The strongest fury system

Chapter 1069 The Truth

Chapter 1069 The Truth
At the same time, the high-level martial saints around saw that the leader of the half-step Emperor Wu was also killed, and they were terrified.Crazy escape.

Zhang Tianhao also didn't intend to hunt down and kill these high-level martial saints.After all, he had suffered two consecutive battles at this moment, and he had also suffered some injuries.Although not fatal.But it also needs to heal immediately, otherwise it will affect the foundation.

Zhang Tianhao brought Li Jian and Lu Yunxuan into the Shenfu.After all, there was no one around here, and he wasn't worried that this shrine would be discovered.

in shrine
When Bai Xiaolian, the old woman, and a group of people from the Tianxing Mercenary Corps first entered the Shenfu, they were all a little curious about where this place was.Although there is indeed a magic weapon that can guide people in the imperial domain, not only the residences in this divine mansion are complete, but also the vitality of the surrounding world is very strong.Ten times stronger than the outside world.This shrine originally had a spirit gathering array, which could gather the vitality of the surrounding world.For this alone, this Shenfu is beyond the reach of ordinary magic weapons.

"What is the identity of that young master, to possess such a miraculous magic weapon." Bai Xiaolian said in admiration.

But the old woman said worriedly: "I don't know what's going on with that young master now. If that young master can defeat that half-step Martial Emperor, we have hope of life. If we lose..."

Bai Xiaolian naturally knew what her mother-in-law meant.She was more open-minded, and said to the old woman: "Mother-in-law, don't think too much. Life and death are fate. This kind of thing is not something we can control. But I don't think that young man is like an ordinary person. Maybe we don’t need to be so pessimistic.”

The old woman nodded and said: "Oh, Miss is more open to it! It's just that I have lived enough, but Miss's world has just begun! I don't want to see Miss at such a young age..."

Bai Xiaolian smiled at the old woman: "Grandma, why are you so pessimistic, maybe that young master can defeat those people?"

The old woman shook her head, and said with a bitter smile: "It would be great if that was the case, but Miss just didn't notice that there was a half-step Martial Emperor among those people earlier, in fact, that one person alone was enough to kill us Everyone in the Skystar Mercenary Corps."

"Half-step Martial Emperor?"

Bai Xiaolian's expression turned serious.If it was really a half-step Emperor Wu, she would not have such great confidence.After all, half-step Wudi is also Wudi, although there is still some gap.But that is far beyond high-level martial saints, or even peak martial saints.This kind of strength is not something they can compete with.

"Mother-in-law, don't worry, I believe that young master will be fine." Bai Xiaolian said.


A girl came out of the room.It was Song Sitian.As soon as the war started, Song Sitian was sent into the Shenfu by Zhang Tianhao.After all, Song Sitian is only at the Martial King Realm.Naturally, this strength cannot help Zhang Tianhao.

"The girl is you?"

Naturally, Bai Xiaolian had met Song Sitian and knew that she was someone close to Zhang Tianhao.When Zhang Tianhao came to look for her that day, Bai Xiaolian also met Song Sitian.

"Hello, Miss Bai..."

Song Sitian greeted Bai Xiaolian politely.

"Girl, you were so kind that day, but we ignored it. We are very ashamed." Bai Xiaolian said to Song Sitian.

Song Sitian smiled slightly and said, "Miss Bai, don't worry, the young master will never care."

"By the way, girl, what is your son's identity, why did you save us?" Bai Xiaolian looked at Song Sitian and asked curiously.

From Bai Xiaolian's point of view, it was impossible for Zhang Tianhao to take such a big risk to save them.After all, it was the half-step Emperor Wu who offended him.

"Excuse me, Sitian is not clear about this. When my young master comes, Miss, you can just ask my young master yourself." Song Sitian looked at Bai Xiaolian and smiled.

Suddenly, four figures appeared in front of everyone.It was Zhang Tianhao and others.

"Xiaolian, thank you for saving my life, sir." When Bai Xiaolian saw Zhang Tianhao, she was overjoyed, and hurried to him, bowing solemnly.

"Hehe, you don't have to be polite, girl." Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly at Bai Xiaolian.

"My lord, it was Xiaolian who used the heart of a villain to treat a gentleman's belly before." Bai Xiaolian smiled slightly at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, waved his hand at Bai Xiaolian and said, "Miss Xiaolian, you don't need to say that. Under the circumstances, you didn't know me, so it's only human to think so. How could I blame the girl."

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao didn't blame herself, Bai Xiaolian breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the old woman beside Bai Xiaolian hastily asked Zhang Tianhao: "Young master, what is the half step of Emperor Wu at this moment?"

"Killed by me?" Zhang Tianhao said lightly.


The old woman looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.At this moment, Zhang Tianhao didn't restrain his aura, so the old woman naturally knew that Zhang Tianhao's strength was even weaker than hers.Unexpectedly, Zhang Tianhao could kill that half-step Emperor Wu.She is also a peak Martial Saint, and she thinks that even if she is herself, facing the half-step Martial Emperor, she is not the opponent's one-stroke enemy.

Although the old woman was a little shocked, she had to believe it.After all, Zhang Tianhao would not have appeared here if the half-step Emperor Wu hadn't been killed.

"The young master is indeed a genius!" The old woman said in shock as she looked at Zhang Tianhao.

compared to that old woman.Li Jian, Lu Yunxuan and others were much calmer.After all, Zhang Tianhao didn't kill half-step Emperor Wu one by one or two.So, they think this is normal.

"My lord, Xiao Lian has some questions, but I don't know if I should ask them?" Bai Xiaolian looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked.

"Do you want to ask me why I saved you?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Bai Xiaolian and asked with a slight smile.

"Yes, young master, Xiao Lian thought, the young master must not appear here by such a coincidence, right?" Bai Xiaolian looked at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao nodded, and said lightly: "Yes, I did not appear here for no reason. Shangguan Qingxue is my mother."

This time, Zhang Tianhao went back to admit his mother, so he had no intention of hiding it.


Bai Xiaolian and the old woman looked at each other in blank dismay, they thought about many possibilities, but they didn't think of this aspect.

"It turned out to be the son of the elder Shangguan, disrespect and disrespect." Bai Xiaolian said solemnly to Zhang Tianhao.

"Hehe, if you give treasures for mother, I will naturally protect you." Zhang Tianhao smiled at Bai Xiaolian.

"Since the young master has come forward, why invite our mercenary group to protect the treasure?" Bai Xiaolian looked at Zhang Tianhao with some surprise.

Bai Xiaolian was really puzzled, Zhang Tianhao hadn't been the fault this time, and the treasure would have been lost.

Zhang Tianhao nodded, looked at Bai Xiaolian and said calmly, "Because mother didn't know I was back."

"So it is!" Bai Xiaolian suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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