The strongest fury system

Chapter 1228 Prelude to the Storm

Chapter 1228 Prelude to the Storm
"Tianhao, you don't need to think too much about what will happen. They should take action soon, and they will know when the time comes." Zhang Xixi looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "Well, I will trouble Xixi to keep an eye on you during this period of time."

"Well, okay, leave it to me."

Zhang Xixi turned around and left.

"Wait!" Zhang Tianhao shouted.

Zhang Xixi stopped, turned around and looked at Zhang Tianhao in confusion.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xixi and said firmly, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Hehe, you also care about people! I'm a little flattered." Zhang Xixi stuck out her tongue at Zhang Tianhao.

Looking at the figure of Zhang Xixi who turned around and left.Zhang Tianhao shook his head.

Zhang Tianhao came to the lobby.At this moment, the members of the Dark Night Clan have finished washing and are anxiously waiting for their fate.

"Well, you look much more energetic like this." Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.

"You may all be thinking, how will I arrange you?" Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.

"Yes, we are just ordinary people, without any abilities..." the patriarch said with some embarrassment.

"Hahaha, you are the Dark Night Clan, how can you be as miserable as you say?" Zhang Tianhao laughed.

"Young Master, although we are members of the Dark Night Clan, our blood has been diluted for thousands of years, and we can no longer awaken our blood. This old man is the only person who has awakened the Dark Night Blood in the past hundred years. But it is only half-awakened." The patriarch smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry, I have a way to help your Dark Night Clan awaken your blood." Zhang Tianhao said confidently.

"This... this is impossible..." The patriarch looked at Zhang Tianhao in disbelief.

Zhang Tianhao laughed and said: "This is impossible for others, but that person has not included me. If you don't believe me, you can take a look at your strength..."

Fia stood up, and a black aura erupted from her body.A terrifying blood pressure made the team leader feel a mountain of pressure.The suppression on the blood makes him feel as if his breathing is about to stop.

"I believe it, I believe it..." the patriarch said quickly.

Only then did Fia eliminate the coercion.

"We can also awaken the blood like Fia?" The patriarch still looked at Zhang Tianhao with some doubts in disbelief.

"Of course...but before that, I want to get to know your Dark Night Clan first. How many members of your Dark Night Clan are left now?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the patriarch.

"If you only talk about young and middle-aged people, there are still 1000 people." The patriarch looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

"1000 people?"

Zhang Tianhao frowned.It can be said that this number is much less than what he expected before.

"What's going on with your family? Why did you fall like this?" Zhang Tianhao wanted to know about the situation of this branch first.

The patriarch sighed and said: "According to the records in the classics, our clan originally belonged to the side branch of the Dark Ye clan. 3000 years ago, the Dark Night clan suffered a major change, and our clan members lost contact with the main branch. Although our dark night clan is very powerful after awakening, every time we awaken, we must cooperate with rituals and elixir. We have lost both of these. Although natural awakening alone can awaken the blood, it is undoubtedly very difficult... "

Once Zhang Tianhao understood this, he finally understood what was going on.The fate of the night clan is undoubtedly very rough.Originally, the Dark Night Race would not intermarry with humans from other races.This is also to maintain the concentration of the blood vessels.But after no one awakened their bloodlines generation after generation, the Dark Night Clan finally broke this tradition in order to survive.Try to intermarry with the outside world.The consequence of doing so is to preserve the branch of the Dark Night Clan.However, the concentration of the blood has been diluted through generations, and the concentration has already been very full.Even so, this bloodline has instead become the curse of the night clan.Because as long as there is no awakened bloodline, they cannot have power.Moreover, they are still unable to practice cultivation techniques, which makes generations of the Dark Night Clan become ordinary people.

In the place of Emperor Domain, even ordinary civilians are warriors.People like them who can't cultivate are undoubtedly useless people, and it is difficult for them to move an inch in the imperial domain.From time to time, people will be caught as slaves.

After Zhang Tianhao listened, he finally understood the ups and downs of the Dark Night Clan.He said to the patriarch: "I can help you awaken your blood, but you must dedicate your loyalty to me. Of course, I will not force you, you can think about it."

The patriarch hesitated slightly, but he still made a quick decision.He said sternly to Zhang Tianhao: "My lord, there is no need to think about it, I agree. People of our clan, if we continue like this, we will perish sooner or later."

"Okay, senior really understands people. I'll send someone to send you back to discuss with your clansmen. You don't need to leave the residence. After awakening your blood, you can go down the mountain to help me." Zhang Tianhao thought for a while and said.

"Yes... Young Master..." The patriarch was very excited.The opportunity to change the fate of the tribe has appeared.

"Li Gui, go and find Shen Kui, Wang Husheng, and He Xiao, the three guests. I have something to tell them to do." Zhang Tianhao said to Li Gui who was beside him.

Li Gui nodded slightly and said, "My lord, I'll make arrangements right away."

Shen Kui, He Xiao, and Wang Husheng rushed over quickly.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the three of them and said, "You must protect them and go back to the mountain without any mistakes."

Shen Kui's expression changed, and he said to Zhang Tianhao: "My lord, don't worry, we will leave this to us."

Although he didn't know why Zhang Tianhao paid so much attention to these ordinary people, Shen Kui naturally had to complete the task Zhang Tianhao entrusted to him.

The patriarch is also King Wu, but after seeing the mountain-like aura of Wang Husheng and He Xiao, knowing that Zhang Tianhao arranged to protect them must be a master of masters, he immediately greeted Shen Kui and the others cautiously.For fear of neglecting these adults.

After Shen Kui and the others left with the members of the Dark Night Clan.Zhang Tianhao smiled at Fia: "Fia, thank you, if this thing goes well, you have made a great contribution."

Fei Ya said quietly to Zhang Tianhao: "Young Master, I hope you treat my people well. Although they are only members of the branch, the same blood flows in their bodies as Fei Ya."

Zhang Tianhao's heart sank when he heard the words, and he said to Fei Ya: "Fiya, don't worry, I will treat them well. After they join the Donghua Association, they will be considered as our own."

"I trust you, sir." Fia smiled sweetly at Zhang Tianhao.

In the next few days, although Zhang Xixi had closely monitored the members of the four major families, everything was peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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