The strongest fury system

Chapter 1319 Haotian Tower

Chapter 1319 Haotian Tower

Little Hei is haunted.The warriors of the Heavenly Demon Clan couldn't catch Xiao Hei's figure at all.This made those warriors of the Heavenly Demon Clan feel terrified.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

The two heavenly demons didn't know what was going on, they just felt their necks go cold, then their heads moved, and blood arrows shot out into the sky.

Lante watched his subordinates being killed by Zhang Tianhao's pets one by one.Immediately became frustrated.A black saber appeared in his hand, and he looked at Zhang Tianhao with cold eyes.He said angrily, "Boy, I will capture you and cut off your flesh piece by piece."

Zhang Tianhao smiled disdainfully and said, "Really, then I'll see if you have such abilities."

"Arrogant, die to me!" Rand appeared in the sky directly above Zhang Tianhao like lightning, and slashed out with a knife.

This knife, like a mountain, crushed down on Zhang Tianhao's body with a destructive momentum.

"Heart-piercing Destruction Fist!"

Zhang Tianhao smiled coldly.He punched out with one punch.

This punch carries the profound meaning of nirvana.The billowing torrent blasted the void in front of me layer by layer.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

Lante's knife was immediately scattered by Zhang Tianhao.A powerful shock wave sent him flying.

"Heavenly Demon Evil Sword Slash!"

A black knife shadow crisscrossed the void.Instantly covered the sky directly above Zhang Tianhao.This knife is extremely evil, and the place where it passes is a piece of scorched earth.The towering trees were reduced to ashes, and the earth was turned into scorched earth.

Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed, and he murmured: "It's such an evil knife, let me experience it!"


Zhang Tianhao's Shura saber was out of its sheath, and the lingering saber energy locked onto Rand.

"Three swords to seal the devil!"

"Infatuation knife!"

"Ruthless knife!"

"The Heartless Knife!"

The vertical and horizontal knife shadows smashed out, and they shot down towards Lante's body layer by layer.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, use the 'Three Swords of Sealing Demons' to trigger the seal attribute!" The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed immediately, damn it, this is Rand's bad luck.Just now, the first move triggered the Three Swords of Sealing Demons.But Zhang Tianhao was not too surprised.After all, the chance of triggering the Three Swords of Sealing Demons is quite high.

Lante was a little surprised at once, because he suddenly found a violent power pouring into his body, and then half of the power in his body was sealed.

"What's going on here?" Lante was extremely surprised.

"The ten directions are extinct!"

Zhang Tianhao ran out with a single blow.With a brilliant light of death, this knife blasted down towards Lante's body.

"Do not……"

Lante slashed at Zhang Tianhao desperately, and the two knives collided fiercely in the void.

"Bang!" A sound.

Lant's knife was defeated immediately, and Zhang Tianhao slashed at Lant's body fiercely.Rand let out a scream, and flew back upside down like a kite with a broken string.It hit the ground hard.

Zhang Tianhao followed like a shadow.Landed beside Rand, looked at him and said mockingly: "What about now, aren't you going to kill me? Now I'm standing here, let you kill me!"

Lante looked at Zhang Tianhao and shouted: "I advise you to let me go, otherwise, General, I won't let you go."

Zhang Tianhao said disdainfully to Lante: "Hehe, do you think I'm afraid of you, General Lao Shizi? Even if he doesn't come to me, I will go to him."

Lante looked at Zhang Tianhao and said tauntingly: "Boy, you are really watching the sky from a well. Do you think that if you defeat me, you are the general's opponent? Hehe, let me tell you, you are dreaming."

"Yes, I will tell you if you are dreaming!"

Zhang Tianhao smiled coldly.Take out the Haotian Tower.

Although Haotian Tower is sealed and cannot be used, it still has the most basic functions.For example, you can lock people up.Those who will be subdued can be imprisoned in the Haotian Tower.According to what the system said, unless the host agrees with the person imprisoned in the Haotian Tower, even the Valkyrie, or the person who surpassed the Valkyrie, it is impossible to escape.The horror of this Haotian Tower can be seen from this.

"Give me in!"

The Haotian Tower in Zhang Tianhao's hand began to rise in the wind, becoming tens of hundreds of meters high.A terrifying attraction erupted from the lower end of the Haotian Tower and acted on Rand.


Lander looked at the huge black hole under the Haotian Tower, and was terrified. He looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "What is this, what is this?"

"What is this, you will know when you go in. Hahaha..." Zhang Tianhao smiled coldly.

After Lante entered the Haotian Tower, he found that there was endless darkness all around, and there was nothing.No one, no sound, dead silence...

"Close the little black room! I will let you know how I cut off the general of your Heavenly Demon Clan." Zhang Tianhao sneered.

"No... please, let me out! No... kill me!"

Rand wanted to die, but he was horrified to find that in this place, he couldn't die even if he wanted to.

Zhang Tianhao didn't speak any more, apparently he had already left.

"Boss, this time I killed one more than Xiaolong..." Xiao Hei flew over, appeared on Zhang Tianhao's shoulder, and asked him for credit.

Xiaolong was a little dejected, and he was very dissatisfied with Zhang Tianhao and said: "Boss, this little black is playing tricks. It was originally agreed that we and the boss will have a [-]/[-] split. Unexpectedly, after it finished killing itself, it even robbed the boss's side." .”

Xiao Hei said disdainfully to Xiao Long: "You are stupid, don't you see that the boss is inseparable from the most powerful one, so naturally you can't miss the opportunity. Anyway, I am stronger than you."

Xiaolong snorted coldly and said, "Anyway, you are cheating, it doesn't count."

"Okay, okay, you guys did a good job today. Originally, you were asked to solve ten, but I didn't expect you to solve more than twenty, making progress... Boss, I will reward you with barbecue today." Zhang Tianhao didn't want to listen to two small The guy continued to quarrel, then said.

"Really, that's great."

Xiao Hei and Xiao Long immediately salivated and looked at Zhang Tianhao eagerly.The ration that the two little guys are most looking forward to now is not some magic baby, but Zhang Tianhao's barbecue.

Zhang Tianhao smiled and cursed at the two little guys: "Since this is the case, why don't you go find the prey for me right away, do you want me to go find the prey myself?"

Xiao Hei and Xiao Long flew away as if waking up from a dream.

In the evening, Zhang Tianhao and the two little guys had a delicious meal.

After getting rid of the obstacles of the Heavenly Demon Race, Zhang Tianhao's goal at this moment is to find the cracks in the space barrier.It's just that although I know that I'm in the Qinglong Mountain generation, it's not so easy to find the cracks in the space barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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