The strongest fury system

Chapter 1324 Demon Insect Army

Chapter 1324 Demon Insect Army
A day later, Zhang Tianhao got the news.The army of demonic insects from the Sky Demon Clan was marching towards the location of Hao Xianzong, which greatly surprised Zhang Tianhao.This time, the Sky Demons seem to be preparing to destroy Haoxianzong with all their strength.

"Hao'er, why did the Heavenly Demons attack Haoxianzong?" Zhang Yaobang was also puzzled after hearing the news.

Zhang Tianhao said to Zhang Yaobang: "Grandpa, this time the Heavenly Demon Clan may want to wipe out Haoxianzong, the most powerful sect in the Northern Territory, so that the resistance forces in the Northern Territory will eventually become a mess, and they will not be able to form an effective force." resistance."

Zhang Yaobang nodded slightly, and asked Zhang Tianhao: "But why did the Heavenly Demons suddenly attack the Haoxianzong this time, but they didn't do so before?"

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, and said: "Maybe it's because of Hao'er! These people from the Sky Demon Race knew that Hao'er came back from the Imperial Domain, and they were worried that Hao'er would stop their plan, so this time they launched an attack on Hao Xianzong. It also makes it impossible for people in the Northern Territory to organize effective resistance."

"So that's how it is." Zhang Yaobang thought for a while, and found that what his grandson said made sense.

"Haotian, this time the Haoxianzong suffered a catastrophe, you must rush back to support, anyway, Haoxianzong is also the place to train you, you can't ignore it." Zhang Yaobang said seriously to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, and said seriously to Zhang Yaobang: "Grandpa, Hao'er knows, Hao'er will rush back to Haoxianzong immediately."

After saying goodbye to his grandfather, Zhang Tianhao immediately set off and rushed to Haoxianzong.

The portal of transmission only has three coordinates for fixed-point teleportation, so it is impossible to use the portal of transmission to go to Haoxianzong.The teleportation of the teleportation ring is also limited.It is also unrealistic to transfer from Vaxi Kingdom to Haoxianzong.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao could only fly to Haoxianzong by flying.

Zhang Tianhao's speed was the fastest, so after he took the four daughters into his magic treasure, he rushed to Haoxianzong in a hurry.

This time, the Heavenly Demon Race can be said to be menacing.Almost all out.Thousands of monster insects rushed towards Haoxianzong in a mighty way.Not to be outdone, Haoxianzong also asked all the families, clans, and colleges in the Northern Territory for support.

The current Haoxianzong is the biggest force in the Northern Territory.There are still many people who understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.Therefore, all major powers sent masters to Haoxianzong.

It's just that this time the Heavenly Demons sent too many monsters.All the way to attack invincible.Wherever it goes, it becomes scorched earth.Some cities and villages were devoured under the army of these monsters.

Although the disciples of Haoxianzong also organized resistance.But in the face of these monster army, these resistances are just a drop in the bucket.

Gradually, these army of monster insects approached the hinterland of Haoxianzong.The closer to Haoxianzong, the stronger the resistance.

Ge Lang, the general of the Demon Pioneer Battalion, is levitating in the void with a hundred demon masters.Watching the mighty army of devil insects attacking Haoxianzong.

"General, this time, we will definitely destroy the Haoxianzong." Jones smiled at Ge Lang.

Ge Lang also smiled proudly, and smiled slightly at Jones: "Jones, you did a good job this time. If you can successfully destroy the Haoxianzong, I will credit you with credit."

"Thank you General for cultivating it."

Jones was overjoyed.

At the same time, Hao Xianzong

At this moment, the top leaders of Haoxianzong are gathered in the Suzerain Hall

"This time, the Heavenly Demons are coming very aggressively, what's everyone's plan?" Tu Zhan, the patriarch of Haoxianzong, looked solemn.

"Tu Zhan, the only thing to do is fight. There is no other way. This battle is related to the life and death of the Northern Territory. There is no way for us to retreat."

The only one who can speak in this tone is Guo Wei, the Grand Elder of Haoxianzong.

Tu Zhan nodded slightly and said, "Yes! Just how to fight and how to fight is also a big problem. Although we have asked for help from the major forces in the Northern Territory, it is not certain how much energy they will use."

Shen Bo smiled coldly: "If someone dares not to work hard this time, wait for our Haoxianzong to wait for this time, and then settle accounts with them."

"Well, that's it." Xiao Kuang also nodded and followed suit.

"Since everyone supports the fight to the death, we must call back all the disciples of our Haoxianzong now." Tu Zhan said.

After Haoxianzong's suzerain order was issued.All the disciples of the Haoxianzong in the Northern Territory put down their work and rushed back to the Haoxianzong.

And the new top ten sects almost all came out to rescue Haoxianzong quickly.

There is still a long distance between Vaxi Kingdom and Haoxianzong. Although Zhang Tianhao travels day and night at the fastest speed, it still takes a while to arrive.And the fighters from Haoxianzong and other major sects have been fighting for several days with the demonic insects from the Heavenly Demon Sect.Human fighters were almost crushed and beaten.Every monster has the strength of the Martial King Realm, and the giant worm has the strength above the high level of Wu Zong.

In this battle, there was a lot of pressure on the human fighters from the beginning.In the beginning, the warriors of Haoxianzong fought and retreated.It was only when reinforcements arrived from various places that things improved.But overall it is still at a huge disadvantage.Thousands of demonic insects are equivalent to thousands of warriors in the Martial King Realm. This is definitely a nightmare for any force.

The human fighters retreated again and again, and finally, the army of monster insects approached Haoxian City.At this moment, Haoxian City has gathered almost all the power of Haoxianzong.

On the city, Tu Zhan, the patriarch of the Haoxianzong, Xiao Kuang, the master of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Haoxianzong, Shen Bo, the deputy hallmaster, and Guo Wei, the grand elder, led the masters of the Haoxianzong to defend against the last front line of the Haoxianzong. .

"Sovereign, this is the last line of defense for our Haoxianzong, there is no room for loss." Guo Wei said seriously to Tu Zhan.

"Well, I think so too. I don't know where that guy Haotian is now. If he can't come back in time, this battle is really hanging in the balance." Tu Zhan said helplessly.

Guo Wei shook his head and said, "We can't put all our hopes on him, we must cheer ourselves up."

Xiao Kuang said: "What we are facing now are not only these devil insects, but the manipulators behind these devil insects. Moreover, these devil insects are terrifying, they can eat the flesh and blood of human fighters to strengthen themselves, which is equal to what we are facing now. The demonic insects will become more and more powerful, so I suggest that we should exterminate these demonic insects in one go."

"Master Xiao, your suggestion is good, but it's not practical. The warriors of our Clear Immortal School alone are absolutely no match for these demonic insects. And it is impossible for other warriors who assist us to obey our Clear Immortal School's command." Tu Zhan said helplessly.

At this moment, thousands of devil insects attacked Haoxian City for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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