The strongest fury system

Chapter 1317 Decision

Chapter 1317 Decision
"Who are you?" Art frowned when he saw the sudden appearance of a man and four women.

Intuition told him that these five people were not easy to deal with.But he didn't pay much attention either.Who is he? He belongs to the Heavenly Demon Clan.Facing warriors of this low plane, he was born with a psychological advantage.I don't think this low-level warrior can pose much threat to him.


"This kid is finally back..." Zhang Yaobang looked at Zhang Tianhao with tears in his eyes.

At that moment, Murong Fei also heaved a sigh of relief.For some reason, with Zhang Tianhao around, he was full of confidence, as if there was nothing in this world that could be difficult for him.

"Boy, since you want to die, I don't mind, just save one more." Yate's face became stern, and he slashed at Zhang Tianhao's body.

This knife is extremely terrifying, like a mountain.Endless magic mist, composed of sword lights.In an instant, it covered Zhang Tianhao's body.

"How dare you show your ugliness even if you have a small skill?"

"Heart-piercing Destruction Fist!"

This punch blasted the past, and the whole space began to shake.

"Bang!" There was a loud bang.

Art felt as if he had been hit by a beast.The whole person flew out.With this punch, he felt as if his whole body was about to fall apart.

"Heavenly Demon Killing Blade!"

Arthur yelled.The long knife in his hand turned into a black long knife about tens of meters long, like a mountain.Behind him, there appeared an indomitable armored demon god, looking at Zhang Tianhao mightily.

"court death!"

Zhang Tianhao was extremely disdainful, and punched him.

This punch hit the body of Yate's knife.


Yate's knife instantly collapsed.

Zhang Tianhao's fist drove straight towards Yate's body.He punched hard on it.

Arthur snorted and flew out.He fell to the ground, vomiting blood.


"Catch the wind and catch the shadow!"

Zhang Tianhao swept over like a shadow.A kick landed on Art's head.

Art's head was crushed like a watermelon.


"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Yate! Experience points..." The system's prompt sounded.

This Yate is just equivalent to the cultivation base of a human martial saint. For Zhang Tianhao, the experience value is almost negligible.

Zhang Tianhao's murderous intent locked on Lyle.Lyall was terrified.His strength is on par with Arter.Zhang Tianhao can kill Yate like a sheep, and it doesn't take much effort to kill him.Therefore, Art is now crazy.Turn around and use your agility to escape.

Zhang Tianhao sneered, and murmured: "If you want to leave, it depends on whether I am willing or not!"


Zhang Tianhao disappeared in place, and appeared behind Lyle in the next second.

"Heart-piercing Destruction Fist!"

"Boom!" sounded.

Zhang Tianhao's punch hit Lyle's body.

Lyle screamed, and there was a blood hole the size of a bowl in front of him.Blood spurted out.

"Ding dong..."

The system beep sounds.

Zhang Tianhao took the four girls back to the city wall.Looking at Murong Fei who was still in shock, he said, "Brother Murong, are you alright?"

Murong Fei smiled wryly at Zhang Tianhao, "If you don't come, I'll be in trouble."

Yun Qiuyu on the side looked at Zhang Tianhao and said with a smile: "Tianhao, you want to be called the emperor, and now Murong Fei has taken over the throne of Wasi Kingdom!"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Murong Fei slightly surprised, and said, "Your father has abdicated?"

Murong Fei sighed to Zhang Tianhao, and said: "Father has been disheartened since Ziqian's incident, and now lives in seclusion on Maple Leaf Mountain. I don't care about worldly affairs... Actually, I don't like this position, everything is forced Helpless!"

Zhang Tianhao also knew that Murong Fei's temperament was indeed not someone who cared about power.He smiled at him: "I have seen the emperor."

Murong Fei smiled wryly at Zhang Tianhao: "Tianhao, are you using me so poorly? It's not like you don't know what's going on with my throne."

Zhang Tianhao smiled without saying a word.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao saw a sluggish look on Murong Fei's face.knew he was hurt.Immediately, he took out a Jade Spirit Pill and handed it to Murong Fei, and said to him seriously: "Brother Murong, you take this Jade Spirit Pill. It will help your injury."

Murong Fei was not polite, and took Zhang Tianhao's Bi Ling Pill.After taking it, he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to heal his wounds.

Sure enough, the effect of Zhang Tianhao's Bi Ling Pill is still very good.After half an hour, the injuries in the body recovered seven or eighty-eight.

After Zhang Tianhao bid farewell to Murong Fei, he returned to the family with his grandfather.

"Tianhao, this time is really dangerous. If you hadn't come back in time, Ninghai City might not be able to keep this time." Zhang Yaobang looked at Zhang Tianhao's solemn expression and said.

Zhang Tianhao nodded and looked at his grandfather and asked, "Grandpa, how about the family casualties?"

Zhang Yaobang said with a sad expression: "This time, there were a lot of casualties, and some of them were rising stars in recent years. It's very heartbreaking!"

"Grandpa, there is no way to do this. How can you see a rainbow if you don't experience wind and rain." Zhang Tianhao comforted his grandfather.

"Well, you are right to say that, but it is still too cruel." Zhang Yaobang nodded to Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Yaobang seriously and said, "Grandpa, this time Tianhao came back to discuss this matter with you."

"Oh! Tianhao, do you have any ideas?" Zhang Yaobang looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked.

Zhang Tianhao nodded to Zhang Yaobang and said, "Yes, Grandpa, I want people from my family to follow me to the Imperial Region. This northern region is too dangerous now."

Then, Zhang Tianhao told his grandfather about the Sky Demon Clan.

Zhang Yaobang's expression was extremely astonished, and he seemed to be a little hard to accept the news.

"How did this happen? Tianhao, is what you said true?"

Although Zhang Yaobang had great trust in Zhang Tianhao.But the news is still too shocking.

"Grandpa, this matter is urgent! The rest of the Northern Territory, Tianhao, can't control it alone, but the family, Tianhao has the responsibility to protect it." Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Yaobang and said.

"Tianhao, after all, this is not a trivial matter. You ask Grandpa to think again. Besides, this is the place where our family thrives. If we really want to leave it like this, many people may feel uncomfortable." Zhang Yaobang looked at Zhang Tianhao and sighed. .

Zhang Tianhao also knew that his grandfather was telling the truth, and said to him seriously: "Grandpa, Tianhao still has things to do, and he will be back in three days. At that time, Grandpa will make a decision! Tianhao will not force the clansmen to do it." The decision can make them think about whether they want to stay or go with Tianhao."

(End of this chapter)

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