The strongest fury system

Chapter 1264 Zhang Tianhao's Ruthlessness

Chapter 1264 Zhang Tianhao's Ruthlessness
"Cut off everyone else first! I will deal with Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi myself." Zhang Tianhao gritted his teeth, staring at Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi with hatred.

"Yes, son..."

Although Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi are both Emperor Wu, they are only the peak strength of emperors.This kind of strength, Li Gui has not paid much attention to it.

Based on Li Gui's understanding of Zhang Tianhao, it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with them.Besides, if there is any change, there is still time to save the young master by himself.

"Hahaha... Boy, it seems that you are crazy. You actually think that you can defeat us with this stupid big guy. We will tell you with facts, how stupid you are."

"Give it to me, except for Shangguan Qingxue and Zhang Tianhao, everyone else will be killed without mercy." Uncle Shangguan said in a cold voice.


The warriors brought by Shangguan Bo suddenly responded.

Dozens of warriors rushed towards Zhang Tianhao and the others.

"Hao'er, mother's palace, you and Aoxue, let's go! Don't worry about mother." Shangguan Qingxue said anxiously to Zhang Tianhao.

Just when Shangguan Qingxue was about to move, Zhang Tianhao quickly grabbed Shangguan Qingxue's wrist, and smiled at her: "Mother, don't worry, it's fine."

Shangguan Qingxue looked at her son in surprise.She couldn't figure out why Zhang Tianhao was so determined.This is a master with five emperors.The weakest one's cultivation level was equal to his own son's.Does it depend on Li Gui?Unless he is the emperor.

"Give me death!"

Terrible coercion suddenly broke out from Li Gui's body.

It's just the coercion of the emperor.

The martial artist who had pounced on Li Gui suddenly felt suffocated and felt a mountain of pressure.

"This is?"

The group of warriors were extremely shocked.

Li Gui's hand froze, and dozens of claw shadows formed, grabbing down on the rushing warrior.

The weakest of these fighters is the half-step Martial Emperor.But under Li Gui's grasp.They are all like paper paste, vulnerable to a single blow.Caught by Li Gui and squeezed, it exploded into blood mist.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

These warriors let out one after another screams.

Both Aoxue and Shangguan Qingxue were stunned.It seems that this result was unexpected.

"Emperor, this is the Emperor..."

The group of warriors, Shangguan Yi, Shangguan Bo and others were shocked.

There is not only one emperor in the Shangguan family, but there is more than one.But the status of the emperor in the Shangguan family is very special.Even Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi, who are the first and second elders of the Shangguan family, do not have the right to transfer.Because these great emperors are all the elders of the Shangguan family, and their status is still higher than them.But now a great emperor appeared under such circumstances, which was unexpected by Shangguan Yi and Shangguan Bo.

Li Guike ignored the shock of these people.Still started to kill the people brought by Shangguan Yi and Shangguan Bo.Those warriors with the strongest strength are only Emperor Zun, how can they be Li Gui's opponent.Li Gui swatted and killed them one by one like a fly, and the warriors who were killed were crying for their fathers and mothers.

It's a long story, but it's just a few breaths.All the fighters under Shangguan Yi and Shangguan Bo were killed.

After Li Gui killed the martial artist with all his gestures, he seemed a bit unsatisfied.His cold eyes fixed on Shangguan Yi and Shangguan Bo.

Both Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi were taken aback.Seeing Li Gui's cold and stern eyes made her heart shudder.

Looking at the two of them, Zhang Tianhao felt like retreating.He snorted coldly and said, "Kill..."

"Fifth-order infinite rage!"

"One mind, two swords!"

The Jingji Knife and the Blood God Knife were unsheathed at the same time.


The 32 times increase in strength made Zhang Tianhao feel as if he could blow up anything in front of him now.

The agility appeared in front of Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi like lightning.Killed him with a single blow.

"A knife of nirvana!"

As soon as the knife came out, the situation changed.The sword burst out, like a mountain, with invincible power, and beheaded Shangguan Yi and Shangguan Bo.

"Star Soul Palm!"

"Tyrant God Heavenly Knife!"

Shangguan Yi and Shangguan Bo jointly attacked Zhang Tianhao.

The strength of the emperor's peak must not be underestimated.

One knife and one palm carry overwhelming power.The aura of energy came towards Zhang Tianhao like a big wave.

But at this moment, Zhang Tianhao's strength has increased by 32 times.And it was a knife that incorporated the secrets of nirvana and the secret of quick knife.


The three forces collided fiercely in the void.The power that erupted, centered on the three of them, spilled out in all directions.

In a radius of [-] meters, it seemed as if it had been ravaged.The soil sank by one meter in an instant.

The attacks of Shangguan Yi and Shangguan Bo were cut through by Zhang Tianhao's sword light in an instant, and the remaining power was cut to the two of them like a broken bamboo.

Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi screamed.The whole person flew upside down like a kite with a broken string tens of meters away, and hit the ground hard.A big hole was smashed into the ground.

Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi rushed out of the pit immediately, and fell to the ground on one knee.

"Wow!" "Wow!"

Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi couldn't help spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, their expressions were extremely listless.Looking at Zhang Tianhao's extremely horrified expression, the two of them obviously couldn't figure it out even if they wanted to break their heads. In just half a year, why this kid who could be crushed to death at the beginning is so terrifying.

Although Shangguan Yi once intercepted and killed Zhang Tianhao, he escaped.But for Zhang Tianhao, he only thought it was the luck of the other party, with the help of an expert, so he still didn't pay too much attention to it.

But Zhang Tianhao didn't think too much about it. For Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi, Zhang Tianhao hated Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi to the bone, so naturally he would not give them any time to breathe.With a roar, he rushed towards the two of them like a shadow.

"Die to me!" Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.

"Wait a minute..." Shangguan Yi shouted hastily.

The Blood Sword in Zhang Tianhao's hand froze slightly.Looking at Shangguan Yi and Shangguan Bo, he smiled coldly and said, "Why, do you still have a last word? Seeing the relationship between you and my mother, I can leave a last word for you."

"Shangguan Qingxue, do you really want to watch your son kill us? No matter what, we are also his own uncles. If he kills us, it is an offense against the superior and destroys human relations." Shangguan Yi looked at Shangguan Qingxue said with a stern voice.

"That's right, Shangguan Qingxue, let us go once. No matter what we say, he is still your elder brother. You don't look at the monk's face, you look at the Buddha's face!" Uncle Shangguan cried bitterly.

The performance of the two of them fooled Shangguan Qingxue, but they couldn't fool Zhang Tianhao.He looked at Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi and said: "Is this your last words? It's done, you can go on your way."

(End of this chapter)

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