Chapter 1261

These warriors are all in the Martial Emperor Realm.But all of them are emperors, and there is no one above the emperor.

"Young master, hurry up, Aoxue will try her best to hold them back for you."

Aoxue's understanding of Zhang Tianhao was still at the time of the family test.After all, at that time, it was less than half a year from now. In such a short period of time, it was hard for Aoxue to imagine to what extent Zhang Tianhao's strength could be improved.

Zhang Tianhao said indifferently to Aoxue: "Aoxue, just watch, young master, I will take off the heads of these people one by one to avenge you..."

"Young master, do you want to..."

At some point, Li Gui came behind Zhang Tianhao.

"No need, these jumping clowns don't need you to take action." Zhang Tianhao said coldly.

"Hahaha, you died from laughing, you dare to provoke us?"

A Martial Emperor in the lead sneered.


Zhang Tianhao's blood sword was unsheathed.Slashed out with a single blow, almost to the extreme.

The Blood God Knife under the Quick Knife Mystery is unimaginably fast.In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the speaking Emperor Wu.


The head of that Emperor Wu immediately moved.


The other thirteen emperors were all angry when they saw that Zhang Tianhao had killed one of their companions in front of them.They rushed towards Zhang Tianhao one after another.


Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

The Hundred Swords Slash, which incorporates the profound meaning of Kuai Dao, has already reached a certain extreme.These warriors didn't see Zhang Tianhao's blade clearly at all, and those blades were already in front of them.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

A series of knife shadows instantly killed the heads of these warriors.Let the heads of these warriors move instantly.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"

The system's notification tone kept ringing.The lives of these Martial Emperors were all turned into Zhang Tianhao's experience points.

"Young Master, you..."

Aoxue looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.Only now did she know that the young master was able to have such great confidence to save his wife, it was absolutely not on impulse.

On the contrary, Zhang Xixi and Li Gui were not surprised.The young master's leapfrog challenge is no longer once or twice.


Zhang Tianhao put his long knife back into its sheath, and said to Aoxue lightly: "Let's go!"

"Young master, what is your strength?" Aoxue couldn't help but looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "My strength is roughly the peak of a martial saint."

Of course, it was because Zhang Tianhao hadn't completed the system task yet.Otherwise, even Zhang Tianhao wouldn't know what his cultivation was.

"Peak of Martial Saint? Young Master, I don't study much, so don't lie to me!"

Aoxue opened her mouth to say a catchphrase from the earth, leaving Zhang Tianhao speechless.

"Hehe, Miss Aoxue, your young master is indeed the pinnacle of martial arts. However, your young master is different from others, he is a complete freak. Don't be surprised." Zhang Xixi smiled slightly.

"Okay!" Aoxue glanced at Zhang Tianhao, that look really looked like she was looking at a freak.

Three days later, Zhang Tianhao, Aoxue, Zhang Xixi, and Li Gui came to the Valley of the Poison God.

From a distance, Zhang Tianhao and others felt the horror of this poisonous miasma.In the Valley of the Poison God, there are streaks of black mist all around.Within a hundred li radius, not a single blade of grass grows.

Zhang Tianhao and the others could see that there were dense white bones everywhere near the Poison God Valley.Birds and animals, even humans.And stacked several layers.Some look, it should be some years.Although Zhang Tianhao has been to many places, but seeing this scene now, he can't help but feel a little chilled.

Li Gui, Zhang Xixi, Aoxue and others are also average.The three of them had never been to Poison God Valley, so they were naturally shocked by the sight here.

"As expected, it is the Valley of the Poison Gods, a place known as the place where all gods will perish." Zhang Xixi sighed.

"Xixi, you know this place, have you never been here?" Aoxue looked at Zhang Xixi and asked curiously.

Zhang Xixi shook her head and said, "I haven't been here before. I've read about this place in books. You don't know. I like to read some strange books. Therefore, some dangers in Sanyezhou are very important. understood."

Li Gui frowned and said: "Since this place is so terrifying, it seems that there are so many warriors who come here to take risks. Judging from the appearance of these warriors, there should be tens of thousands of warriors who died here .”

Zhang Xixi smiled slightly and said: "This is normal, because I came here to hunt for treasure. According to legend, although the dragon killed the poisonous demon back then, the original dragon was seriously injured. So both of you and the poisonous demon fell. You know, Shenlong, the whole body is a treasure, so those warriors naturally took the risk."

Zhang Tianhao said with a cold smile: "The result of taking risks is turning into a ball of dry bones."

Just as they were talking, a small animal that looked like a hedgehog seemed to have accidentally entered the Valley of the Poison God.Less than a minute after entering, the little animal screamed and collapsed to the ground.In less than two breaths, it turned into dry bones.

Although Zhang Tianhao and the others were well prepared, seeing this terrifying scene still made them gasp.this is too scary.

Zhang Tianhao also looked solemn, because he found that the horror here was even beyond his expectation.When he was in the Northern Territory, he also went to Xunlong Valley, which was similar to Poison God Valley.Not a single blade of grass grows in a radius of a hundred miles.But the poisonous fog there seems to be less scary than here.

Of course, even so, Zhang Tianhao still had to enter.Because the mother is still inside.

"Tianhao, what should we do? The poisonous fog here is very strong. If we want to go in, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long. Besides, we came here in a hurry, and we must have an anti-drug pill." Zhang Xixi looked at Zhang Tianhao with a serious expression the way.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly to Zhang Xixi: "Well, don't worry, I'm prepared."

After speaking, Zhang Tianhao entered the system mall.

In the system mall, there are many detoxification pills.On one list, there are at least tens of thousands of detoxification pills.After all, this system mall contains all the treasures of the Great Three Thousand Worlds, everything that Zhang Tianhao can't think of, and there is nothing it doesn't have.

Zhang Tianhao knew that the poison here was terrible.I'm afraid I won't be able to buy some cheap ones.Must buy some high-end ones.Zhang Tianhao still knows the truth that you get what you pay for.

After a while of selection, Zhang Tianhao finally chose a panacea with 50 points.Bought five in total.Spent [-] points.It made Zhang Tianhao's flesh hurt for a while.Although it is a [-] points, but in this list, it is still considered an inferior medicine.

Zhang Tianhao was also a little speechless when he saw this.However, Zhang Tianhao could only close the mall silently when he saw the first-class detoxification pill worth tens of millions of points.

(End of this chapter)

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