The strongest fury system

Chapter 1120 Intelligence Agency

Chapter 1120 Intelligence Agency
Zhang Tianhao frowned, always feeling that someone was spying on him.Go to the window and push it away.Looking at the booing crowd on the street, I didn't find anything.But that sense of voyeurism is gone.

Walking to the Pill Pavilion, at this moment, the flow of people in the Pill Pavilion is a little less.Li Jian, Dugu Yu and others were busy on all fours.Li Jian and Dugu Yu were hired by Zhang Tianhao to help them.It's just not going to work like this.

It seems that we need to recruit a store manager for the Pill Pavilion.These people are unprofessional.It's okay for a day or two, but if it goes on for a long time, it will be detrimental to the operation of the Pill Pavilion.

Taking advantage of the time when the flow of people in the pill pavilion is weakening.Zhang Tianhao said to Li Guang: "Li Guang, you find a way to recruit a store manager and some waiters..."

"Well, what's your request?" Li Guang asked.

"If you want a girl, you should have a good appearance, and the more beautiful the better. Of course, you have to be careful about your conduct. The salary can be higher." Zhang Tianhao said to Li Guang.

After Zhang Tianhao finished speaking, he found that Li Guang looked at him very strangely.

Zhang Tianhao: "..."

I wipe, what kind of look is this.Do you think I want to have some bad intentions.In fact, that would be wronging him. On Earth, not all service desks are women.To put it bluntly, the Pill Pavilion is also a service industry, similar to a pharmacy on Earth.Naturally, women are needed, who are more beautiful and more comfortable.Didn't you hear that when the earth recruits waiters, the requirement is to have good facial features.And in sales, women seem to be better than men.And, one more thing, the guards of the Pill Pavilion are all men.Zhang Tianhao still knows the principle of matching men and women without getting tired from work.

"Okay, that's all... At that time, Mr. Li, if you have something you like, show it to me..." Zhang Tianhao said to Li Guang.

"Okay, young master..."

It's the little things.Li Guang naturally had no objections.

Night, still the same place.Yang Wentian came to the previous residence.

"My lord, why is the target I hired you to assassinate still alive?" Yang Wentian suppressed the anger in his heart.

"The target person is more difficult to deal with than we imagined. This time it failed, and our killer is dead. Therefore, the mission is cancelled." The skull mask said humanely.

"I paid a deposit of [-] million yuan. Is that all?" Yang Wentian was a little angry.

"We have something to say first, regardless of success or failure, the deposit will not be returned. After all, our skeleton hall also needs to operate. And this time our skeleton hall has lost a killer, and the loss is even greater." The skull mask man said lightly.

Although Yang Wentian was indignant.[-] million low-grade crystal stones, although it is not a serious injury to the Yang family.But it's not a small amount. It took so much, but it didn't work.This made Yang Wentian feel a little heartbroken.

"Patriarch Yang, do you still need to start the mission again?" The man in the skull mask looked at Yang Wentian.

Yang Wentian thought about it for a while, looked at the man in the skull mask and asked, "If I start the mission again, are you sure you can complete it?"

"We will shoot stronger killers. But this time the deposit needs to be ten times that of last time." The man in the skull mask said to Yang Wentian.

"What, why don't you grab it!" Yang asked in a hurry.

A deposit ten times higher than last time would be 50 billion low-grade crystals.Although the Yang family can take it out.But after all, the Yang family is not a giant like the five big families in Lingxi City. The 50 billion deposit is the cost of 100 billion low-grade crystals.This is simply cheating.

"The Yang family, if the business fails, benevolence and righteousness exist." The skull mask said humanely.

Yang Wentian left the Skeleton Hall angrily.Although the Skull Hall can send stronger killers.But it is better to ask for others than to ask for oneself.There are so many spars.He can hire warriors himself.Wouldn't it be more cost-effective,

"Zhang Tianhao, I must kill you to avenge my son." Yang Wentian felt his heart twitch when he thought of the death of his only son Yang Jinkun.

Zhang Xixi's efficiency was pretty good. That night, she found Zhang Tianhao in Donghua Courtyard.

"Why, have you found a clue?" Zhang Tianhao looked at it for only half a day, and Zhang Xixi looked like I had it done.Yoshi was astonished.

Zhang Xixi picked up the water glass on the table, smiled at him and said, "Hehe, it's just such a trivial matter, and it's not complicated, so there's nothing to look into."

"Who is it?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xixi.

Zhang Xixi said to Zhang Tianhao: "It's from the Yang family, specifically Yang Wentian, the head of the Yang family, hired people from the Skull and Bones Society to do it."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, and said, "It's really him."

In fact, Yang Wentian and Zhang Tianhao also had doubts, but they were not sure. After all, Zhang Tianhao had not been in Lingxi City for a long time, and he had offended many people.Moreover, he also wondered if it was the two cheap uncles from the Shangguan family who did it.In Lingxi City, it was understandable that the other party did not dare to deal with him blatantly and hired people from the Skeleton Hall to assassinate him.

"Hmph, I really thought it through, but I just let him down." Zhang Tianhao sneered.

Zhang Xixi took another sip of water and said: "It's not just that, now the head of the Yang family, Yang Wentian, may personally have someone deal with you."

"Hehe, if it's the five major families in Lingxi City, maybe I'll be a bit more scrupulous, but I don't pay attention to such low-level families." Zhang Tianhao said disdainfully.

Zhang Tianhao did have such confidence.This Yang family is just a small family attached to the five major families in Lingxi City.The power in Lingxi City is not weak, but it is not popular.At least not Emperor Wu.

"Xixi, you are so talented. How about I set up an intelligence agency and you take care of it for me?" Zhang Tianhao smiled like a big bad wolf.

"Hmph, then what good do I do?"

Zhang Xixi took out an apple and took a bite, looking at Zhang Tianhao.

"Haha, there are many benefits. For example, I allocate 3000 million spars every month." Zhang Tianhao said to Zhang Xixi.

"Cut. 3000 million low-grade crystals, may I ask if your intelligence agency is only going to play a role in Lingxi City?" Zhang Xixi sneered at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao said with a resentful smile, "How much will it cost?"

"Even if it is only used in the first generation of Lingxi City, it needs [-] million low-grade crystals per month. If there are other ideas, the consumption will be even more." Zhang Xixi said to Zhang Tianhao.

"Then Xianling West City? How about it?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xixi and asked.

Zhang Tianhao's idea of ​​becoming an intelligence agency has been around for a long time. With an intelligence agency, he can better complete the ultimate mission given to him by the system, and finding his father's whereabouts also requires information.Otherwise, when he arrives at the Emperor's Domain, he will be completely blind.It is easier said than done to accomplish these.

"I haven't agreed yet. Let me think about it. Maybe one day I'm happy, so I promise you. Alright, I'm going out to play, young master." Zhang Xixi smiled and left quickly.It disappeared before Zhang Tianhao's eyes in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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