The strongest fury system

Chapter 1341 Flying Eagle Villa

Chapter 1341 Flying Eagle Villa
Sun Jie resentfully said to Zhang Tianhao: "I said that I couldn't see people because of the slap in the face, and I was ready to go on the road when I was going to restore my original handsome face."

Zhang Tianhao glared at Sun Jie fiercely, and cursed: "Fuck, why are you dragging me like this? I thought there was something to be notified about your City Lord's Mansion, so it turns out that you are the one pulling me?"

Sun Jie smiled and said: "I don't think I have any companions on the road? That's why I took you with me. From here to the capital of the Kate Empire, it will take more than [-] days even if it is a day and night. Don't you Do you need a companion?"

"Okay, okay, I really can't stand you. If I want to find a partner, I'm also looking for a beautiful woman. Do you think I'll find you?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Sun Jie with some disdain.

Sun Jie said to Zhang Tianhao sadly: "Tianhao, if you say that, I will be sad..."

Zhang Tianhao: "..."

Zhang Tianhao turned to Yun Qiuyu, Ye Yunshang, and Liu Mengyao and said, "Stay here and wait for me to come back. This Donghua Villa will be handed over to you."

Gao Xinyu muttered to Zhang Tianhao, "Why don't you take us with you, are you going to have a good time?"

Zhang Tianhao smiled wryly at Gao Xinyu: "Xin Yu, you also know that I am not. Well, if you have any problems at home, you can go to Li Gui and Li Guang. If it doesn't work, you can also talk to Shen Xinru and Dugu Yu. The portal , there is another location that directly leads to the Shangguan family, if you have a really difficult problem, you can find my mother."

"Tianhao, we know, we will guard this house for you." Liu Mengyao said.

Zhang Tianhao took a deep look at the girls, and then said to Liu Jie and Li Jian, "You guys stay here for me well, but I hope that everyone will advance me to at least three small realms when I come back. Otherwise, there will be punishment."

"Boss, don't worry, when you come back, you will see a brand new me." Liu Jie said very firmly.

Li Jian, Shi Lei, Zhang Jianfeng and others also made their promises confidently.

After Zhang Tianhao explained everything, he left with Sun Jie.

Sun Jie said to Zhang Tianhao with admiration: "Tianhao, you are really awesome. How did you manage to serve so many women? Why don't I have so many confidante around me!"

"Of course, when I am distracted, you are distracted!" Zhang Tianhao said to Sun Jie.

Sun Jie was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he finally understood what Zhang Tianhao said.He smiled at him and said: "Hehe, Tianhao, what you said is a bit interesting, but I have to admit that what you said is a bit reasonable."

Zhang Tianhao and Sun Jie flew out of Lingxi City together.

But when it flew more than ten miles, Zhang Tianhao pulled Sun Jie to stop together.

"Tianhao, what's the matter, why did you stop?" Sun Jie looked at Zhang Tianhao in confusion.

Zhang Tianhao said to Sun Jie solemnly: "There is someone!"

"Someone, where? Why didn't I see it?" Sun Jie looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

Zhang Tianhao didn't answer, just said to the void: "Don't hide your head and show your tail, come out!"

"Hahahaha...Your Excellency is clever, you discovered us so quickly."

Along with the voice, more than a dozen warriors appeared.None of these dozens of warriors is weak, and each of them has at least half a step of Martial Emperor's cultivation.The leader is a man with eagle eyes and white hair, and even an emperor.

"Who are you?" Zhang Tianhao frowned.

Sun Jie looked at these people with some vigilance.

"We are from Flying Eagle Villa, this is 1000 million low-grade spar, please accept it!"

The white-haired man waved his hand, and a space ring was thrown into Zhang Tianhao's hand.

Zhang Tianhao grabbed the space ring.He raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't get paid for nothing, what do you mean?"

After hearing that the white-haired man was from Feiying Villa.Sun Jie's expression became serious.

"It's very simple, if you accept these crystals, you don't need to go to the imperial capital. The Xiaoyao Sect's assessment this time has nothing to do with you!" the white-haired man said as a matter of course.

"Oh, what do you mean by your Excellency, use these low-grade crystals to buy our qualifications to participate in the assessment?" Zhang Tianhao asked the white-haired man.

"That's right, it's impossible for you to advance anyway, so you might as well give up." The white-haired man said carelessly.

"Hahaha... You guys have a good idea!" Zhang Tianhao laughed out loud.

"Why, you don't agree?" The white-haired man froze.A murderous aura erupted from him.

Sun Jie next to him seemed to have some scruples, and quickly pulled Zhang Tianhao's hand.Then he said politely to the white-haired man: "This is still negotiable, please don't hurt your peace."

Sun Jie's words eased the expression of the white-haired warrior, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Your companion is quite sensible."

Zhang Tianhao casually threw the interspatial ring back and said, "Don't worry about it, I still have to go to the imperial capital this time."

"You dare to oppose our Flying Eagle Villa?" The white-haired man looked at Zhang Tianhao with cold eyes.

Zhang Tianhao teased and said with a smile: "I oppose you Feiying Villa, Jiejie, I don't even know if your Feiying Villa is a cat or a dog. How can you talk about opposing your Feiying Villa. Don't be so obsessive."

"To oppose us is to oppose Feiying Villa!" the white-haired man said viciously.

"So what if you oppose it. I'll give you a chance, get out immediately, otherwise... kill without mercy!"

A murderous aura erupted from Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Arrogance, boy, your decision today is the worst decision in your life, and you will regret it immediately."

The white-haired man gave a stern smile, and shouted to the subordinates beside him, "Kill me..."

Three half-step Martial Emperors rushed towards Zhang Tianhao together.The fierce attack swept across Zhang Tianhao's whole body.

"If you want to die, don't blame me."

Zhang Tianhao blasted out with three punches.These three punches were as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the three half-step Wudi.

There was no trick in this punch, Zhang Tianhao didn't even use his qi training skills, it was purely body training power.But Zhang Tianhao's current level of body training is the peak of the emperor.How could it be comparable to that of several Emperor Wu.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Zhang Tianhao's three fists bombarded the three half-step Martial Emperors without any tricks.

Three and a half steps, Emperor Wu's body was blasted away by a domineering force.Turned into a blood mist.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"

Three crisp system prompts sounded.


The white-haired man didn't seem to expect Zhang Tianhao to be so domineering.In just one face-to-face meeting, all three of my capable subordinates were |killed.

"Go together!"

The white-haired man glared fiercely at Zhang Tianhao and roared.

In an instant, except for the white-haired man, thirteen fighters from Flying Eagle Villa rushed towards Zhang Tianhao together.

(End of this chapter)

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