The strongest fury system

Chapter 1332 The Scary Monkey King

Chapter 1332 The Scary Monkey King
Next second

The sky and the earth are discolored, and the sun and the moon have no light.

It seems that the universe is shaking.

A long-haired monkey holding a Ruyi golden cudgel, wearing a golden crown and a golden armor appeared in the void.

"Sun Dasheng, kill him!"

"Who are you?"

"My grandson is your grandpa! Eat my grandson!"

Monkey King smashed his stick at the huge magic projection.

This stick caused the void to vibrate.


The Demon Emperor also pressed down with a palm.This palm was even more terrifying than the previous palm that hit Zhang Tianhao.

"Bold, kill me!"

"Sweep the world with a stick!"


Monkey King's stick directly blasted out that palm.

"You hide your head and show your tail, let my old grandson kill you too!"

"Stick to destroy the sky!"

Monkey King swept out with a stick.The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the void shook.

"Boom!" sounded.

Under the stick of Monkey King.The phantom of the Demon Emperor was instantly wiped out.

"Damn it, the Demon Emperor will come back sooner or later, and I'll settle accounts with you." The Demon Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Clan, unwilling to suffer, roared angrily.

Look at the crack in the void that seems to be closing.The Great Sage Equaling Heaven roared angrily: "You are so brave, you dare to be arrogant in front of my grandson, my grandson, it depends on how capable you are."

Monkey King also seemed to be angered by this bastard who dared to yell at him.A stick hit the past.In an instant, the Ruyi golden cudgel rose tens of thousands of times in the wind.It directly hit the space crack.Started to wriggle.It prevented the closing of the space crack.

"Get me out!"

Monkey King shouted angrily while holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in one hand.

The Ruyi golden cudgel kept stirring, making the crack in the void tremble, and the endless space storm came out through the crack, raging around the sky.

Monkey King tore open the space rift with two hands, stepped into the space rift and disappeared.

Zhang Tianhao saw that Monkey King was gone just like that, he was speechless and added three levels.He secretly shouted: Monkey King, you are my idol!I haven't asked you for your autograph yet!
Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that the Monkey King was very tyrannical.At this moment, he chased the Demon Emperor to the Beginning God Realm, if he caused great damage there.Wouldn't his own experience value be exploding upwards!

Just when Zhang Tianhao thought of the beauty.The system poured cold water on him.

"Host, you are overthinking. The laws of the Beginning God Realm are not covered by the system. Therefore, even if Sun Dasheng kills the Demon Emperor there, you will not get any rewards." The system said mercilessly.

Zhang Tianhao suddenly froze.Speechless to the system, he said, "Isn't it because I'll go to Shishen Realm in the future, and I won't be able to benefit from killing monsters or demons?"

"Of course, no. If there is such a day, the system will remind the host to upgrade. As long as the system is upgraded, the laws of that world will be mastered. At that time, the host can get system rewards in that world." The system said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao couldn't help exhaling.If so, it's still pretty good.

The next moment, Monkey King appeared in Shishen Realm.The Demon Emperor, who was in the Demon Palace at this moment, was astonished.It seemed unexpected that this enemy could ignore the law of space barriers and descend directly on the sky above the Demon Palace of Shishen Realm.


Hundreds of warriors who are equivalent to the peak of the human martial arts state rushed towards the Monkey King.

"A group of ants dare to trouble my old grandson!"

"Death to my grandson!"

Monkey King roared angrily.The Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand swept out.

Those martial gods who had just approached the Monkey King were hit by his terrifying stick, and the powerful destructive force directly blasted the bodies of those warriors.

With each blow, more than ten Valkyrie were instantly killed.The magic power is mighty and murderous.

Monkey King's eyes turned blood red.

All the powers of the Beginning God Realm were silent.Feeling the terrifying aura of this demon monkey, they all trembled secretly.

Monkey King has golden eyes, and in the blink of an eye, he found the Demon Emperor.

"Devil Emperor, you die for my grandson!"

"Destroy the world with a stick!"

Monkey King swept out with a stick.It soared hundreds of thousands of times in an instant.This blow was like a mountain smashing down towards the Demon Emperor in the Demon Palace.

The entire Beginning God Realm felt the terrifying aura in the power of shutting down the light, and they left the level one after another, and they watched the location of the Demon Palace.Everyone was stunned at this moment, the Demon Emperor has the supreme status in Shishen Realm.Who dares to make a mistake here.

The Demon Emperor was also shocked that the Demon Monkey could ignore the laws of space barriers and descend directly to the Beginning God Realm, which was absolutely impossible for him.

"Despair Demon Knife! Kill me!"

The Demon Emperor instantly sacrificed a knife, and smashed it towards Monkey King's golden cudgel.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

An endless energy storm erupted from the center of the collision between the two. Although the Demon Palace was made of special materials, it couldn't withstand the collision of the two masters at this moment.It started to collapse down.

The Demon Emperor's magic knife was crushed by Monkey King's golden cudgel.The golden cudgel crushed down towards the Demon Emperor unstoppably.

In an instant, it hit the Demon Emperor's body.The Demon Emperor let out a scream, and was sent flying thousands of meters away by a golden cudgel from Monkey King, before hitting the ground hard.

"Give my grandson to death!"

Monkey King was about to finish off the Demon Emperor with a stick, when suddenly, an invisible suction force acted on him.

"I'll go, system, are you playing with me?"

Monkey King knew the time had come.Some regret.He had no choice but to give up the plan to send the Demon Emperor directly to the underworld.It was sucked into the space crack by a force.

In the next second, Monkey King's body reappeared directly above Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the Monkey King in front of him and said in surprise: "Sun Dasheng!"

Monkey King nodded slightly at Zhang Tianhao, and said very satisfied: "Host, I hope you will give my old grandson a little more time next time. This opponent is not bad, but it's not enough!"

"Fuck, how strong is this Great Sage Equaling Heaven! In his eyes, this Demon Emperor is just passable?" Zhang Tianhao said heartily.

The Great Sage Monkey King looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Host, this time the Demon King was injured by my old grandson, and he probably won't cause trouble for you in the near future. Of course, if he makes trouble again next time, immediately Summon my grandson, my grandson can clean him up for you."

"Okay, host, my old grandson's time is up, let's go!"

After speaking, Monkey King stepped into the void crack and disappeared in front of Zhang Tianhao.

Looking at the disappearing figure of Monkey King, Zhang Tianhao murmured: "This Monkey King is indeed very strong! It's just that the time is too short, only 10 minutes, which is not enough at all."

In this regard, Zhang Tianhao has nothing to do, the urine nature of the system is like this.The stronger the character is summoned, the shorter the time it summons.If he summoned the leader of Tongtian, with the urine nature of the system, he wondered if he would give himself time to count in seconds. Think about it, this possibility is still very high.

(End of this chapter)

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