Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product.

"Ding dong! The 'Magic Pill' compensated by the system is already in the system space, please pay attention to check it." The system's prompt sounded.

After Zhang Tianhao heard the silence of the system, he ignored him and immediately sat cross-legged on the bed, impatiently swallowing the Wanmo Pill.

After swallowing the Wanmo Pill, Zhang Tianhao could immediately feel an explosive force emerging from his body.

Such a strong power, stronger than any body refining pills I had swallowed before.Zhang Tianhao is also looking forward to this Wanmo Pill at this moment, but he can raise his body refining realm to any level.

(End of this chapter)

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