The strongest fury system

Chapter 1255 Li Guicheng Emperor

Chapter 1255 Li Guicheng Emperor
Li Gui smiled at Zhang Tianhao and said, "My lord, although there are still some warriors left in the two families, they are not enough to fight us. We will kill those who dare to resist."

"Hehe, you did a good job." Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.

Li Gui suddenly said to Zhang Tianhao in confusion, "The direct descendants of those two families still wanted to invite people from the City Lord's Mansion, but in the end the people in the City Lord's Mansion didn't bother, which made Li Gui a little strange." gone."

Zhang Tianhao smiled mysteriously, he naturally knew what was going on.Naturally, Li Gui didn't know, it was because he had an agreement with Sun Jie.Otherwise, the City Lord's Mansion would naturally not let it interfere.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Gui seriously and said: "Li Gui, I said it before. I want to give you a chance, do you remember?"

Li Gui's heart was shocked. At first he thought it was Zhang Tianhao's joke, but now it seems that Mr. Zhang is serious.

"Follow the Young Master's arrangement." Li Gui's voice trembled a little.

Li Gui naturally knew that his young master was a strange person.He said that if he wanted to give himself a chance, it would definitely not be as simple as just talking to himself casually.

Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly, looked at Li Gui and said, "Li Gui, are you a junior martial saint?"

Li Gui's complexion changed, he looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Yes, my lord, Li Gui is an elementary martial saint."

"Well, I have a way to make you Emperor Wu. But your martial arts will stagnate in the future. Are you willing? I won't force you, my lord. You need to make your own decision on this." Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Gui said seriously.

Li Gui was slightly taken aback, it was hard for him to imagine what kind of means could make him become Emperor Wu in an instant.This is equivalent to taking a shortcut!

"My lord, Li Gui didn't dare to expect to become Emperor Wu at all. As long as he can become Emperor Wu, how dare he expect anything else. I beg you to fulfill me, lord." Li Gui's voice trembled.

Li Gui was a little nervous.I was afraid that Zhang Tianhao would suddenly regret it.Emperor Wu!It can be said that becoming Emperor Wu is the dream of more than [-]% of warriors in the entire Zhenwu Continent.Even some so-called geniuses may not necessarily become Emperor Wu.After all, how could it be that simple to become Emperor Wu.Not only do you need training resources, but you also need opportunities.But now Mr. Zhang actually said that he wanted to make him Emperor Wu.If it wasn't because of Li Gui's understanding of Zhang Tianhao, he would have thought that he was deceiving himself.

Zhang Tianhao was very satisfied with Li Gui's decisiveness.Indeed, some warriors have high eyes but low hands.Perhaps at this moment, there will be worries about gains and losses.

"Alright, this is the Martial Emperor Pill, take it!"

Zhang Tianhao took out a medicine bottle, handed it to Li Gui, and said to him seriously: "This is not an ordinary Martial Emperor pill, it is a pill that can make you become a Martial Emperor overnight, but what level does it reach? , it depends on your perseverance, the more medicinal power you absorb, the higher your level. Theoretically, this Martial Emperor Pill can even make you a great emperor or a demigod. Of course, what the result will depend on you Chance."

"Great Emperor, demigod?"

When Li Gui heard this, his heart agitated.If he could really become a great emperor or a demigod, he would not be disappointed even if the way for the warriors in the future were cut off.Because before that, his dream of martial arts was only limited to martial saints.If Zhang Tianhao hadn't given him the elixir, he would still be in Wu Zunjing now.Wu Shengdu is just a dream.It's not like now, he has become a martial artist.And the son also gave him the opportunity to become Emperor Wu.This made Li Gui feel like he was in a dream.

"Why, do you understand?" Zhang Tianhao said to Li Gui seriously.

Li Gui nodded slightly, and said to Zhang Tianhao in a serious tone: "I understand, my lord, Li Gui will definitely go all out to reach the highest level."

Zhang Tianhao patted Li Gui and smiled, "Hehe, don't put too much pressure on him, just work hard."

"Yes, son!"

Looking at Li Gui's figure turning away, Zhang Tianhao nodded.Said: "Although Li Gui's aptitude is not very good, he has strong perseverance. The most important thing is that he is loyal to himself. And his character is still good. Therefore, the Martial Emperor Pill that Zhang Tianhao obtained before is more suitable for him. After all, from Zhang Tianhao's point of view, Li Gui's aptitude to become a Martial Saint is already top-notch. If there is no chance against the sky, this Martial Emperor Realm can be said to be hopeless with him. This Martial Emperor Pill, to Li Gui, belongs to the whole world. Unprecedented opportunity.

It's just that Zhang Tianhao is still looking forward to seeing Li Gui tomorrow and what level Li Gui can reach.His highest requirement for Li Gui is Emperor Senior Realm.As for the demigod, it was only a theoretical possibility, and Zhang Tianhao directly ignored it.Even if it is the Great Emperor, Zhang Tianhao has never considered it.

From Zhang Tianhao's point of view, unless he took a Martial Emperor [-]st Layer warrior himself and let him take this Martial Emperor Pill, it would be possible to create a Great Emperor-level warrior, or even a demigod.

The day passed quickly.Zhang Tianhao went directly outside Li Gui's room.He felt that there was a strong wave of true energy emanating from here at this moment.

"What a strong energy fluctuation? It seems that Li Gui is breaking through." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

At this moment, not only Zhang Tianhao, Shen Xinru, but also Li Guang, Dugu Yu, the three brothers Li Ao, Yan Piaoling and others came here who felt something was wrong.

Zhang Tianhao glanced at Shen Xinru and nodded.Said: "Are you here too?"

Under Zhang Tianhao's suggestion last time, Shen Xinru finally agreed to live in Donghua Hospital.

"Well, isn't this the residence of Guard Li? Is he practicing now?" Shen Xinru looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked curiously.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the curious eyes of several people present, nodded and said, "That's right."


A terrible coercion broke out.All warriors except Zhang Tianhao felt a strong coercion.

"This is……"

Li Guang was a little surprised.Li Guang was a high-ranking martial artist, but now the coercion exuded by Li Gui actually made him tremble, what a terrifying cultivation.

Zhang Tianhao's eyes also exuded a hint of surprise.It was strange that Li Gui was promoted to Emperor Wu.But it seems that it is not the ordinary Emperor Wu who has advanced.Could it be Emperor Zun?

Next, Zhang Tianhao was even more surprised.Because that coercion is getting stronger and stronger.Except for him, other warriors couldn't stand this coercive force.After taking a hundred steps back, I felt better.

Zhang Tianhao's face became more and more joyful.He said expectantly: "Okay. Li Gui, you really did not disappoint me."

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that the stronger the coercion, the higher level Li Gui reached.Although he doesn't know what level Li Gui has reached now.But definitely not an ordinary Emperor Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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