The strongest fury system

Chapter 1277 The third layer of thunder mystery

Chapter 1277 The third layer of the thunder mystery

"Mother, you don't seem very happy?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Shangguan Qingxue and asked.

Shangguan Qingxue shook his head and smiled wryly: "Actually, mother doesn't value the position of Patriarch very much, but your two uncles misunderstood mother. Mother just doesn't like their behavior at ordinary times, and actually doesn't want to compete with them at all. This location."

"Mother, don't think too much. In fact, Hao'er thinks that you are suitable for this seat, and they are not qualified." Zhang Tianhao said very firmly.

"Well, even so, but for you, mother will continue to hold this position." Shangguan Qingxue said to Zhang Tianhao seriously.

Back in the room, Zhang Tianhao sat cross-legged on the bed.

During this period of time, because he was with his mother, Zhang Tianhao didn't bother to check the treasures he got.Therefore, returning to the room at this moment, he began to count the things that exploded after killing Shangguan Ding.

Asura Sword
Item: Shura Sword
Grade: top

Description: This thing used to be the saber of King Shura, and it has a power bonus of one hundred thousandth of that of King Shura.Can absorb the life breath of the enemy!One knife breaks all methods!
"Top treasure?" Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao's eyes lit up, this is King Shura's saber!It only has one-hundred-thousandth power, which seems to be too little!Zhang Tianhao couldn't help feeling a little hesitant.

The system said: "The host, don't be greedy. Although it is only one-hundred-thousandth of the power, King Shura's power is beyond what you can imagine. Even a one-hundred-thousandth bonus is enough to benefit you." .”

It is true that Zhang Tianhao imagined so!And it can be rated as a top-notch treasure by the system, naturally it is not ordinary.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao is quite satisfied.

nice!good!Moreover, the description also introduced that if you mind absorbing the life breath of the enemy, this feeling is a bit tall.

"System, what does it mean to absorb the life of the enemy?" Zhang Tianhao asked,

The system replied: "That is to say, this Shura sword can store energy by absorbing the life breath of the enemy. Breath of life. And more high-end."

Zhang Tianhao finally understood and was very satisfied.It seems that this Shura sword is indeed a good thing.

"This Asura Saber has many functions. I can't tell you about these. The host needs to dig it out slowly." The system said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao nodded and said, "Understood, I understand."

Next, Zhang Tianhao looked at the second thing.

"Shards of artifact?"

This is the second time Zhang Tianhao has collected all the artifact fragments. Last time he collected all the artifact fragments, Zhang Tianhao got Fuxiqin.This time I don't know what to summon.

"Ding dong! Found ten artifact fragments, do you want to summon them?"


"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for successfully summoning the artifact 'Haotian Tower'!" The system's prompt sounded.

I wiped it, it turned out to be the Haotian Tower.

Zhang Tianhao suddenly jumped up.Although it is not Xuanyuan Sword, Haotian Tower is not bad either!Moreover, the Haotian Tower has a similar name to his own. Could it be because of this that the Haotian Tower was summoned by him.Zhang Tianhao suddenly became flirtatious.

Zhang Tianhao immediately checked the properties of Haotian Tower.

Item: Haotian Tower (sealed)

Tier: Supreme

Description: It was originally a heavenly treasure.Can subdue all demons and evil ways.When necessary, even the gods can surrender.

This is too awesome.It's just what is meant by Nima's seal.

Zhang Tianhao was a little depressed.This Pangu Ax is in the seal, and now the Haotian Tower is also in the seal.This shit, can you still play well?

"System, come out, I promise I won't beat you to death." Zhang Tianhao couldn't help cursing at the system.

"Master, do you know that the plane you are in now is a low-level plane. The space barrier is very fragile. The Haotian Tower and the Pangu Ax are both from high-level planes. If you don't seal it, this space I can't bear the breath of the divine weapon at all, so I need to seal it up," the system said.

When Zhang Tianhao heard it, it seemed that there was some truth to it.

"Then can unlocking the card unlock the seal?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system.

The system explained to Zhang Tianhao: "This unlocking card not only removes the seal of the artifact, but also protects the barrier of the plane you are in."

Zhang Tianhao yelled at the system and said, "Hehe, if you say that, I still blame you for the system."

The system also ignored Zhang Tianhao, and seemed to be too lazy to bother with him.

"Well, it seems that you can only use it if you get the unblocking card, but this Haotian tower can subdue demons. It seems that when the demons from outside the territory come, you can also have the trump card to deal with the demons from outside the territory." Zhang Tianhao murmured language.

Next, Zhang Tianhao slashed Shura to practice.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for successfully practicing 'Sura One Sword Slash'!" The system's prompt sounded.

It's just that this Asura's one-sword slash feels very domineering, but according to the prompts, the use of this Asura's one-sword slash needs to consume Shura's essence and blood.Ten drops each time.

Zhang Tianhao was a little speechless with this painful setting.He still hoped that he could collect [-] drops of Shura's blood essence, and then summon King Shura.

It seems that this so-called Asura's one-shot slash, I don't want to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.Zhang Tianhao shook his head.

Zhang Tianhao next took out the Profound Truth Divine Orb that exploded.

Right now, both his Thunder Mysteries and Nirvana's Mysteries are at the [-]nd percentile.Stagnant for too long.What Zhang Tianhao wants to do most now is naturally to upgrade both the Thunder Mystery and the Nirvana Mystery first.

This Profound Truth Divine Orb is just a consumable.By absorbing the power in the Divine Bead of Profound Truth, the power of Profound Truth can be strengthened.

The first thing Zhang Tianhao wants to improve is Thunder Profound Truth.

Zhang Tianhao pinched the Profound Truth Divine Bead in his hand and began to absorb the power inside.Soon, as the power of the Profound Truth Bead was absorbed, Zhang Tianhao felt his Thunder Profound Truth power begin to increase crazily.

After about half an hour, Zhang Tianhao felt that his Thunder Mysteries had reached a critical point.

Zhang Tianhao continued to attack.He couldn't stop hitting that mysterious and mysterious barrier.


Zhang Tianhao feels that the Thunder Profound Truth has broken through the second and entered the third.

"Not bad, cool!"

The Thunder Profound Truth, which had been stagnant for a long time, finally entered the third percentile.

But at this moment, the Profound Truth Divine Orb has only absorbed half of its power.Zhang Tianhao did not continue to increase the power of the Thunder Profound Truth, but prepared to use the remaining power of the Profound Truth God Orb to enhance the power of the Nirvana Profound Truth.After all, the power of Nirvana Profound Truth has also stagnated for a long time.

Zhang Tianhao continued to absorb and began to increase the power of the Absolute Truth of Nirvana.

(End of this chapter)

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