The strongest fury system

Chapter 1271 Evidence

Chapter 1271 Evidence
Soon, Shangguan Yi had someone carry a corpse, which was exactly that of Shangguan Bo.

Shangguan Qingxue's cleverness naturally knew that Shangguan Yi asked someone to bring a corpse with him, he must have his own intentions.But if she really didn't kill Shangguan Bo, the only possibility is that Shangguan Yi faked it.

But even though Shangguan Qingxue knew about it now, she could only show her tricks.

"Hehe, can a dead body be used as evidence?" Shangguan Qingxue said with some disdain on the surface.

"Shangguan Qingxue, you don't need to worry, I will show you what you want to see soon."

After saying that, Shangguan Yi walked up to Shangguan Bo's body and tore off the clothes on his chest.There is a red palm shadow on it.

"It's just..." Shangguan Qingxue frowned, a little unsure.

Shangguan Yi said very proudly: "As we all know, the Xuanqing palm of our Shangguan family is a martial skill cultivated by women, and it belongs to the top-grade palm technique of the holy rank. Only Shangguan Qingxue in the whole family has successfully practiced it. So, do you think this is Shangguan?" Qingxue did it?"

As soon as this evidence came out, the warriors of the Shangguan family all around became commotions.Indeed, the evidence for this is already evident.Even in Shangguan Qingxue's camp.There are also quite a few family warriors who have become restless.After all, killing elder brother is a taboo no matter where it is.

"Shangguan Qingxue, what else do you have to say?" Shangguan Jingyun's expression turned cold.

Even Shangguan Qingxue, who was usually full of wit and tricks, was a little at a loss at this moment.She shook her head quickly and said, "I haven't."

"At this point, you still want to deny it, is it useful?" Shangguan Jingyun looked at Shangguan Qingxue with a somewhat ugly expression.

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao stood up again.He said to Shangguan Jingyun with a smile that was not a smile: "Elder Jingyun, this alone is not enough to prove that my mother did it, right?"

"Why not? The facts are all there, and you still want to argue for your mother? But no matter what you say now, it will be powerless." Shangguan Yi looked at Zhang Tianhao and sneered.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, and said to Shangguan Yi: "I don't want to deny it, I just tell the truth."

"Come here, take all these people down." Shangguan Yi ordered in a cold voice.


Just when the disciples of the Shangguan family's Law Enforcement Hall were about to swarm up to arrest him, a cold snort sounded.

"Wait!" A cold voice sounded.

This is a middle-aged warrior in his forties.With a Chinese character face, his complexion is dark, and he has a lingering aura on his body.

"Shangguan Lin, what do you mean?" Shangguan Yi frowned when he saw someone stop him.

Shangguan Lin said indifferently: "As the head of the family's law enforcement hall, I naturally need to convince one party before I can make a decision and convict. I can't listen to one-sided words."

"You..." Shangguan Yi was a little angry.

But Shangguan Yi turned his anger into anger, but there was nothing he could do.Because the other party is the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, all of this is indeed his duty, and he has nothing to say.

Looking at the upright Shangguan Lin, Zhang Tianhao secretly liked him. It seemed that the Shangguan family was not completely decayed, and there were still some outstanding talents.

Shangguan Lin looked at Zhang Tianhao sternly and said: "As the head of the family's law enforcement hall, I can allow you to argue for yourself. Of course, what you said needs to be justified. If you are a nonsense, I will be the first to arrest you. Take it down."

Zhang Tianhao clasped his fists at Shangguan Lin and said, "Of course, Master Shangguan."

Zhang Tianhao pointed to Shangguan Bo's head on the ground, and said: "Master Shangguan, please see, the cause of death of this Shangguan uncle should be that his head was smashed to death! This shows that the palm on the chest was not the cause of death."

Shangguan Lin nodded slightly, stroked his beard and said, "It makes sense!"

Shangguan Yi on the side quickly said: "What kind of evidence is this? It can only show that Shangguan Qingxue has an accomplice, and it may be unknown which one of you did it."

Shangguan Lin frowned.The words of Shangguan Yi also have this possibility.He looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Do you have any other evidence? If that's all, you still can't rule out responsibility."

Zhang Tianhao said with certainty, "Of course there is. This evidence is actually on Uncle Shangguan. Look, how big is the palm print on Uncle Shangguan's chest? Is it a man's or a woman's palm print?"


Shangguan Mu frowned.

Shangguan Yi looked at Zhang Tianhao with a gloomy expression and said, "Boy, you are so eloquent, what do you want to say?"

Zhang Tianhao looked like an idiot, shook his head and said: "I want to say, is it my mother who made it? Just compare the palm prints and it will be over."

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the system mall and exchanged for a large eight-treasure inkpad and a piece of white paper.These are just one point.It's so cheap.Then he said to Shangguan Qingxue: "Mother, press your palm on the ink pad, and then press it on this white paper."

Shangguan Qingxue already knew what Zhang Tianhao was going to do, so she was very cooperative, she pressed her slender hand on the eight-treasure ink pad, and then pressed it on the paper.

Soon, a clear palm print appeared on the white paper.

Zhang Tianhao held the white paper, shook it in front of Shangguan Lin's eyes, and said with a half-smile: "Master Shangguan, look, is my mother's palm print the same as the palm print on Uncle Shangguan's chest?"

Shangguan Lin took a closer look, indeed, he could clearly see that Shangguan Qingxue's palm print was at least one size smaller than the palm print on Shangguan Uncle's chest.

"That's right, it's not the third elder. The evidence is sufficient." Shangguan Lin nodded.

"Doesn't this prove that this Shangguan uncle was not killed by my mother?" Zhang Tianhao said coldly.

"Boy, you are indeed eloquent. But this can only prove that your mother did not do it. But the 'Xuanqing Palm' is a martial art that only your mother cultivated. Maybe she taught it to any successor. Not necessarily. After all, there are not many Xuanqing palms who are qualified to practice in our family. Therefore, even if your mother didn't kill your elder brother, you still have something to do with her." Shangguan Yi looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly .

"You're talking nonsense, why do you think it's Madam." Aoxue couldn't hold back anymore and said.

Shangguan Lin was also in a dilemma at the moment.Zhang Tianhao's evidence can only rule out that Shangguan Qingxue did it himself.But Xuanqing Palm is Shangguan Qingxue's unique martial art.It is indeed impossible to completely rule out the suspicion of Shangguan Qingxue.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Shangguan Yi and said coldly: "Why don't you say that you did it yourself?"

"Hmph, kid, you need evidence for what you say!" Shangguan Yi looked at Zhang Tianhao with a gloomy face.

Zhang Tianhao nodded, and said with a smile to Shangguan Yi: "You want evidence, then I will give you the evidence."

After saying that, Zhang Tianhao took out the glazed lamp.

(End of this chapter)

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