The strongest fury system

Chapter 1306 Strong Chapter Return

Chapter 1306 Strong Return
"Seek your own way!"

A teasing smile appeared on the corner of the tall man's mouth, and he greeted him with a fist.

"Bang!" A sound.

The two fists collided together in the void.

Jin Bao originally thought that if he punched himself, even if he couldn't get an equal share with the opponent, he shouldn't suffer too much.But as soon as they fought, a terrifying force immediately rushed into his body domineeringly.He was thrown out completely.


Jin Baoren was still in the air, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The tall man sneered, and chased after Jin Bao like a shadow.He punched Jinbao with a punch.

Jin Bao was locked on by an extremely terrifying murderous aura, his hair stood on end, and he wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

A sharp sword qi pierced down from the void.

"The Thirteen Swords of Death!"

This is a shocking sword, a sword full of death.It seems that under this sword, all things are annihilated, and all vitality is cut off.

The tall man's punch was cut off by this sword.

The tall man frowned and looked at Yan Shisan. At this moment, he had decided that this man was a formidable enemy.

"What a terrifying sword!"

The tall man exclaimed.

"Hmph, let me replace him in this battle!" Zhang Jianfeng looked at the tall man and said.

"Very well, you are indeed a formidable enemy, and you should be the strongest here! If you lose, there will be no hope for the existence of Tianwu City." The tall man sneered.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

A killing intent erupted from Zhang Jianfeng's body.

In the past two years, he not only integrated all the powers of Yan Shisan.Promoted the cultivation base to the elementary level of Wu Zun.Even the No.14 and No.15 variations of "Thirteen Swords of Death" have been successfully evolved. There is even a tendency to evolve No.16 variations. That is, Sixteen Swords of Death.


Zhang Jianfeng, who was dressed in black, had a stern face.He not only inherited Yan Shisan's obsession with the sword, but also inherited Yan Shisan's character.He also likes black and adores black.Black represents ominousness, sadness and death.It also represents loneliness, pride and nobility.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Jianfeng collided with the tall man.In the blink of an eye, the two had exchanged hundreds of moves.

But it is obvious that the tall man is very strong.After all, they belong to the Heavenly Demon Clan, they come from a higher plane, and their combat power at the same level is a hundred times higher than that of a lower plane.

After Zhang Jianfeng fought a hundred moves, he was suppressed everywhere.

Zhang Jianfeng knew that he couldn't go on like this, otherwise he would lose sooner or later.It's better to fight while you are not completely suppressed.

"Fifteen swords to kill!"

The sword energy on Zhang Jianfeng's body was even more terrifying.It was as if his whole being had become a sword, a terrible sword.

This is a sword technique that should not exist in the world.

Under this sword, the tall man was also shocked. He felt that his whole body and even his soul were trembling.

"Devil God Slash!"

The tall man's hands froze, and endless black auras rushed towards him from all directions.Those black awns turned into a long knife.

"Break it for me!"

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

Zhang Jianfeng's sword collided with the tall man's long knife in the void.

The blade formed by the black aura collided with Zhang Jianfeng's sword that did not belong to the world in the void.In an instant, the black long knife was defeated by Zhang Jianfeng's sword.Inch cut off.

And Zhang Jianfeng's sword slashed towards the tall man like a bamboo.


The tall man screamed and retreated hundreds of meters. There was a long knife mark on his chest, dripping with blood.

"well played!"

After recovering his life, Jin Bao was also watching the battle after returning to the rear.After seeing Zhang Jianfeng hurt the tall man with a sword, he felt very excited.

"Don't get too excited, don't you see something wrong with Jianfeng's expression?" Dou Bi looked at Zhang Jianfeng in the distance and said seriously.

"No, what's wrong?" Jin Bao looked at Dou Bi beside him in confusion.

"See for yourself, I can't tell, but it seems that Jianfeng's situation is indeed not very good." Dou Bi said seriously.

"Very well, you hurt me, but you should be at the end of your battle!"

The tall man was very angry.As a high-level Demon Race from the Beginning God Realm, it was a great shame for him to be injured by a warrior from a low-level plane.


The tall man used his magic skills, and a black light burst out from his body.Immediately afterwards, the wound on his chest was repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.In less than a few breaths, the wounds originally injured by Zhang Jianfeng were completely healed.

"How is it possible?" Zhang Jianfeng looked at the tall man with a shocked expression.

"Now it's my turn! Go to hell!"

The tall man's hand froze, and a huge black palm slapped down on where Zhang Jianfeng was.

This palm is overwhelming.Dark clouds cover the top.

Zhang Jianfeng was already at the end of his strength, and now he was powerless to resist under this palm.


Both Dou Bi and Jin Bao's eyes were tearing apart.

Ning Xue, Yun Qiuyu, and Ye Yunshang also changed their faces.

Just at this critical moment.Zhang Jianfeng suddenly disappeared in place.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

In the place where Zhang Jianfeng was originally.A [-]-meter-square pit was slapped by the tall man's palm.If Zhang Jianfeng hadn't dodged before, under such a terrifying palm, he would definitely be crushed to pieces.

A hundred meters away, Zhang Jianfeng was still in shock.Before, he thought that he was definitely going to die.But in the end, he seemed to be transferred by a force.

Zhang Jianfeng turned his head and saw a familiar figure came into view.


When Zhang Jianfeng saw Zhang Tianhao, he looked surprised and couldn't believe it.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Jianfeng and asked with concern.

"Boss, Jian Feng is fine!"

Zhang Jianfeng was very excited.

Zhang Tianhao was also very excited. He patted Zhang Jianfeng on the shoulder and pretended to be calm and said to him: "It's okay, leave it to me now! I will make this demon who hurt you disappear."

As Zhang Tianhao said, he took out a Jade Spirit Pill and handed it to Zhang Jianfeng, and said to him, "This is the healing pill I refined, take it, and you will get better soon."


Zhang Jianfeng took Zhang Tianhao's Bi Ling Pill without hesitation.He naturally knew that the healing elixir refined by Zhang Tianhao was definitely the best in the Northern Territory.

Zhang Jianfeng returned to the rear.

On the city wall, Jin Bao, Dou Bi and others didn't know what happened because of the incident just now. After seeing Zhang Jianfeng came back, a familiar figure appeared, and some couldn't believe their eyes.



The crowd was ecstatic.

(End of this chapter)

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