The strongest fury system

Chapter 1283 Defeating Cheng Hai

Chapter 1283 Defeating Cheng Hai

Shang Ming's heart trembled.

The next second, Zhang Tianhao came up behind Shan Ming strangely and kicked him down.

"Flame chrysanthemum residue!"

This kick hit Shang Ming's fat buttocks.Immediately, Shang Ming's chrysanthemum tightened, and he flew out screaming.The whole person flew out like a plane.Then he fell to the ground.Buttocks are on fire.


Shang Ming screamed.Rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flame on the buttocks.But Zhang Tianhao's flame is a different flame.Nature is not so easily extinguished.

It was not easy, with the help of the warriors around.The flame on Shang Ming's buttocks was extinguished, but that place turned into coke.

Although Zhang Tianhao's attack was a bit weird, because it was a martial arts competition, no one could say anything about him.

All the martial artists in the audience were a little surprised.The warriors in Lingxi City were all excited.Whether they like Zhang Tianhao or not, they feel elated at this moment.After all, Zhang Tianhao now represents Lingxi City.Especially Sun Haofeng, the lord of Lingxi City, looked excited at the moment.The warriors in Lingxi City have been suppressed for too long.

The warriors in the other cities were a little stunned.Although Shang Ming's strength is not very good, he is still at the peak of Wusheng anyway.He was defeated by someone in one move.In other words, it was a one-kick defeat.The gap before and after this is too big.

"This kid, I'll just say he can do it." Sun Jie was very excited and excited.

Even Yun Feng, who had a deep feud with Zhang Tianhao, was smiling.He is representing Lingxi City now, so he naturally hopes to see Zhang Tianhao win.

But Zhang Tianhao didn't enjoy himself to the fullest, he stared at the only remaining contestant on the stage in Jiufeng City.

"Now you are the only one left. Come up and go back with your team leader." Zhang Tianhao said to the martial artist in Jiufeng City.

The warrior's face suddenly turned pale.Even the team leader whose strength was far superior to his own was defeated by one move.Moreover, he was defeated so miserably that he was a little terrified at the moment.

"No...I...I admit defeat..." The warrior looked at Zhang Tianhao and said in horror.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, a little dull.

So far, the entire army of Jiufeng City has been wiped out.Became the first team to be eliminated.Sun Jie exhaled deeply, Jiufeng City was eliminated, even if Lingxi City lost now, it can still rank No.4, and it is not too bad to lose.

Zhang Tianhao still had no intention of stepping down. He fixed his eyes on the team in Baishui City, looked at one of the fighters and said, "Come... come, it's you!"

The rules of the game, a warrior who is challenged cannot be challenged consecutively.Of course, exceptions can be made unless it is voluntary.But there are not so many restrictions on challengers.In theory, as long as you can win, you can continue to challenge without limit.

The reason why it is a theory is that no one has done it so far.After all, fighting consumes real yuan.Consecutive challenges consume too much.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao did not step down, Sun Jie was a little surprised.

"What on earth does this guy want to do? Why doesn't he step down?" Sun Jie was very surprised.

"I don't know, but he didn't consume much just now, and it's not too strange to challenge him continuously!" Yun Feng said lightly.

"Well, it's true if you say so." Sun Jie looked at Zhang Tianhao on the battle stage.

That warrior is a half-step Martial Emperor warrior.Hearing this, he stepped onto the battle stage with a solemn expression.Because Zhang Tianhao is currently using the Breath Containing Art on his body, only warriors who are stronger than Zhang Tianhao's three major realms can see his true cultivation.Otherwise, the martial artist knows that Zhang Tianhao is Emperor Zun.I have already conceded defeat.

"Please enlighten me! Cheng Hai!"

"Zhang Tianhao!" Zhang Tianhao signed up.

Lin Shaonan, who was sitting next to him on the stage, frowned and said, "Zhang Tianhao, is it Zhang Tianhao who is No. 70 on the Tianjiao list?"

Zhang Tianhao naturally didn't know that his ranking had been raised again.Originally, he was ranked No.90 on the Tianjiao list.However, after successively killing Shang Hong and Liu Zhengming on the Tianjiao list, and then defeating Ma Wenbo, they completely occupied the No. 70 third place in Ma Wenbo's Tianjiao list.

"Impossible! Can Lingxi City produce such a character?" Bai Zhenjiang beside him couldn't help but ask.

Because if it was really Zhang Tianhao, there would be a little bit of pressure.After all, the opponent's ranking is still above him.

"Maybe it's the same name and surname! The imperial domain is so big and there are so many warriors, it's not too strange to have the same name." Chen Yankun said calmly.

Lin Shaonan and Bai Zhenjiang nodded slightly.

The Tianjiao list only lists the name of the warrior, the reason for being on the list, and a rough estimate of his cultivation.There is no detailed information on the fighters on the list, so a few people dare not believe that Zhang Tianhao is the No. 70 third genius on the Tianjiao list.

At the signal of the referee, the competition began.

Cheng Hai used a spear.The fierce gun shadow roared and stabbed Zhang Tianhao.Every gun shadow is like a giant dragon.

"The mystery of the gun?"

Zhang Tianhao had to admit that this person was a genius!Those who can comprehend the profound truth in half a step by Emperor Wudi are very rare!After all, many people, even Emperor Wu, can comprehend the profound truth, but only one out of ten.Of course, although this person has comprehended the profound meaning of the spear, it is only a rudimentary form and has not yet begun to germinate.Of course, with the prototype, it is only a matter of time before the germination.Zhang Tianhao also felt sympathy for this person.He didn't kill him right away, otherwise, even if the opponent understood the profound meaning of the spear, defeating the opponent would only be a matter of raising his hands.

At the time of No.30 move.

Zhang Tianhao didn't hold back anymore.

"You punch me again!"

"Heart-piercing Destruction Fist!"

Zhang Tianhao's eyes were fixed, and he punched out with a punch, and the layers of fist shadows caused faint ripples in the void.

Cheng Hai felt an overwhelming force.His expression changed slightly, and hundreds of spears were fired in an instant, forming a net of guns.


Zhang Tianhao's punch hit Cheng Hai's gun net.

Feeling an explosive force, his gun net was instantly torn apart.Cheng Hai let out a muffled snort, and flew upside down hundreds of meters before landing on the battle platform.

Cheng Hai couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, looked at Zhang Tianhao respectfully clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhang, for your mercy!"

What Cheng Hai said was not humility, but he fully felt Zhang Tianhao's terror. He knew that if the other party didn't intend to hold back, he might be able to defeat him in seconds with one move.This is also felt from the opponent's punch.If the opponent used that punch early in the morning, he knew that he would definitely not be able to resist it.Moreover, he could still feel that the other party probably didn't use his full strength in this punch.

"Mmm! Brother Cheng, your marksmanship is good. Given time, you will surely shake the Emperor's Domain." Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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