The strongest fury system

Chapter 1315 Holy Map

Chapter 1315 Holy Map
However, before Zhang Tianhao went to Canghai Kingdom, he planned to return to Wasi Kingdom first. After all, the Northern Territory was being ravaged by black beetles, and the Xijiang Thirteen Kingdoms were not immune.

But Zhang Tianhao didn't know that when they were about to return to Vasi country.Vassi country is also being attacked by black beetles at this moment.

On top of the city.Countless soldiers raised their bows and set arrows, and the trebuchets were ready to wait.

Murong Fei, the emperor of Wasi Kingdom, is personally commanding at this moment.

"Senior, you should go back and rest first! If you make a mistake, how will I explain it to Tianhao?" Murong Fei said to Zhang Yaobang who was beside him.

"Oh, Your Majesty, how can I leave this old man, this Vassi country is also my hometown. People are in the city." Zhang Yaobang said stubbornly.

At this moment, Zhang Yaobang, with the accumulation of Zhang Tianhao's massive resources, is now a martial artist at the beginning level of Wu Zong.It seems that he is younger than Zhang Tianhao when he left the Northern Territory.It just seemed that after days of fierce fighting, Zhang Yaobang looked a little haggard now.

"Okay, old man, you are a role model for all us warriors!" Murong Fei said with emotion.

Murong Fei looked at Zhang Yaobang with complicated eyes.Although the Murong family is still the royal family of the Vasi country, all warriors in the Vasi country know that the Zhang family is the ruler of the Vasi country.

However, although the Zhang family has expanded rapidly in recent years, they still treat the Murong royal family with courtesy.Now Murong Fei has inherited the throne.But the Zhang family is still very polite to the Murong family.Therefore, Murong Fei still felt at ease with the Zhang family, and he didn't feel like he was being left out.Murong Fei knew very well that the Murong family was still able to issue orders in the Wasi country, and that he was not kicked out of his current position because of the support of the Zhang family.Murong Fei also knew that if the Zhang family really coveted the Murong family's throne, the Murong family would have ceased to exist long ago.

It's just that Murong Fei didn't think too much about it. He knew that as Zhang Tianhao's situation became bigger and bigger, the Zhang family had long looked down on the mere throne of Wasi Kingdom.

This time, the Heavenly Demons attacked.If Ninghai City had not been supported by the Zhang family's children, it would have been breached by the black beetle long ago.

Fortunately, because of the rise of Zhang Tianhao, the Zhang Family has sprung up masters like mushrooms after rain.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Suddenly, Murong Fei standing on the city wall was a little shocked, because he felt the ground tremble.

"what is that?"

Murong Fei pointed to the two huge monsters in front of him.These two behemoths are like infinite poisonous scorpions.

Zhang Yaobang frowned and said: "This should be a giant insect monster. I have heard of it a long time ago."

Zhang Yaobang looked a little dignified.

"Giant worm?"

Murong Fei's expression was also a little ugly, he naturally knew what this so-called giant worm was!That is a demon insect that is countless times stronger than the black beetle.

"What should we do? Senior! Why don't we withdraw!"

Murong Fei's expression showed pain.But he knew that the strength of this giant worm monster was Wu Zong who hired beautiful human warriors.This is definitely not what he can compare.

Zhang Yaobang frowned and said: "It's not the end, don't give up lightly. Does the emperor think it's too late for us to retreat now? We can go now, but what about the ordinary people? Have they retreated? "

Murong Fei also had a look of shame on his face when he heard the words.Said to Zhang Yaobang: "Senior said yes. I made a slip of the tongue."

"Your Majesty, this old man leads people to stop them. These giant worms cannot be allowed to approach, otherwise they will cause too much damage to our city walls." Zhang Yaobang said.

Zhang Yaobang immediately led the warriors of the Zhang family to kill them.Of course, there are also warriors from various families in Vaxi Kingdom.Although usually these warriors will fight each other internally.But at this time, every martial artist has the same hatred.

It's just that these fighters are powerless against those black beetles.What's more, there are two terrifying giant worms.With the slightest contact, the warriors of the major families were killed, throwing their helmets and armor off.

Only the fighters of the Zhang family can compete with those black beetles a little bit.But it is also a comprehensive disadvantage.


The terrifying tail of the giant worm swept towards Zhang Yaobang.This sweep, flying sand and rocks, dust filled the sky.

"Beast, die for me!"

Zhang Yaobang roared angrily, punched the giant worm in front of him and killed it.

With this punch, sand and rocks flew, and dust flew up.With powerful destructive power.


A loud explosion sounded.

Zhang Yaobang let out a muffled snort, and fell into the air.


Zhang Yaobang flew upside down for more than ten meters, and landed on the ground, his face was pale and extremely listless.Couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Zhang Yaobang looked extremely gloomy as he watched the family's warriors keep falling down.He shouted loudly: "Quick retreat..."

Zhang Yaobang knew that things were beyond his control at this moment, these black beetles and giant insects were definitely not something they could contend with.

Not far away, two warriors from the Heavenly Demon Race looked at the battlefield ahead.

"Lair, how long do you think it will take us to capture Ninghai City?" said a warrior from the Heavenly Demon Race.

The Heavenly Demon warrior named Lyle said disdainfully: "If there are no accidents, we should be able to enjoy the scenery in Ninghai City within half an hour."

"I feel the same way. Warriors in Zhenwu Continent are generally weak, especially in the Northern Territory." Another warrior from the Heavenly Demon Clan smiled faintly.

After all the warriors in Ninghai City withdrew, Zhang Yaobang did not leave.Looking at the swarming monsters, he sighed and said, "It seems that we can only use the trump card given by Tianhao."

Emperor Murong Fei on the city wall watched that Zhang Yaobang did not retreat.Suddenly pale with shock.This Yaobang is the Optimus Prime of Wasi Kingdom!There is absolutely nothing wrong with him.

Therefore, Murong Fei didn't care about danger or not, and immediately flew to Zhang Yaobang's side, and said anxiously to him: "Senior, hurry up, this place is dangerous, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

Looking at Murong Fei's anxious look, Zhang Yaobang smiled and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I have a solution."

Murong Fei watched the black monsters attacking all around him, he shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Senior, even if we want to leave now, I'm afraid we won't be able to."

Murong Fei's current cultivation is only at the Martial King Realm.Trying to deal with one of the black beetles.But there are more than a hundred black beetles around here.What's more, there are two more powerful giant worms.Now he is mentally prepared to become the food of these monster insects.

"Unexpectedly, one day I, Murong Fei, will die in the mouths of these beasts. I really don't want to!" Murong Fei was already in despair.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I won't let you die."

As he spoke, Zhang Yaobang took out a painting.

Feel the fluctuations in that painting.A gleam of light flashed in Murong Fei's eyes.Surprised: "This is Shengtu?"

(End of this chapter)

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