The strongest fury system

Chapter 1268 The Death of Uncle Shangguan

Chapter 1268 The Death of Uncle Shangguan

Shangguan Yi at the side looked at Uncle Shangguan's unbelievable eyes, and said with a cold smile: "My dear brother, what do you think, the position of the Patriarch, I also covet the position of the second brother! Big brother, why don't you Do you really think that second brother, I have no idea about the position of Patriarch?"

"So... it's you... Don't worry, I'll wait for you to accompany me below..."

Words fall.Uncle Shangguan fell to the ground, looking as if he was dying.

After Shangguan Bo died, Shangguan Yi respectfully said to the black-robed old man: "Third Uncle, my nephew will definitely fulfill his promise."

"I hope so, you go back first, at the critical moment, I will make a move." The black-robed old man said lightly.

"The nephew left first." Shangguan Yi said to the old man in black robe.

After Shangguan Yi left, a young man appeared behind the old man in black robe.

"Father, are we really helping them?" the young man asked,

"Hmph, this is an opportunity for our branch to return to the main line, so naturally we can't give up. As for helping them, it is equivalent to helping ourselves. At that time, even if he is Shangguan, he is just a puppet. "The old man in black robe said with a sinister smile.

"Father is smart!" The young man also laughed loudly.

Two days later.Zhang Tianhao, Aoxue, Zhang Xixi, Li Gui and Shangguan Qingxue came to Taixi City.At the moment in Taixi City.The atmosphere is very tense, and all around are checking the warriors who come and go.

However, this kind of interrogation naturally did not have much effect on the five people.

In a restaurant in Taixi City
Zhang Tianhao and others asked for several rooms.

"Mother, don't we go back directly?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Shangguan Qingxue and said.

"We don't know the situation yet, if we rush back rashly, there will be some trouble." Shangguan Qingxue said solemnly.

Zhang Tianhao also knew that what his mother said made sense, so he nodded.

"It's just a pity that my mother's influence in the family has been purged, otherwise she would not be ignorant of the family's situation now." Shangguan Qingxue's expression was a little ugly.

"Mother, don't worry, Tianhao has a solution."

Zhang Tianhao suddenly thought of a chess piece that had been placed in the Shangguan family earlier, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

Shangguan Qingxue looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise and asked, "Hao'er, what can you do?"

Zhang Tianhao smiled mysteriously, and said to Shangguan Qingxue, "Mother, you will find out soon."

Zhang Xixi looked at Zhang Tianhao and said speechlessly: "Is it interesting to be mysterious all day long?"

After about half a stick of incense, a young man came to the room where Zhang Tianhao was.

"Slave, Shangguanwei has met the master and the third elder!"

Shangguan Wei knelt on one knee and saluted Zhang Tianhao and Shangguan Qingxue.

"Shangguanwei, you came just in time." Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly at Shangguanwei.

"This is Shangguan Wei, the guard commander of Shangguan Yi?" Shangguan Qingxue was a little surprised.

Although Shangguan Wei was only Shangguan Yi's guard commander.But after all, they are all in the Shangguan Mansion.Shangguan Qingxue naturally knew about Shangguan Wei.

Shangguan Qingxue was a little puzzled, when did Zhang Tianhao subdue Shangguan Wei, and he seemed so submissive.After all, Shangguan Wei is a martial artist.Look at the way he knelt down to Zhang Tianhao, setting himself very low!

"Shangguanwei, now tell me the situation in Shangguanfu in detail." Zhang Tianhao said seriously to Shangguanwei.

Shangguan Wei nodded and said, "Master, in the Shangguan mansion, most of the supporters of the elder Shangguan are detained in the dungeon."

"What? You mean that those who supported me were not killed?" Shangguan Qingxue looked at Shangguan Weiwen with some excitement and said.

"Well, only a small part of them were killed. But because the power of these people in the family is deeply intertwined, Shangguan Yi and Shangguan Bo didn't dare to go too far. Besides, I heard that the Great Elder died..." Shangguan Wei looked at it Looking at Zhang Tianhao and Shangguan Qingxue hesitantly, he said.

"What, Uncle Shangguan is dead?" Zhang Tianhao became a little confused.

Even Shangguan Qingxue, Zhang Xixi, Aoxue and the others felt very strange.Because Zhang Tianhao let Shangguan Bo and Shangguan Yi go together.Uncle Shangguan was not killed at all.How could he die suddenly.This is indeed a very strange thing.

"Do you know how he died?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Shangguan Wei and asked.

Shangguanwei looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise and said, "Master, didn't you kill him?"

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and said to Shangguan Wei: "What nonsense are you talking about, why did I kill it? I did it, so do I need to ask you?"

Shangguan Wei nodded quickly and said to Zhang Tianhao: "This is a misunderstanding by the servant, because Shangguan Yi claimed that the third elder killed the first elder."

"Nonsense, I didn't kill elder brother." Shangguan Qingxue's expression was also a little gloomy.

Zhang Tianhao was also a little angry.Although he didn't know how the great elder died.But Shangguan Yi let his mother take the blame, he was still very upset.

"Then what is the attitude of some elders in the Shangguan Mansion now?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Shangguan Wei and asked.

Shangguan Wei said to Zhang Tianhao: "Master, except for some elders who were originally neutral, they continued to remain neutral. Those elders who originally supported the First Elder have now changed to support the Second Elder. Now many elders in the family are clamoring to severely punish the Third Elder. .”

"Hmph, it's simply ridiculous. Mother didn't kill this Great Elder at all." Zhang Tianhao's expression was gloomy.

"Master, who do you think is the murderer?" Shangguan Wei asked.

"I don't know about this yet. You go back first and monitor every move of the mansion carefully. If you need anything, I will notify you immediately. You should not stay here for a long time, so leave immediately!" Zhang Tianhao said to Shangguanwei seriously.

"Yes... Young Master..." Shangguan Wei immediately turned around and left.

After Shangguanwei left, Zhang Xixi looked at Zhang Tianhao with a strange expression and said: "Zhang Tianhao, I think you are more suitable for intelligence work, and you broke into the enemy's interior without anyone knowing it. It's my idol!"

Zhang Tianhao gave Zhang Xixi a blank look, and said with a smile: "Okay, don't make trouble, you can help me to deal with it, why did this Shangguan uncle die suddenly, and who killed it?"

Zhang Xixi smiled disdainfully: "Isn't this obvious? Uncle Shangguan is dead, whoever gets the most benefits is most likely to be the murderer."

Zhang Tianhao, Aoxue.Shangguan Qingxue's eyes lit up, and they all blurted out.

"Shangguan Yi?"

"Well, even if he didn't do it himself, it probably has something to do with him. Anyway, I can't think of anyone else." Zhang Xixi said very firmly.

Zhang Tianhao clapped his hands and said, "Well, thinking about it this way, it might really be him."

(End of this chapter)

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